S.B. 139    Nonprofit Corporation Act Amendments -- Hillyard, L.

        Drafting Attorney: Keith M. Woodwell     Effective Date: 30 April 2001   Session Law Chapter: 127
Bill List | Bills by Representative, Senator, or Subject
Similar Bills: Business Corporations
Bill Status
    Last Action: 15 March 2001, Governor Signed
    Last Location: Lt. Governor's office for filing
    Bill Status  Last Updated: 27 March 2001, 7:45 AM

Bill Text
    Introduced HTML | PDF | WP Zipped 31K  Last Updated: 22 January 2001, 8:25 AM
    Enrolled HTML | PDF | WP Zipped 27K  Last Updated: 6 March 2001, 8:45 AM

Committee Reports
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    Senate # 1 HTML | PDF | WP Zipped

Fiscal Note
    Fiscal Note HTML | PDF Last Updated: 29 January 2001, 2:32 PM

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Last Revised: 27 March 2001, 7:47 AM