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H.C.R. 3 Enrolled






Sponsor: Martin R. Stephens

                  This concurrent resolution of the Legislature honors the contributions of Pamela Atkinson,
                  former vice president for Mission Services at Intermountain Health Care, to the less
                  fortunate citizens of Utah and recognizes her example of selfless services to others.
                  Be it resolved by the Legislature of the state of Utah, the Governor concurring therein:
                      WHEREAS, Pamela Atkinson was born into humble circumstances in her childhood home
                  of England, where she was the third of five children;
                      WHEREAS, Pamela earned nursing credentials from the University College Hospital in
                  London before coming to the United States;
                      WHEREAS, after 18 months at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York, Pamela journeyed to
                  Australia with the intention of working on a sheep farm;
                      WHEREAS, instead, Pamela ended up on an island in the Torres Straits where she worked
                  with Aborigine families;
                      WHEREAS, after returning to America, Pamela earned a degree from the University of
                  California and a graduate degree at the University of Washington;
                      WHEREAS, in the early 1980's, Pamela came to Utah and spent two years as an assistant
                  administrator for patient care at LDS Hospital, then took the same type of job in San Diego;
                      WHEREAS, in 1986 Pamela returned to Utah as a vice president of Intermountain Health
                  Care (IHC) with the specific assignment of overseeing much of the organization's charitable work
                  in the community;
                      WHEREAS, as executive director of the IHC Foundation, Pamela has helped direct
                  foundation funds where they are most needed, assisting hundreds of community agencies in the
                  provision of health-related services;
                      WHEREAS, to provide enduring support to charitable clinics, Pamela helped develop the
                  Intermountain Community Care Foundation, an independent endowment created with funds from

                  IHC, administered by community representatives, and dedicated to providing funds to non-IHC
                  community agencies that operate clinics for the homeless and low-income families;
                      WHEREAS, Pamela serves on the State Board of Regents and represents the regents on the
                  State School Board;
                      WHEREAS, Pamela has been a "servant-leader" in the community who has inspired others
                  by her own example as a volunteer, helping to mobilize volunteers among both IHC employees and
                  in the community at large;
                      WHEREAS, Pamela can often be found going out with medical teams to homeless camps
                  or participating in opening an IHC clinic at a local or multicultural center;
                      WHEREAS, Pamela has been an effective and tireless advocate for the low income and
                  homeless populations in Utah, championing their cause within IHC and in the community as a
                      WHEREAS, Pamela's efforts have resulted in the creation of numerous charitable clinics
                  serving people in medically underserved areas;
                      WHEREAS, she is often referred to as "St. Pamela" because of her compassion, caring, and
                  willingness to take action and even use her personal resources to help others;
                      WHEREAS, one of the frustrations of Pamela's life was when her important assignments
                  began to crowd out the time she had to provide hands-on help to the homeless and others in need;
                      WHEREAS, Pamela has been particularly devoted to meeting the needs of at-risk children,
                  helping to create a variety of programs such as the Children's Justice Center in Salt Lake City,
                  corporate "adoption" of elementary schools, and programs for children of homeless families;
                      WHEREAS, Pamela refers to her work as fun and rewarding and is quick to point out others
                  who are reaching out through charitable work;
                      WHEREAS, Pamela has said, "Don't ever underestimate the power of even a small amount
                  of caring . . . a word of encouragement here and there has a powerful impact on people";
                      WHEREAS, Pamela couples action with prayer because spirituality is as much a part of her
                  life as board meetings and homeless camps;
                      WHEREAS, Pamela is widely recognized and beloved as one of the most compassionate,

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                  hardest-working, and selfless civic leaders in Utah; and
                      WHEREAS, Pamela Atkinson set a standard for what can be done when just one person
                  sincerely wants to reach out and help the less fortunate:
                      NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Legislature of the state of Utah, the
                  Governor concurring therein, honors the life and service of Pamela Atkinson and her tireless acts of
                  charity on behalf of those less fortunate.
                      BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be presented to Pamela
                  Atkinson and to representatives of Intermountain Health Care.

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