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February 6, 2001
Mr. President:
The Human Services Committee reports a favorable recommendation on S.B. 119, CHILD WELFARE RECORDS AMENDMENTS, by Senator L. Hillyard, with the following amendments:
1. Page 1, Line 26: After "Family Services" insert ", after an evidentiary hearing"
2. Page 4, Line 110: Delete the brackets and restore "Notwithstanding any other provision of law", and delete the rest of the line
3. Page 4, Line 111: Delete "62A-4a-116 and 62A-4a-412"
4. Page 4, Line 112: At the end of the line, delete the brackets and restore "to"
5. Page 4, Line 113: Delete "and will be used by the division as evidence in"
6. Page 4, Line 115: After "records." insert "The above disclosures are not required in the following circumstances:
(a) The division or other state or local public agency did not originally create the record being requested. In those circumstances, the person making the request under this section shall be informed of the following:
(i) the existence of all records in the possession of the division or any other state or local public agency;
(ii) the name and address of the person or agency that originally created the record; and
(iii) that he must seek access to the record from the person or agency that originally created the record.
(b) Disclosure of the record would jeopardize the life or physical safety of a child who has been a victim of child abuse or neglect, or any person who provided substitute care for the child.
(c) Disclosure of the record would jeopardize the anonymity of the person or persons making the initial report of abuse or neglect or any others involved in the subsequent investigation.
(d) Disclosure of the record would jeopardize the life or physical safety of a person who has been a victim of domestic violence."
John W. "Bill" Hickman
Committee Chair
Voting: 4-0-2
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