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        February 19, 2001

Mr. President:

    The Quasi-Governmental Entities Committee reports a favorable recommendation on S.B. 265, SICK LEAVE AMENDMENTS, by Senator G. Davis, with the following amendments:
1.    Page 1, Line 21:    Reinstate "(i)"

2.    Page 1, Line 22:    Reinstate "(ii)" delete " (b) ", reinstate "the", reinstate "option", and delete " options "

3.    Page 1, Line 24:    Reinstate "(iii)" and delete " (c) "

4.    Page 1, Line 26:    Reinstate "(iv)" and delete " (d) "

5.    Page 1, Line 27:    Reinstate "(b) (i) (A)" and delete " (3) (a) "

6.    Page 2, Line 30:    Reinstate "(B)" and delete " (b) "

7.    Page 2, Line 31:    Reinstate "(b)(i)(A)" and delete " (3)(a) "

8.    Page 2, Line 34:    Reinstate "(ii)" and delete " (4) "

9.    Page 2, Line 35:    Delete " the earlier of: "

10.    Page 2, Line 36:    Delete " (a) when " and reinstate ", but this benefit may not exceed" and delete the semicolon

11.    Page 2, Line 37:    Delete line 37

12.    Page 2, Lines 38 and 39:    Delete " (b) ", reinstate "years' coverage" and delete " years ", and reinstate ", except as provided under Subsection (2)(c)"

13.    Page 2, Line 40:    Reinstate "(c) (i)" and delete " (5) (a) ", reinstate "whose" and delete " who has "

14.    Page 2, Line 41:    Reinstate "exceeds the 60 days maximum for five-year coverage under Subsection (2)(b),"

15.    Page 2, Line 42:    After "may" delete the colon

16.    Page 2, Line 43:    Delete " (i) "

17.    Page 2, Line 44:    Reinstate "above the 60"

18    Page 2, Line 45:    Reinstate "days" and reinstate ". If the employee has reached the age eligible for"

19.    Page 2, Line 46:    Reinstate "Medicare," and delete the semicolon

20.    Page 2, Line 47:    Delete " (ii) continue " and reinstate "may continue under this Subsection"

21.    Page 2, Line 48:    Reinstate "(2)(c)(i)", after "Medicare" reinstate the period, and delete " if the employee has "

22.    Page 2, Line 49:    Delete line 49

23.    Page 2, Lines 50 and 51:    Reinstate lines 50 and 51

24.    Page 2, Line 52:    Delete " (iii) "

25.    Page 2, Line 55:    Delete " (b) " and insert " (iii) " and delete " (5) " and insert " (2)(c)(i) "

26.    Page 2, Line 56:    Delete " (4) " and insert " (2)(b)(ii) "

27.    Page 2, Line 57:    Reinstate "(d)" and delete " (c) "

28.    Page 3, Line 59:    Reinstate "(3)" and delete " (6) "

29.    Page 3, Line 64:    Reinstate "Subsection (2)(b)" and delete " Subsections (3) and (4) "

30.    Page 3, Line 65:    Reinstate "Subsections (3)(a) and (b)" and delete " this Subsection "

31.    Page 3, Line 66:    Delete " (6) "


        Beverly Ann Evans
        Committee Chair

Voting: 4-0-1
3 SB0265.SC1.wpd snielsen/SES DSL/BNC 2/20/01 9:37 am

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