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H.B. 313 Enrolled





Sponsor: Ty McCartney

                  This act creates within the Bureau of Communications of the Department of Public Safety
                  a Utah 911 Committee. The act requires that the committee make recommendations to the
                  Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Interim Committee by November 2002 regarding
                  911 fees and the coordination of the statewide 911 system.
                  This act affects sections of Utah Code Annotated 1953 as follows:
                      53-10-503, Utah Code Annotated 1953
                  Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
                      Section 1. Section 53-10-503 is enacted to read:
                      53-10-503. Utah 911 Committee.
                      (1) There is created within the bureau the Utah 911 Committee, consisting of up to nine
                  members who are knowledgeable about public safety communications and the networking of
                  communications systems, to be appointed as follows:
                      (a) two members appointed by the commissioner of public safety;
                      (b) one member appointed by the Utah Chiefs of Police Association;
                      (c) one member appointed by the Utah Sheriffs Association;
                      (d) one member appointed by the Utah Fire Chiefs Association;
                      (e) one member appointed by the speaker of the House of Representatives; and
                      (f) up to three additional members appointed by the committee members listed in
                  Subsections (1)(a) through (e).
                      (2) The Utah 911 Committee created in Subsection (1) shall make recommendations to
                  the Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Interim Committee not later than the November 2002
                  interim meeting regarding:
                      (a) the appropriate uses of 911 funds;
                      (b) whether 911 fees should fund a consistent level of service statewide;

                      (c) the centralization of the collection of the 911 fee under the State Tax Commission;
                      (d) necessary geographic data standards compliant with the State Geographic Information
                  Database, created in Section 63a-6-203 , for location of an emergency and response routing;
                      (e) the integration of wireless technology into the 911 system; and
                      (f) plans for a statewide 911 system and provisions for technical assistance, including
                  geographic data standards compliant with the State Geographic Information Database, created in
                  Section 63a-6-203 , and coordination to Public Safety Answering Points.

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