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Mr. President:
The Revenue and Taxation Committee reports a favorable recommendation on S.B. 106, MUNICIPAL BOND SECURED TRANSACTIONS, by Senator L. Hillyard, with the following amendment and recommends it be considered read for the second time and placed on the Consent Calendar.
1. Page 1, Line 15: Delete line 15 and insert:
"(b) "Governmental unit" means:
(i) the State of Utah;
(ii) any county, municipality, quasi-municipal corporation, political subdivision, school district, special district, building authority, or other governmental entity in Utah; or
(iii) any subdivision, agency, department, authority, instrumentality, or institution of the entities described in Subsections (1)(b)(i) or (ii) that are authorized to issue bonds."
Curtis S. Bramble
Committee Chair
Voting: 5-0-3
4 SB0106.SC1.wpd bhowe/BRH JLF/JQC 1/24/01 9:12 am
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