House Floor
Amendment 5 February 26, 2001 10:57 am
Representative David Cox proposes the following amendments:
1. Page 2, Lines 39-40: Delete lines 39 and 40
2. Pages 4-6, Lines 114-178: Delete lines 114 through line 178 on pages 4 through 6 and renumber subsequent sections accordingly.
3. Page 8, Line 220: After "
4. Page 10, Line 290: Delete " Professional Development Block Grant " and insert " Career ladder "
5. Page 20, Line 591: After "to" delete "professional development" and insert "teacher career ladders"
6. Page 20, Line 593: After " teacher " delete " professional "
7. Page 20, Line 594: Delete " development programs and teacher "
8. Page 20, Line 595: Delete " professional development policies and procedures, under Section 53A-3-701 and "
9. Page 20, Line 597: Remove the brackets and reinstate "(a)", delete " (2) ", and after "distribute the" delete " career ladder portion of the "
10. Page 20, Line 598: Reinstate the language on line 598
11. Page 20, Line 599: Remove the strikeout and bracket and reinstate "considerations for: "and delete the rest of line 599
12. Page 20, Line 600: Delete line 600
13. Page 20, Lines 601-607: Reinstate the language on lines 601 through 607
14. Page 20, Line 608: Remove the brackets and reinstate "(2)" and delete " (3) "
15. Page 21, Lines 619-622: Delete lines 619-622