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First Substitute S.B. 2003
5 This act modifies statutory provisions governing United States Congressional districts. This
6 act eliminates current boundaries and establishes new boundaries. This act establishes
7 certain maps as the legal boundaries of Congressional districts. This act takes effect upon
8 a final, unappealable ruling by a court or upon certification from the Clerk of the United
9 States House of Representatives that Utah is entitled to a fourth Congressional seat. This act
10 provides a legislative intent statement and a coordination clause.
11 This act affects sections of Utah Code Annotated 1953 as follows:
13 20A-13-101, as enacted by Chapter 1, Laws of Utah 1995
14 This act enacts uncodified material.
15 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
16 Section 1. Section 20A-13-101 is repealed and reenacted to read:
17 20A-13-101. Representatives to the United States Congress -- Four representative
18 districts -- When elected -- District boundaries.
19 (1) (a) The state of Utah is divided into four districts for the election of representatives to
20 the Congress of the United States, with one member to be elected from each Congressional district.
21 (b) At the general election to be held in 2002, and biennially thereafter, one representative
22 from each Congressional district shall be elected to serve in the Congress of the United States.
23 (2) (a) The Legislature adopts the official census population figures and maps of the
24 Bureau of the Census of the United States Department of Commerce developed in connection with
25 the taking of the 2000 national decennial census as the official data for establishing Congressional
26 district boundaries.
27 (b) The numbers and boundaries of the Congressional districts are designated and
28 established by the maps attached to the bill that enacts this section.
29 Section 2. Intent statement.
30 It is the intent of the Legislature that:
31 (1) the four Congressional districts enacted in this S. B. 2003 replace, on the date that S.
32 B. 2003 takes effect, the three Congressional districts enacted in S. B. 2002, 2001 Second Special
33 Session; and
34 (2) if necessary, the governor convene the Legislature into a special session to resolve any
35 conflicts with statutory provisions governing the electoral process so that four Congressional
36 representatives can be elected in the 2002 regular general election.
37 Section 3. Contingent effective date.
38 This act takes effect when the Clerk of the United States House of Representatives certifies
39 to the state of Utah that it is entitled to four representatives in the United States House of
40 Representatives.
41 Section 4. Coordination clause.
42 If this bill takes effect, it is the intent of the Legislature that the Office of Legislative
43 Research and General Counsel update the Utah Code database to give effect to Section
44 20A-13-101 in this bill, which supersedes the provisions of Section 20A-13-101 contained in S.
45 B. 2002, 2001 Second Special Session.
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