1st Sub.
House Floor
Amendment 5 February 16, 2001 10:42 am
Representative Ralph Becker proposes the following amendments:
1. Page 2, Line 48: After "(2)" insert "(a)"
2. Page 2, Line 49: After line 49 insert
"(b) In developing and adopting an ADR procedure under Subsection (2)(a), an agency shall consider:
(i) public interest in maintaining open access to and neutrality of an ADR provider or neutral;
(ii) providing a broad selection of ADR providers or neutrals; and
(iii) creating objective criteria for an ADR provider or neutral to become qualified to conduct an agency ADR procedure."
3. Page 3, Lines 59-60: Delete "and who serves at the will of the parties"
4. Page 4, Line 89: Delete the colon
5. Page 4, Line 90: Delete "(a)" and delete "; and" and insert a period
6. Page 4, Line 91: Delete all of line 91