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H.C.R. 5 Enrolled







Sponsor: John E. Swallow

                  Douglas C. Aagard
                  Gerry A. Adair
                  Jeff Alexander
                  Sheryl L. Allen
                  Eli H. Anderson
                  Patrice M. Arent
                  Roger E. Barrus
                  Trisha S. Beck
                  Ralph Becker
                  Chad E. Bennion
                  Cindy Beshear
                  Ron Bigelow
                  Duane E. Bourdeaux
                  DeMar Bud Bowman
                  Afton B. Bradshaw
                  Katherine M. Bryson
                  Judy Ann Buffmire
                  Don E. Bush
                  Craig W. Buttars
                  David Clark
                  Stephen D. Clark
                  David N. Cox
                  Greg J. Curtis
                  Scott DanielsMargaret Dayton
Marda Dillree
Glenn A. Donnelson
Carl W. Duckworth
James A. Ferrin
Ben C. Ferry
Fred J. Fife
Kevin S. Garn
Brent H. Goodfellow
James R. Gowans
Neil A. Hansen
Wayne A. Harper
Thomas V. Hatch
Neal B. Hendrickson
David L. Hogue
Kory M. Holdaway
Eric K. Hutchings
Bradley T. Johnson
Patricia W. Jones
Brad King
David Litvack
Rebecca D. Lockhart
Steven R. Mascaro
Ty McCartneyKaren W. Morgan
Carol Spackman Moss
Joseph G. Murray
Merlynn T. Newbold
Brent D. Parker
Darin G. Peterson
J. Morgan Philpot
Paul Ray
Carl R. Saunders
Jack A. Seitz
LaWanna Lou Shurtliff
Richard M. Siddoway
Gordon E. Snow
Martin R. Stephens
Michael R. Styler
Mike Thompson
Matt Throckmorton
A. Lamont Tyler
David Ure
Stephen H. Urquhart
Peggy Wallace
Glenn L. Way
Bradley A. Winn
Max W. Young                   This concurrent resolution of the Legislature and the Governor recognizes the exemplary
                  efforts of United States military personnel, the President of the United States, and Congress
                  on behalf of the citizens of the United States in the war on terrorism, and expresses gratitude
                  for their service.
                  Be it resolved by the Legislature of the state of Utah, the Governor concurring therein:
                      WHEREAS, since the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on the United States of

                  America, the citizens of this nation have become united in their desire to comfort those who have
                  suffered loss from the tragedies, and fixed in their determination to see terrorism defeated;
                      WHEREAS, United States military forces, supported by forces from friendly nations, have
                  moved swiftly to fulfill their mission to root out terrorism and its agents and supporters;
                      WHEREAS, President Bush has moved decisively to mobilize the military, the government,
                  and the citizens of the United States in meeting the great challenge of preserving safety and peace;
                      WHEREAS, Congress has acted with determination and swiftness in supporting the many
                  initiatives necessary to confront the forces of terrorism;
                      WHEREAS, Utah has been significantly impacted by the President's and Congress'
                  mobilization of the armed services;
                      WHEREAS, all military components stationed in Utah have been mobilized;
                      WHEREAS, units and personnel from the Utah Army National Guard, the Utah Air National
                  Guard, the United States Army, the United States Army Reserve, the United States Navy, the United
                  Naval Reserve, the United States Air Force, the United States Air Force Reserve, the United States
                  Marine Corps, the United States Marine Corps Reserve, the United States Coast Guard, and the
                  United States Coast Guard Reserve are serving in support of both the war on terrorism and in
                  homeland defense;
                      WHEREAS, the courage, skill, and sacrifice demonstrated by military personnel stationed
                  in Utah has been a true source of comfort and confidence for the citizens of the state;
                      WHEREAS, even heartfelt expressions of love and gratitude to all those who stand in harm's
                  way, especially during these difficult times, are inadequate when weighed against the danger they
                  face, and the difficulty of separation from loved ones and home;
                      WHEREAS, the families of United States military personnel possess a unique brand of
                  courage as they wait with hope and faith for the safe return of those dear to them;
                      WHEREAS, some United States military personnel have made the ultimate sacrifice in the
                  war on terrorism, and their families are in need of our support, compassion, and kindness; and
                      WHEREAS, the strength and resolve of the military, the President, and Congress has helped
                  to heal the nation's wounds, and fostered greater unity throughout the nation:

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                      NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Legislature of the state of Utah, the
                  Governor concurring therein, recognize the military units and personnel stationed in Utah and
                  throughout the nation, and express deep gratitude for their willingness to protect and preserve the
                  freedoms enjoyed in the United States of America.
                      BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Legislature and the Governor express sincere
                  gratitude to President Bush and to Congress for standing united and firm against terrorism and
                  strengthening homeland defense.
                      BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be sent to the President of the
                  United States, the President of the United States Senate, the Speaker of the United States House of
                  Representatives, each branch of the Armed Forces stationed in Utah, and the members of Utah's
                  congressional delegation.

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