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H.B. 45 Enrolled





Sponsor: Karen W. Morgan

                  This act modifies the Criminal Code to clarify that the criminal offense of a prisoner leaving
                  official custody without authorization includes those situations where a prisoner obtains
                  authorization by means of fraud or deceit.
                  This act affects sections of Utah Code Annotated 1953 as follows:
                      76-8-309, as last amended by Chapters 289 and 311, Laws of Utah 1997
                  Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
                      Section 1. Section 76-8-309 is amended to read:
                       76-8-309. Escape and aggravated escape -- Consecutive sentences -- Definitions.
                      (1) (a) A prisoner is guilty of escape if he leaves official custody without lawful
                      (b) If a prisoner obtains authorization to leave official custody by means of deceit, fraud,
                  or other artifice, the prisoner has not received lawful authorization.
                      (2) A prisoner is guilty of aggravated escape if in the commission of an escape he uses a
                  dangerous weapon, as defined in Section 76-1-601 , or causes serious bodily injury to another.
                      (3) Aggravated escape is a first degree felony.
                      (4) Escape from a state prison is a second degree felony.
                      (5) Any other escape is a third degree felony.
                      (6) Any prison term imposed upon a prisoner for escape under this section shall run
                  consecutively with any other sentence.
                      (7) For the purposes of this part:
                      (a) "Confinement" means the prisoner is:
                      (i) housed in a state prison or any other facility pursuant to a contract with the Utah
                  Department of Corrections after being sentenced and committed and the sentence has not been
                  terminated or voided or the prisoner is not on parole;

                      (ii) lawfully detained in a county jail prior to trial or sentencing or housed in a county jail
                  after sentencing and commitment and the sentence has not been terminated or voided or the prisoner
                  is not on parole; or
                      (iii) lawfully detained following arrest.
                      (b) "Official custody" means arrest, whether with or without warrant, or confinement in a
                  state prison, jail, institution for secure confinement of juvenile offenders, or any confinement
                  pursuant to an order of the court or sentenced and committed and the sentence has not been
                  terminated or voided or the prisoner is not on parole. A person is considered confined in the state
                  prison if he:
                      (i) without authority fails to return to his place of confinement from work release or home
                  visit by the time designated for return;
                      (ii) is in prehearing custody after arrest for parole violation;
                      (iii) is being housed in a county jail, after felony commitment, pursuant to a contract with
                  the Department of Corrections; or
                      (iv) is being transported as a prisoner in the state prison by correctional officers.
                      (c) "Prisoner" means any person who is in official custody and includes persons under trustee

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