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Third Substitute H.B. 241

Representative Kevin S. Garn proposes the following substitute bill:





Sponsor: Kevin S. Garn

             6      This act modifies provisions related to Local Health Departments. The act removes the
             7      requirement that municipalities join with counties to create and maintain a local health
             8      department. The act requires county governments to create health departments to serve
             9      incorporated and unincorporated areas. The act permits contiguous counties to form a
             10      health department through an interlocal agreement. The act amends provisions related to
             11      the board and powers and duties of the local health department. The act amends provisions
             12      related to the costs of local health departments and the use of local health department funds.
             13      The act makes technical and clarifying amendments. The act requires local health
             14      departments to conform to new requirements by h [ December 31, 2002 ] June 30, 2003 h .
             15      This act affects sections of Utah Code Annotated 1953 as follows:
             16      AMENDS:
             17          10-7-3, as last amended by Chapter 9, Laws of Utah 2001
             18          17-50-313, as renumbered and amended by Chapter 133, Laws of Utah 2000
             19          19-6-803, as last amended by Chapter 165, Laws of Utah 2001
             20          26A-1-102, as last amended by Chapter 133, Laws of Utah 2000
             21          26A-1-103, as renumbered and amended by Chapter 269, Laws of Utah 1991
             22          26A-1-105, as renumbered and amended by Chapter 269, Laws of Utah 1991
             23          26A-1-106, as last amended by Chapter 133, Laws of Utah 2000
             24          26A-1-108, as renumbered and amended by Chapter 269, Laws of Utah 1991
             25          26A-1-109, as renumbered and amended by Chapter 269, Laws of Utah 1991

             26          26A-1-110, as renumbered and amended by Chapter 269, Laws of Utah 1991
             27          26A-1-111, as renumbered and amended by Chapter 269, Laws of Utah 1991
             28          26A-1-112, as last amended by Chapter 112 and renumbered and amended by Chapter 269,
             29      Laws of Utah 1991
             30          26A-1-113, as last amended by Chapter 112 and renumbered and amended by Chapter 269,
             31      Laws of Utah 1991
             32          26A-1-114, as last amended by Chapter 345, Laws of Utah 1998
             33          26A-1-115, as last amended by Chapter 318, Laws of Utah 2000
             34          26A-1-117, as last amended by Chapter 133, Laws of Utah 2000
             35          26A-1-118, as renumbered and amended by Chapter 269, Laws of Utah 1991
             36          26A-1-119, as last amended by Chapter 112 and renumbered and amended by Chapter 269,
             37      Laws of Utah 1991
             38          26A-1-120, as last amended by Chapter 38, Laws of Utah 1993
             39          26A-1-121, as last amended by Chapter 112 and renumbered and amended by Chapter 269,
             40      Laws of Utah 1991
             41          26A-1-122, as renumbered and amended by Chapter 269, Laws of Utah 1991
             42      ENACTS:
             43          26A-1-125, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             44      REPEALS:
             45          26A-1-104, as renumbered and amended by Chapter 269, Laws of Utah 1991
             46          26A-1-107, as enacted by Chapter 122 and renumbered and amended by Chapter 269,
             47      Laws of Utah 1991
             48      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             49          Section 1. Section 10-7-3 is amended to read:
             50           10-7-3. Joining with county to create and maintain local health department --
             51      Adoption of ordinances and regulations required.
             52          [(1) The governing body of every municipality shall join with the governing body of the
             53      county in which the municipality is located to create and maintain a local health department as
             54      provided in Title 26A, Chapter 1, Part 1, Local Health Department Act.]
             55          [(2)] Each municipality shall participate in and cooperate with the local health department
             56      operating in the county in which the municipality is located. The municipality shall cooperate

             57      with the board of health of the local health department in the adoption of ordinances necessary for
             58      the protection of public health [required in this title].
             59          Section 2. Section 17-50-313 is amended to read:
             60           17-50-313. Provisions for general health -- Creation of health department.
             61          Each county shall:
             62          (1) make provisions for the preservation of health in the county and pay the related
             63      expenses; and
             64          (2) [in cooperation with municipalities in the county,] create a local health department as
             65      provided in Title 26A, Chapter 1, Part 1, Local Health Department Act.
             66          Section 3. Section 19-6-803 is amended to read:
             67           19-6-803. Definitions.
             68          As used in this part:
             69          (1) "Abandoned waste tire pile" means a waste tire pile regarding which the local
             70      department of health has not been able to:
             71          (a) locate the persons responsible for the tire pile; or
             72          (b) cause the persons responsible for the tire pile to remove it.
             73          (2) (a) "Beneficial use" means the use of chipped tires in a manner that is not recycling,
             74      storage, or disposal, but that serves as a replacement for another product or material for specific
             75      purposes.
             76          (b) "Beneficial use" includes the use of chipped tires:
             77          (i) as daily landfill cover;
             78          (ii) for civil engineering purposes;
             79          (iii) as low-density, light-weight aggregate fill; or
             80          (iv) for septic or drain field construction.
             81          (c) "Beneficial use" does not include the use of waste tires or material derived from waste
             82      tires:
             83          (i) in the construction of fences; or
             84          (ii) as fill, other than low-density, light-weight aggregate fill.
             85          (3) "Board" means the Solid and Hazardous Waste Control Board created under Section
             86      19-1-106 .
             87          (4) "Chip" or "chipped tire" means a two inch square or smaller piece of a waste tire.

             88          (5) "Commission" means the Utah State Tax Commission.
             89          (6) (a) "Consumer" means a person who purchases a new tire to satisfy a direct need, rather
             90      than for resale.
             91          (b) "Consumer" includes a person who purchases a new tire for a motor vehicle to be
             92      rented or leased.
             93          (7) "Crumb rubber" means waste tires that have been ground, shredded, or otherwise
             94      reduced in size such that the particles are less than or equal to 3/8 inch in diameter and are 98%
             95      wire free by weight.
             96          (8) "Disposal" means the deposit, dumping, or permanent placement of any waste tire in
             97      or on any land or in any water in the state.
             98          (9) "Dispose of" means to deposit, dump, or permanently place any waste tire in or on any
             99      land or in any water in the state.
             100          (10) "Division" means the Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste created in Section
             101      19-1-105 , within the Department of Environmental Quality.
             102          (11) "Executive secretary" means the executive secretary of the Solid and Hazardous
             103      Waste Control Board created in Section 19-1-106 .
             104          (12) "Landfill waste tire pile" means a waste tire pile:
             105          (a) located within the permitted boundary of a landfill operated by a governmental entity;
             106      and
             107          (b) consisting solely of waste tires brought to a landfill for disposal and diverted from the
             108      landfill waste stream to the waste tire pile.
             109          (13) "Local health department" means the [city-county] local health department [or district
             110      health department], as defined in Section 26A-1-102 , with jurisdiction over the recycler.
             111          (14) "Materials derived from waste tires" means tire sections, tire chips, tire shreddings,
             112      rubber, steel, fabric, or other similar materials derived from waste tires.
             113          (15) "Mobile facility" means a mobile facility capable of cutting waste tires on site so the
             114      waste tires may be effectively disposed of by burial, such as in a landfill.
             115          (16) "New motor vehicle" means a motor vehicle which has never been titled or registered.
             116          (17) "Passenger tire equivalent" means a measure of mixed sizes of tires where each 25
             117      pounds of whole tires or material derived from waste tires is equal to one waste tire.
             118          (18) "Proceeds of the fee" means the money collected by the commission from payment

             119      of the recycling fee including interest and penalties on delinquent payments.
             120          (19) "Recycler" means a person who:
             121          (a) annually uses, or can reasonably be expected within the next year to use, a minimum
             122      of 100,000 waste tires generated in the state or 1,000 tons of waste tires generated in the state to
             123      recover energy or produce energy, crumb rubber, chipped tires, or an ultimate product; and
             124          (b) is registered as a recycler in accordance with Section 19-6-806 .
             125          (20) "Recycling fee" means the fee provided for in Section 19-6-805 .
             126          (21) "Shredded waste tires" means waste tires or material derived from waste tires that has
             127      been reduced to a six inch square or smaller.
             128          (22) (a) "Storage" means the placement of waste tires in a manner that does not constitute
             129      disposal of the waste tires.
             130          (b) "Storage" does not include:
             131          (i) the use of waste tires as ballast to maintain covers on agricultural materials or to
             132      maintain covers at a construction site; or
             133          (ii) the storage for five or fewer days of waste tires or material derived from waste tires
             134      that are to be recycled or applied to a beneficial use.
             135          (23) (a) "Store" means to place waste tires in a manner that does not constitute disposal
             136      of the waste tires.
             137          (b) "Store" does not include:
             138          (i) to use waste tires as ballast to maintain covers on agricultural materials or to maintain
             139      covers at a construction site; or
             140          (ii) to store for five or fewer days waste tires or material derived from waste tires that are
             141      to be recycled or applied to a beneficial use.
             142          (24) "Tire" means a pneumatic rubber covering designed to encircle the wheel of a vehicle
             143      in which a person or property is or may be transported or drawn upon a highway.
             144          (25) "Tire retailer" means any person engaged in the business of selling new tires either
             145      as replacement tires or as part of a new vehicle sale.
             146          (26) "Trust fund" means the Waste Tire Recycling Expendable Trust Fund provided for
             147      in Section 19-6-807 .
             148          (27) (a) "Ultimate product" means a product that has as a component materials derived
             149      from waste tires and that the executive secretary finds has a demonstrated market.

             150          (b) "Ultimate product" includes pyrolized materials derived from:
             151          (i) waste tires; or
             152          (ii) chipped tires.
             153          (c) "Ultimate product" does not include a product regarding which a waste tire remains
             154      after the product is disposed of or disassembled.
             155          (28) "Waste tire" means a tire that is no longer suitable for its original intended purpose
             156      because of wear, damage, or defect.
             157          (29) "Waste tire pile" means a pile of 1,000 or more waste tires at one location.
             158          (30) (a) "Waste tire transporter" means a person or entity engaged in picking up or
             159      transporting at one time more than ten whole waste tires, or the equivalent amount of material
             160      derived from waste tires, generated in Utah for the purpose of storage, processing, or disposal.
             161          (b) "Waste tire transporter" includes any person engaged in the business of collecting,
             162      hauling, or transporting waste tires or who performs these functions for another person, except as
             163      provided in Subsection (30)(c).
             164          (c) "Waste tire transporter" does not include:
             165          (i) a person transporting waste tires generated solely by:
             166          (A) that person's personal vehicles;
             167          (B) a commercial vehicle fleet owned or operated by that person or that person's employer;
             168          (C) vehicles sold, leased, or purchased by a motor vehicle dealership owned or operated
             169      by that person or that person's employer; or
             170          (D) a retail tire business owned or operated by that person or that person's employer;
             171          (ii) a solid waste collector operating under a license issued by a unit of local government
             172      as defined in Section 63-51-2 , or a local health department;
             173          (iii) a recycler of waste tires;
             174          (iv) a person transporting tires by rail as a common carrier subject to federal regulation; or
             175          (v) a person transporting processed or chipped tires.
             176          Section 4. Section 26A-1-102 is amended to read:
             177           26A-1-102. Definitions.
             178          As used in this part:
             179          (1) "Board" means a local board of health established under Section 26A-1-109 .
             180          [(4) "Local] (2) "County governing body" means [any local unit of] one of the types of

             181      county government [required to establish a local health department by Section 10-7-3 or
             182      17-50-313 ] provided for in Title 17, Chapter 52, Part 5, Forms of County Government.
             183          [(2) ] (3) "[City-county] County health department" means a local health department that
             184      serves a county and municipalities located within that county.
             185          [(3) ] (4) "Department" means the Department of Health created in Title 26, Chapter 1.
             186          (5) "Local health department" means a [city-county] county or multicounty local health
             187      department established under this part.
             188          (6) "Multicounty local health department" means a local health department that serves two
             189      or more contiguous counties and municipalities within those counties.
             190          Section 5. Section 26A-1-103 is amended to read:
             191           26A-1-103. County health departments.
             192          The governing body of each county shall create and maintain a local health department
             193      which includes and serves all incorporated and unincorporated areas in the county.
             194          Section 6. Section 26A-1-105 is amended to read:
             195           26A-1-105. Multicounty local health departments.
             196          (1) Two or more contiguous counties may unite to create and maintain a local health
             197      department by executing an agreement pursuant to the provisions of Title 11, Chapter 13, Utah
             198      Interlocal Cooperation Act.
             199          (2) Any municipalities within counties comprising a [multi-county] multicounty local
             200      health department shall be [included in] served by the [multi-county] multicounty local health
             201      department [by agreement between the governing bodies of the municipalities and the governing
             202      bodies of the counties comprising the multi-county local health department].
             203          Section 7. Section 26A-1-106 is amended to read:
             204           26A-1-106. Assistance in establishing local departments -- Monitoring and standards
             205      of performance -- Responsibilities.
             206          (1) (a) By request of [local] county governing bodies, the department may assist in the
             207      establishment of a local health department [under Sections 10-7-3 and 17-50-313 ].
             208          (b) The department shall monitor the effort of the local health department to protect and
             209      promote the health of the public.
             210          (c) The department shall establish by rule minimum performance standards for basic
             211      programs of public health administration, personal health, laboratory services, health resources,

             212      and other preventive health programs not in conflict with state law as it finds necessary or
             213      desirable for the protection of the public health.
             214          (d) The department may by contract provide:
             215          (i) funds to assist a local health department if local resources are inadequate; and [may
             216      provide]
             217          (ii) assistance to achieve the purposes of this part.
             218          (2) Regulations or standards relating to public health or environmental health services
             219      adopted or established by a local health department may not be less restrictive than department
             220      rules.
             221          (3) Local health departments are responsible within their boundaries for providing, directly
             222      or indirectly, basic public health services that include:
             223          (a) public health administration and support services;
             224          (b) maternal and child health;
             225          (c) communicable disease control, surveillance, and epidemiology;
             226          (d) food protection;
             227          (e) solid waste management;
             228          (f) waste water management; and
             229          (g) safe drinking water management.
             230          (4) The Department of Environmental Quality shall establish by rule minimum
             231      performance standards, including standards for inspection and enforcement, for basic programs
             232      of environmental health, not inconsistent with law, as necessary or desirable for the protection of
             233      public health.
             234          Section 8. Section 26A-1-108 is amended to read:
             235           26A-1-108. Jurisdiction and duties of local departments.
             236          A local health department has jurisdiction in all unincorporated and incorporated areas of
             237      the county or counties in which it is established and shall enforce state health laws, S [ and
             238      department
and local
             238a      health department rules, regulations, and standards within those areas.
             239          Section 9. Section 26A-1-109 is amended to read:
             240           26A-1-109. Local boards of health -- Membership -- Organization -- Meetings.
             241          (1) A local health department shall have a board of health with at least three members.
             242          (a) (i) Board members shall be appointed pursuant to county ordinance or interlocal

             243      agreement by the [local governing bodies and shall consist of at least five persons] counties
             244      creating the local health department.
             245          (ii) The board may include representatives from the municipalities included within the area
             246      served by the local health department.
             247          (b) The board shall be nonpartisan.
             248          (c) An employee of the local health department may not be a board member.
             249          (2) (a) As possible, of the initial board:
             250          (i) [one-fifth] 1/3 shall serve a term of one year;
             251          (ii) [one-fifth] 1/3 shall serve a term of two years; and
             252          (iii) [one-fifth] 1/3 shall serve a term of three years[;].
             253          [(iv) one-fifth shall serve a term of four years; and]
             254          [(v) one-fifth shall serve a term of five years.]
             255          (b) All subsequent appointments shall be for terms of [five] three years and shall be made,
             256      as possible, so [one-fifth] 1/3 of the terms of office of those serving on the board expire each year.
             257      Members appointed to fill vacancies shall hold office until expiration of the terms of their
             258      predecessors.
             259          (c) Board members may be removed by the appointing county for cause prior to the
             260      expiration of the member's term. Any board member removed pursuant to this Subsection (2) may
             261      request and receive a hearing before the county legislative body prior to the effective date of the
             262      removal.
             263          (3) (a) All members of the board shall reside within the boundaries of the area served by
             264      the local health department.
             265          (b) A majority of the members may not:
             266          (i) be primarily engaged in providing health care to individuals or in the administration of
             267      facilities or institutions in which health care is provided;
             268          (ii) hold a fiduciary position or have a fiduciary interest in any entity involved in the
             269      provision of health care; and
             270          (iii) receive either directly or through a spouse more than [one-tenth] 1/10 of the member's
             271      gross income from any entity or activity relating to health care; and
             272          (iv) be members of one type of business or profession.
             273          (4) (a) The board shall at its organizational meeting elect from its members a chairman and

             274      a vice-chairman and secretary.
             275          (b) The health officer of the local health department appointed pursuant to Section
             276      26A-1-110 may serve as secretary to the board.
             277          (5) (a) (i) Regular meetings of the board shall be held not less than once every three
             278      months.
             279          (ii) Special meetings may be called by the chairman, the health officer, or a majority of the
             280      members at any time on three days' notice by mail, or in case of emergency, as soon as possible
             281      after the members of the board have been notified.
             282          (b) A board may adopt and amend bylaws for the transaction of its business. A majority
             283      of the board members constitute a quorum.
             284          (c) Members serve without compensation, but shall be reimbursed for actual and necessary
             285      traveling and subsistence expenses when absent from their place of residence in attendance at
             286      authorized meetings.
             287          (d) All meetings are presumed to have been called and held in accordance with this section
             288      and all orders and proceedings are presumed to be authorized unless the contrary is proved.
             289          (6) The board shall annually report the operations of the local health department and the
             290      board to the local governing bodies [contributing funds to] of the municipalities and counties
             291      served by the local health department.
             292          (7) The board shall annually send a copy of the local health department's approved budget
             293      to the department and all local governing bodies [that contribute funds to] of the municipalities and
             294      counties served by the local health department. The report shall be submitted no later than 30 days
             295      after the beginning of the local health department's fiscal year.
             296          (8) The board shall determine the general public health policies to be followed in
             297      administration of the local health department and may adopt and enforce public health rules,
             298      regulations, and standards necessary to implement the board's public health policies. The board
             299      shall adopt written procedures to carry out the provisions of this section.
             300          Section 10. Section 26A-1-110 is amended to read:
             301           26A-1-110. Local health officer -- Powers and duties -- Vacancy.
             302          (1) The board shall appoint a local health officer and determine the officer's
             303      compensation[,]:
             304          (a) subject to ratification by the [local governing bodies that contribute funds to the local

             305      health department.] county executive of the county or counties in the local health department; and
             306          [(2) The board shall determine the general policies to be followed in administration of the
             307      local health department. The board shall adopt written procedures to carry out the provisions of
             308      this section.]
             309          (b) as provided by:
             310          (i) ordinance adopted by a county creating a county health department; or
             311          (ii) the interlocal agreement pursuant to which a multicounty health department is created.
             312          [(3)] (2) The local health officer shall:
             313          (a) have the qualifications of training and experience for that office equivalent to those
             314      approved by the department for local health officers;
             315          (b) be the administrative and executive officer of the local health department and devote
             316      full time to the duties of the office;
             317          (c) if provisions have been made with the department, act as the local registrar of vital
             318      statistics within the local health department's boundaries without additional compensation or
             319      payment of fees provided by law;
             320          (d) (i) prior to the beginning of each fiscal year, prepare an annual budget approved by the
             321      board and present it [to the board for approval prior to the beginning of each fiscal year unless an
             322      extension is approved by the board; and]:
             323          (A) to the county legislative body if the local health department is a county health
             324      department; or
             325          (B) to the entity designated in the interlocal agreement creating the local health department
             326      if the local health department is a multicounty health department;
             327          (ii) obtain final approval of the annual budget from the governing bodies designated in
             328      Subsection (d)(i)(A) or (B) after the governing body either:
             329          (A) reviews and approves the budget; or
             330          (B) amends and approves the budget; and
             331          (e) prepare an annual report and provide it to the department and all S [ local ] s [governing
             332      bodies contributing funds to] S [ municipalities and ] s counties in the local health department.
             333          [(4)] (3) The report under Subsection [(3)] (2)(e) shall contain a copy of the independent
             334      financial audit required under Section 26A-1-115 , a description of the population served by the
             335      local health department, and other information as requested [and approved] by the board or the

             336      county or counties creating the local health department.
             337          [(5)] (4) In the absence or disability of the local health officer, or if there is a vacancy in
             338      that office, the board shall appoint an acting health officer for a temporary period not to exceed one
             339      year. The appointment shall be ratified by the county executive of the county or counties in the
             340      local health department.
             341          Section 11. Section 26A-1-111 is amended to read:
             342           26A-1-111. Removal of local health officer.
             343          (1) The [board may remove the] local health officer may be removed for cause[.] in
             344      accordance with this section by:
             345          (a) the board; or
             346          (b) a majority of the counties in the local health department if the county executives
             347      rescind, or withdraw, in writing the ratification of the local health officer.
             348          (2) (a) A hearing shall be granted, if requested by the local health officer, prior to removal
             349      of the local health officer.
             350          (b) If a hearing is requested, it shall be conducted by a five member panel with:
             351          (i) two elected members from the county or counties in the local health department,
             352      selected by the county executives;
             353          (ii) two members of the board of the local health department who are not elected officials
             354      of the counties in the local health department, selected by the board; and
             355          (iii) one member selected by the members appointed under Subsections (2)(b)(i) and (ii),
             356      however, the member appointed under this subsection may not be an elected official of the
             357      counties in the local health department and may not be a member of the board of the local health
             358      department.
             359          (c) (i) The hearing panel shall report its decision regarding termination to the board and
             360      to the counties in the local health department.
             361          (ii) The counties and board receiving the report shall vote on whether to retain or terminate
             362      the local health officer.
             363          (iii) The health officer is terminated if:
             364          (A) the board votes to terminate; or
             365          (B) a majority of the counties in the local health department vote to terminate.
             366          Section 12. Section 26A-1-112 is amended to read:

             367           26A-1-112. Appointment of personnel.
             368          (1) All local health department personnel shall be hired by the local health officer or his
             369      designee in accordance with the merit system, personnel policies [of the local health department],
             370      and compensation plans approved by the board and ratified pursuant to Subsection (2). The
             371      personnel shall have qualifications for their positions equivalent to those approved for comparable
             372      positions in the Departments of Health and Environmental Quality.
             373          [(2) A personnel compensation plan shall be approved by the board. ]
             374          [(3) (a) Local health departments shall develop personnel policies based on a merit system
             375      and shall submit the policies to the board for approval. ]
             376          [(b) If the board does not approve the policies, the board may adopt the personnel policies
             377      of the county in which the local health department headquarters are located. ]
             378          (2) The merit system, personnel policies, and compensation plans approved under
             379      Subsection (1) must be ratified by all the counties participating in the local health department.
             380          [(4)] (3) Subject to the local merit system, employees of the local health department may
             381      be removed by the local health officer for cause. A hearing [by the board] shall be granted if
             382      requested by the employee.
             383          Section 13. Section 26A-1-113 is amended to read:
             384           26A-1-113. Right of entry to regulated premises by representatives for inspection.
             385          (1) Upon presenting proper identification, authorized representatives of local health
             386      departments may enter upon the premises of properties regulated by local health departments to
             387      perform routine inspections to insure compliance with rules, standards, regulations, and ordinances
             388      as adopted by the Departments of Health and Environmental Quality, local boards of health, [local]
             389      county or municipal governing bodies [participating in local health departments], or the Division
             390      of Occupational and Professional Licensing under Section 58-56-4 .
             391          (2) Section 58-56-9 does not apply to health inspectors acting under this section.
             392          (3) This section does not authorize local health departments to inspect private dwellings.
             393          Section 14. Section 26A-1-114 is amended to read:
             394           26A-1-114. Powers and duties of departments.
             395          (1) A local health department may:
             396          (a) subject to the provisions in Section 26A-1-108 , enforce state laws, local ordinances,
             397      department rules, and local health department standards and regulations relating to public health

             398      and sanitation, including the plumbing code adopted by the Division of Occupational and
             399      Professional Licensing under Section 58-56-4 and under Title 26, Chapter 15a, Food Safety
             400      Manager Certification Act, in all incorporated and unincorporated areas served by the local health
             401      department;
             402          (b) establish, maintain, and enforce isolation and quarantine, and exercise physical control
             403      over property and over individuals as the local health department finds necessary for the protection
             404      of the public health;
             405          (c) establish and maintain medical, environmental, occupational, and other laboratory
             406      services considered necessary or proper for the protection of the public health;
             407          (d) establish and operate reasonable health programs or measures not in conflict with state
             408      law that:
             409          (i) are necessary or desirable for the promotion or protection of the public health and the
             410      control of disease; or
             411          (ii) may be necessary to ameliorate the major risk factors associated with the major causes
             412      of injury, sickness, death, and disability in the state;
             413          (e) close theaters, schools, and other public places and prohibit gatherings of people when
             414      necessary to protect the public health;
             415          (f) abate nuisances or eliminate sources of filth and infectious and communicable diseases
             416      affecting the public health and bill the owner or other person in charge of the premises upon which
             417      this nuisance occurs for the cost of abatement;
             418          (g) make necessary sanitary and health investigations and inspections on its own initiative
             419      or in cooperation with the Department of Health or Environmental Quality, or both, as to any
             420      matters affecting the public health;
             421          (h) pursuant to county ordinance or interlocal agreement:
             422          (i) establish and collect appropriate fees for the performance of services and operation of
             423      authorized or required programs and duties;
             424          (ii) accept, use, and administer all federal, state, or private donations or grants of funds,
             425      property, services, or materials for public health purposes; and
             426          (iii) make agreements not in conflict with state law that are conditional to receiving a
             427      donation or grant;
             428          (i) prepare, publish, and disseminate information necessary to inform and advise the public

             429      concerning:
             430          (i) the health and wellness of the population, specific hazards, and risk factors that may
             431      adversely affect the health and wellness of the population; and
             432          (ii) specific activities individuals and institutions can engage in to promote and protect the
             433      health and wellness of the population;
             434          (j) investigate the causes of morbidity and mortality;
             435          (k) issue notices and orders necessary to carry out this part;
             436          (l) conduct studies to identify injury problems, establish injury control systems, develop
             437      standards for the correction and prevention of future occurrences, and provide public information
             438      and instruction to special high risk groups;
             439          (m) cooperate with boards created under Section 19-1-106 to enforce laws and rules within
             440      the jurisdiction of the boards; and
             441          (n) cooperate with the state health department, the Department of Corrections, the
             442      Administrative Office of the Courts, the Division of Youth Corrections, and the Crime Victims
             443      Reparations Board to conduct testing for HIV infection of convicted sexual offenders and any
             444      victims of a sexual offense.
             445          (2) The local health department shall:
             446          (a) establish programs or measures to promote and protect the health and general wellness
             447      of the people within the boundaries of the local health department;
             448          (b) investigate infectious and other diseases of public health importance and implement
             449      measures to control the causes of epidemic and communicable diseases and other conditions
             450      significantly affecting the public health which may include involuntary testing of convicted sexual
             451      offenders for the HIV infection pursuant to Section 76-5-502 and voluntary testing of victims of
             452      sexual offenses for HIV infection pursuant to Section 76-5-503 ;
             453          (c) cooperate with the department in matters pertaining to the public health and in the
             454      administration of state health laws; and
             455          (d) coordinate implementation of environmental programs to maximize efficient use of
             456      resources by developing with the Department of Environmental Quality a Comprehensive
             457      Environmental Service Delivery Plan that:
             458          (i) recognizes that the Department of Environmental Quality and local health departments
             459      are the foundation for providing environmental health programs in the state;

             460          (ii) delineates the responsibilities of the department and each local health department for
             461      the efficient delivery of environmental programs using federal, state, and local authorities,
             462      responsibilities, and resources;
             463          (iii) provides for the delegation of authority and pass through of funding to local health
             464      departments for environmental programs, to the extent allowed by applicable law, identified in the
             465      plan, and requested by the local health department; and
             466          (iv) is reviewed and updated annually.
             467          (3) The local health department has the following duties regarding public and private
             468      schools within its boundaries:
             469          (a) enforce all ordinances, standards, and regulations pertaining to the public health of
             470      persons attending public and private schools;
             471          (b) exclude from school attendance any person, including teachers, who is suffering from
             472      any communicable or infectious disease, whether acute or chronic, if the person is likely to convey
             473      the disease to those in attendance;
             474          (c) (i) make regular inspections of the health-related condition of all school buildings and
             475      premises;
             476          (ii) report the inspections on forms furnished by the department to those responsible for
             477      the condition and provide instructions for correction of any conditions that impair or endanger the
             478      health or life of those attending the schools; and
             479          (iii) provide a copy of the report to the department at the time the report is made.
             480          (4) If those responsible for the health-related condition of the school buildings and
             481      premises do not carry out any instructions for corrections provided in a report in Subsection (3)(c),
             482      the local health board shall cause the conditions to be corrected at the expense of the persons
             483      responsible.
             484          (5) The local health department may exercise incidental authority as necessary to carry out
             485      the provisions and purposes of this part.
             486          Section 15. Section 26A-1-115 is amended to read:
             487           26A-1-115. Apportionment of costs -- Contracts to provide services -- Percentage
             488      match of state funds -- Audit.
             489          (1) (a) The cost of establishing and maintaining a multicounty local health department may
             490      be apportioned among the participating [municipalities and] counties on the basis of population

             491      in proportion to the total population of all [municipalities and] counties within the boundaries of
             492      the local health department, or upon other bases agreeable to the participating counties [and
             493      municipalities].
             494          (b) Costs of establishing and maintaining a county health department shall be a charge of
             495      the county creating the local health department.
             496          (c) Money available from fees, contracts, surpluses, grants, and donations may also be used
             497      to establish and maintain local health departments.
             498          [(b)] (d) As used in this Subsection (1), "population" means population estimates prepared
             499      by the Utah Population Estimates Committee.
             500          (2) The cost of providing, equipping, and maintaining suitable offices and facilities for a
             501      local health department is the responsibility of participating governing bodies.
             502          (3) Local health departments that comply with all department rules and secure advance
             503      approval of proposed service boundaries from the department may by contract receive funds under
             504      Section 26A-1-116 from the department to provide specified public health services.
             505          (4) Contract funds distributed under Subsection (3) shall be in accordance with Section
             506      26A-1-116 and policies and procedures adopted by the department.
             507          (5) Department rules shall require that contract funds be used for public health services
             508      and not replace other funds used for local public health services.
             509          (6) All state funds distributed by contract from the department to local health departments
             510      for public health services shall be matched by those local health departments at a percentage
             511      determined by the department in consultation with local health departments. Counties shall have
             512      no legal obligation to match state funds at percentages in excess of those established by the
             513      department and shall suffer no penalty or reduction in state funding for failing to exceed the
             514      required funding match.
             515          (7) (a) Each local health department shall cause an annual financial and compliance audit
             516      to be made of its operations by a certified public accountant. The audit may be conducted as part
             517      of an annual county government audit of the county where the local health department
             518      headquarters are located.
             519          (b) The local health department shall provide a copy of the audit report to the department
             520      and the local governing bodies [that contribute funds to] of counties S [ and municipalities ] s
             521      participating in the local health department.

             522          Section 16. Section 26A-1-117 is amended to read:
             523           26A-1-117. Funding of departments -- Tax levies.
             524          (1) [Municipalities or counties] Counties involved in the establishment and operation of
             525      local health departments shall fund the local health departments with appropriations from the
             526      General Fund, from the levy of a tax, or in part by an appropriation and in part by a levy under
             527      Section 17-53-221 .
             528          (2) A local health department may be funded as provided by law from:
             529          (a) local, state, and federal funds within local levy ceilings;
             530          (b) a separate ceiling exempt tax under Section 59-2-911 , which may not exceed .0004 per
             531      dollar of taxable value of taxable property; or
             532          (c) in part by each.
             533          (3) Local funds from either tax source shall be appropriated by the local governing
             534      authorities of the counties participating in the local health department.
             535          Section 17. Section 26A-1-118 is amended to read:
             536           26A-1-118. Treasurer of local department -- Bond.
             537          (1) In [city-county] county health departments, the county treasurer shall serve as treasurer
             538      of the local health department.
             539          (2) [In multi-county] Unless another county treasurer is designated pursuant to the
             540      interlocal agreement creating the multicounty local health [departments] department, the county
             541      treasurer of the county in which the headquarters of the local health department is located shall
             542      serve as treasurer of the local health department. [The board and the governing body of the county
             543      in which the treasurer is serving may agree on an equitable reimbursement to the county for the
             544      services.]
             545          (3) The official bond of a county treasurer shall cover the duties as treasurer of a local
             546      health department.
             547          Section 18. Section 26A-1-119 is amended to read:
             548           26A-1-119. Local health department fund -- Sources -- Uses.
             549          (1) The treasurer of a local health department shall, as part of the department organization,
             550      create a local health department fund to which shall be credited any moneys appropriated or
             551      otherwise made available by participating counties[, cities,] or other local political subdivisions,
             552      and any moneys received from the state, federal government, or from surpluses, grants, fees, or

             553      donations for local health purposes.
             554          (2) (a) Moneys credited to the fund shall be placed in a restricted account and expended
             555      only for maintenance and operation of the local health department.
             556          (b) Claims or demands against the fund shall be allowed on certification by the health
             557      officer or other employee of the local health department designated by the [board] health officer.
             558          Section 19. Section 26A-1-120 is amended to read:
             559           26A-1-120. County attorney or district attorney to represent and advise department,
             560      board, officers, and employees.
             561          (1) Except as otherwise provided in this section, the county attorney of the county in which
             562      the headquarters of the local health department is located shall serve as legal advisor to the local
             563      health department in all civil matters involving the local health department.
             564          [(1)] (2) The county attorney of the county [when] where a civil claim arises shall bring
             565      any action requested by a local health department to abate a condition that exists in violation of,
             566      or to restrain or enjoin any action which is in violation of the public health laws and rules of the
             567      Departments of Health and Environmental Quality, the standards, regulations, orders, and notices,
             568      of a local health department, and other laws, ordinances, and rules pertaining to health and sanitary
             569      matters.
             570          [(2)] (3) (a) The district attorney or county attorney having criminal jurisdiction shall
             571      prosecute criminal violations of the public health laws and rules of the Departments of Health and
             572      Environmental Quality, the standards, regulations, orders, and notices, of a local health
             573      department, and other laws[, ordinances,] and rules pertaining to health and sanitary matters.
             574          (b) Violations of local ordinances relating to public health matters shall be prosecuted by
             575      the prosecuting attorney of the jurisdiction enacting the ordinance.
             576          [(3)] (4) The county attorney of a county where an action arises shall, if requested by the
             577      county attorney designated in Subsection (1):
             578          (a) act as legal adviser to the local health department and the board with respect to the
             579      action; and
             580          (b) defend all actions and proceedings brought in that county against the local health
             581      department, the board, or the officers and employees of the local health department.
             582          Section 20. Section 26A-1-121 is amended to read:
             583           26A-1-121. Standards and regulations adopted by local board -- Administrative and

             584      judicial review of actions.
             585          (1) (a) The board may make standards and regulations not in conflict with rules of the
             586      Departments of Health and Environmental Quality and necessary for the promotion of public
             587      health, environmental health quality, injury control, and the prevention of outbreaks and spread
             588      of communicable and infectious diseases.
             589          (b) The standards and regulations supersede existing local standards, regulations, and
             590      ordinances pertaining to similar subject matter.
             591          (c) The board shall provide public hearings prior to the adoption of any regulation or
             592      standard. Notice of any public hearing shall be published at least twice throughout the county or
             593      counties served by the local health department. The publication may be in one or more newspapers,
             594      so long as notice is provided in accordance with this Subsection (1)(c).
             595          (d) The hearings may be conducted by the board at a regular or special meeting, or the
             596      board may appoint hearing officers who may conduct hearings in the name of the board at a
             597      designated time and place.
             598          (e) A record or summary of the proceedings of any hearing shall be taken and filed with
             599      the board.
             600          (2) (a) Any person aggrieved by any action or inaction of the local health department
             601      relating to the public health shall have an opportunity for a hearing with the local health officer or
             602      a designated representative of the local health department. The board shall grant a subsequent
             603      hearing to the person upon his request in writing.
             604          (b) In any adjudicative hearing, a member of the board or the hearing officer may
             605      administer oaths, examine witnesses, and issue notice of the hearings or subpoenas in the name
             606      of the board requiring the testimony of witnesses and the production of evidence relevant to any
             607      matter in the hearing. A written record shall be made of the hearing, including findings of facts and
             608      conclusions of law.
             609          (c) Judicial review of a final determination of the local board may be secured by any
             610      person adversely affected by the final determination, or by the Departments of Health or
             611      Environmental Quality, by filing a petition in the district court within 30 days after receipt of
             612      notice of the board's final determination.
             613          (d) The petition shall be served upon [a member] the secretary of the board and shall state
             614      the grounds upon which review is sought.

             615          (e) The board in its answer shall certify and file with the court all documents and papers
             616      and a transcript of all testimony taken in the matter together with its findings of fact, conclusions
             617      of law, and order.
             618          (f) The appellant and the board are parties to the appeal.
             619          (g) The Departments of Health and Environmental Quality may become a party by
             620      intervention as in a civil action upon showing cause.
             621          (h) A further appeal may be taken to the Court of Appeals under Section 78-2a-3 .
             622          Section 21. Section 26A-1-122 is amended to read:
             623           26A-1-122. Counties joining existing department -- Abolition of department --
             624      Withdrawal of county from department.
             625          (1) If additional or adjacent counties join an existing local health department, provisions
             626      shall be made for the appointment and terms of new board members in accordance with the
             627      applicable provisions of this part.
             628          (2) (a) A local health department established under this part may not be abolished until it
             629      has been in existence at least two years.
             630          (b) A participating county may not withdraw from a local health department until the
             631      county has participated in maintenance of the local health department for at least two years. The
             632      effective date of any withdrawal shall be December 31. Ninety days prior written notice of the
             633      withdrawal shall be given to the board.
             634          (3) If a local health department is abolished, the participating counties shall establish local
             635      health departments under Section 26A-1-103 , [ 26A-1-104 ,] 26A-1-105 , or 26A-1-106 at least 30
             636      days prior to abolishment.
             637          Section 22. Section 26A-1-125 is enacted to read:
             638          26A-1-125. Existing local health departments required to conform to statutory
             639      amendments.
             640          Each county or municipality operating or participating in the operation of a local health
             641      department in existence as of January 1, 2002, shall, no later than h [ December 31, 2002 ] JUNE 30,
             641a      2003 h , amend its
             642      local ordinances, policies, or interlocal agreements relating to the organization and operation of
             643      the local health department to conform to the statutory amendments to Title 26A during the 2002
             644      General Session.
             645          Section 23. Repealer.

             646          This act repeals:
             647          Section 26A-1-104, City-county health departments.
             648          Section 26A-1-107, Branch office - Costs - In lieu of local department.

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