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H.B. 187





Sponsor: Kory M. Holdaway

             5      This act modifies the Public Safety Code by amending provisions relating to driver licenses
             6      and identification cards. The act amends the prohibited uses of driver licenses and
             7      identification cards that are treated as class C misdemeanors.
             8      This act affects sections of Utah Code Annotated 1953 as follows:
             9      AMENDS:
             10          53-3-229, as last amended by Chapter 216, Laws of Utah 1999
             11          53-3-810, as renumbered and amended by Chapter 234, Laws of Utah 1993
             12      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             13          Section 1. Section 53-3-229 is amended to read:
             14           53-3-229. Prohibited uses of license certificate -- Penalty.
             15          (1) It is a class C misdemeanor for a person to:
             16          [(a) display, cause or permit to be displayed, or to have in possession any license certificate
             17      knowing it is fictitious or altered;]
             18          [(b)] (a) lend or knowingly permit the use of a license certificate issued to him, by a person
             19      not entitled to it;
             20          [(c)] (b) display or to represent as his own a license certificate not issued to him;
             21          [(d)] (c) refuse to surrender to the division or a peace officer upon demand any license
             22      certificate issued by the division;
             23          [(e)] (d) use a false name or give a false address in any application for a license or any
             24      renewal or duplicate of the license certificate, or to knowingly make a false statement, or to
             25      knowingly conceal a material fact or otherwise commit a fraud in the application;
             26          [(f)] (e) [permit any other prohibited use of a] alter the date of birth on any license
             27      certificate issued to him; or

             28          [(g)] (f) display a canceled, denied, revoked, suspended, or disqualified driver license
             29      certificate as a valid driver license certificate.
             30          (2) The provisions of Subsection (1)[(g)] (f) do not prohibit the use of a person's driver
             31      license certificate as a means of personal identification.
             32          Section 2. Section 53-3-810 is amended to read:
             33           53-3-810. Penalty -- Violations.
             34           h [ (1) ] h It is a class C misdemeanor to:
             35          [(1) give false information on an application for the purpose of procuring an identification
             36      card;]
             37          [(2) knowingly possess or have under one's control an altered or fictitious identification
             38      card;]
             39          [(3) alter any information or photograph contained on an identification card;]
             40          [(4) knowingly issue an adult identification card to any person younger than 21 years of
             41      age; or]
             42          [(5) violate this part.]
             43           h [ (a) ] (1) h lend or knowingly permit the use of an identification card issued to him, by a
             43a      person
             44      not entitled to it;
             45           h [ (b) ] (2) h display or to represent as his own an identification card not issued to him;
             46           h [ (c) ] (3) h refuse to surrender to the division or a peace officer upon demand any
             46a      identification
             47      card issued by the division;
             48           h [ (d) ] (4) h use a false name or give a false address in any application for an identification
             48a      card or
             49      any renewal or duplicate of the identification card, or to knowingly make a false statement, or to
             50      knowingly conceal a material fact in the application;
             51           h [ (e) ] (5) h alter the date of birth on any identification card issued to him;
             52           h [ (f) ] (6) h display a revoked identification card as a valid identification card; or
             53           h [ (g) ] (7) h knowingly issue an adult identification card to any person younger than 21 years
             53a      of age.
             54           h [ (2) The provisions of Subsection (1)(f) do not prohibit the use of a person's identification
             55      card as a means of personal identification.
] h

Legislative Review Note
    as of 12-17-01 8:22 AM

A limited legal review of this legislation raises no obvious constitutional or statutory concerns.

Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel

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