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S.C.R. 201
6 Ron Allen
Gene Davis
Karen Hale
7 This concurrent resolution of the Legislature and the Governor recognizes the contributions
8 of Senator Pete Suazo to his community, to minorities in Utah, and to the entire state. The
9 resolution also honors his skill and tireless efforts as an advocate for his constituents and for
10 his commitment to the youth of Utah.
11 Be it resolved by the Legislature of the state of Utah, the Governor concurring therein:
12 WHEREAS, Senator Pete Suazo was born in Salt Lake City on June 4, 1951;
13 WHEREAS, Pete graduated from West High School in 1969 and received a Bachelor's
14 degree in Criminology/Corrections in 1973 and a Master's degree in Human Resource
15 Management/Economics in 1978, both from the University of Utah;
16 WHEREAS, Pete had the resources to move out of his neighborhood, but he committed
17 himself to better his community and ensure that the concerns of its residents were not overlooked
18 in the public process;
19 WHEREAS, Pete's early career with the Boys and Girls Clubs and the Salt Lake
20 Neighborhood Housing Services saw him often standing shoulder to shoulder with at-risk youths
21 who had been ordered by the courts to participate in work projects;
22 WHEREAS, Pete made these efforts because, next to his family, children were what
23 mattered most to him;
24 WHEREAS, Pete worked for Centro Civico Mexicano before joining the staff of Salt Lake
25 City Mayor, Palmer DePaulis;
26 WHEREAS, in the late 1980's Pete told his wife, "This Chicano boy is going to be a state
27 Senator;"
28 WHEREAS, in 1992 Pete was elected to the Utah House of Representatives;
29 WHEREAS, in 1996 Pete made good on his vow when he was elected to the Utah Senate;
30 WHEREAS, Pete soon became known as a tough but gentlemanly politician who
31 successfully balanced his passion for the causes he believed in with the ability to listen to those
32 who opposed him and work toward agreement;
33 WHEREAS, Pete never forgot his roots or his constituency, largely racial minorities and
34 working-class families;
35 WHEREAS, impeccable leadership skills gained him the respect of and credibility from
36 political colleagues, the media, and his constituency;
37 WHEREAS, his many successes include shepherding legislation to rename the state's
38 Human Rights Day for the Reverend Martin Luther King and working to get hate crimes legislation
39 passed in the Senate;
40 WHEREAS, Pete was a true role model for all but especially for youth and he devoted
41 special attention and demonstrated a unique commitment to helping them build toward a successful
42 future;
43 WHEREAS, Pete was intensely devoted to his family, loved the mountains, was a member
44 of the Utah Amateur Boxing Federation, was the first Utahn to achieve international status as an
45 amateur boxing official, and was an avid hunter, golfer, and fisherman;
46 WHEREAS, Pete was a heroic figure to the Hispanic community and to all Utahns who
47 work hard and strive to be fair;
48 WHEREAS, Pete may be remembered most for reaching out to all of Utah's ethnic and
49 religious communities, engendering hope throughout the diverse neighborhoods he called home;
50 WHEREAS, the causes for which Pete worked so tirelessly may have failed to connect with
51 the majority of Utahns, but his motive for pushing them was shared by many of those who fought
52 his efforts - he wanted a better Utah; and
53 WHEREAS, Pete grew up with little but had limitless aspirations, worked hard to get his
54 education, and as he chalked up many personal accomplishments he took care to pave the way for
55 others:
56 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Legislature of the state of Utah, the
57 Governor concurring therein, recognize and honor the contributions Senator Pete Suazo has made
58 to his community, to minorities throughout the state, to all the citizens of Utah, and to the Utah
59 Legislature.
60 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Legislature and the Governor recognize Senator
61 Pete Suazo's commitment to helping the youth of Utah prepare for the limitless opportunities that
62 await them.
63 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be presented to Senator Alicia
64 L. Suazo.
Legislative Review Note
as of 9-21-01 1:32 PM
A limited legal review of this legislation raises no obvious constitutional or statutory concerns.