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         February 21, 2001

Mr. President:

    The Health and Environment Committee recommends S.B. 206, TASK FORCE ON IMPLEMENTATION OF WATER FLUORIDATION, by Senator L.S. Poulton, be replaced and favorably recommends 1st Sub. S.B. 206, TASK FORCE ON IMPLEMENTATION OF WATER FLUORIDATION with the following amendments:

1.    Page 1, Line 11:    After "force." insert "The act clarifies the effect of the task force on counties and local health departments."

2.    Page 3, Lines 65-66:    Delete lines 65-66

3.    Page 3, Line 67:    Delete "(k)" and insert "(j)"

4.    Page 3, Line 70:    Delete "(l)" and insert "(k)"

5.    Page 3, Line 73:    After "(h)," insert "and"

6.    Page 3, Line 73:    After "(i)" delete ", and (j)"

7.    Page 3, Line 84:    After line 84 insert:
        "Section 4. Effect on counties and local health departments.
        "Notwithstanding any other provision of this act, counties and local health departments which are required by Subsection 19-4-111(2) to fluoridate public water supplies may proceed with the process of

fluoridation before the task force makes any report or recommendation."

8.    Page 3, Line 85:    Delete "4" and insert "5"


        Peter C. Knudson
        Committee Chair

Voting: 3-0-2
5 SB0206.SC1.wpd nwoodhead/JBA KMW/ALH 2/22/01 9:04 am

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