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        January 31, 2001

Mr. President:

    The Health and Environment Committee reports a favorable recommendation on
S.B. 121, ACCESS TO HEALTH CARE AND COVERAGE TASK FORCE, by Senator P. Knudson with the following amendments:
1.    Page 1, Line 20:     After "Health" insert ", or his designee"

4.    Page 2, Line 37:     After "improving" insert "access to"

5.    Page 2, Lines 43 through 45:                                 delete lines 43 through 45 and renumber subsections           accordingly

4.    Page 3, Line 62:     After "(2)" insert " In reviewing and making its recommendations, the task force shall receive input from stake holders in the health care system."


        Peter C. Knudson
        Committee Chair

Voting: 3-0-2
3 SB0121.SC1.wpd nwoodhead/JBA CJD/MDA 1/31/01 10:03 am

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