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H.C.R. 6 Enrolled






Sponsor: Ben C. Ferry

                  Patrice M. Arent                   This concurrent resolution of the Legislature and the Governor welcomes the world to Utah
                  and to the 2002 Olympic Winter Games and extends best wishes to all who come to
                  participate in, to attend, to assist in the presentation and administration of the Games, and
                  to enjoy world class athletic competition.
                  Be it resolved by the Legislature of the state of Utah, the Governor concurring therein:
                      WHEREAS, the 2002 Olympic Winter Games will be hosted in Salt Lake City and
                  conducted in various venues in surrounding areas from February 8-24, 2002;
                      WHEREAS, the 2002 Paralympic Winter Games will also be hosted in Salt Lake City and
                  conducted in various venues in surrounding areas from March 7-16, 2002;
                      WHEREAS, the state of Utah is pleased and honored to host 3,500 athletes and officials
                  from 80 countries for the 2002 Olympic Winter Games and 1,100 athletes and officials from 40
                  countries for the 2002 Paralympic Winter Games;
                      WHEREAS, the state will be hosting many citizens, dignitaries and leaders from many
                  parts of the world;
                      WHEREAS, over three and one half billion people throughout the world will follow the
                  athletic competitions and related Olympic events and be inspired by the personal sacrifices,
                  achievements, and spirit of those participating in the Olympic Games;
                      WHEREAS, much effort and resources have been expended to ensure that the 2002
                  Olympic Winter Games are a safe and incomparable athletic experience and a tremendous success
                  for all those who have journeyed to the Games;
                      WHEREAS, many throughout the state of Utah are working diligently to make the 2002
                  Olympic Winter Games a resounding success and reflect the spirit of this great state;
                      WHEREAS, many students in elementary and secondary schools throughout the state have

                  been involved in Olympic-related projects, including the Fleece Blankets Project to give 4,800
                  blankets to the athletes participating in the Olympic and Paralympic Games;
                      WHEREAS, volunteers have been recruited and trained to provide the very best assistance
                  to those attending the 2002 Olympic Winter Games, including many with proficient language skills
                  and knowledge and appreciation for different world cultures;
                      WHEREAS, the Salt Lake Organizing Committee for the 2002 Olympic Winter Games has
                  diligently addressed the numerous vast details involved in organizing and hosting such an enormous,
                  international event;
                      WHEREAS, the cities, counties, communities, organizations, and citizens throughout the
                  state have unitedly joined together to invest years in preparation to host and support this event;
                      WHEREAS, the Olympic movement provides a peaceful means for nations to set aside
                  political differences and to join in a united pursuit of athletic excellence;
                      WHEREAS, the Olympic movement symbolizes peace and the spirit of brotherhood that can
                  exist among nations;
                      WHEREAS, the peace and goodwill which encircles the Olympic movement will be felt by
                  all those who attend in person and by all those who participate through different forms of media from
                  around the world; and
                      WHEREAS, preparations are almost complete and the citizens of the state of Utah are ready
                  to host the world:
                      NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Legislature of the state of Utah, the
                  Governor concurring therein, welcome the world to the state of Utah for the 2002 Olympic Winter
                  Games and the 2002 Paralympic Winter Games.
                      BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Legislature and the Governor express gratitude,
                  friendship, love, and peace to our world visitors and hope they will enjoy the great athletic
                  competition, Utah's citizens, and the wonderful scenery, culture, and heritage of which its citizens
                  are so proud.
                      BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Legislature and the Governor recognize the efforts
                  of many throughout the state, including students, volunteers, communities, and organizers, who have

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                  worked so diligently to ensure that the 2002 Olympic Winter Games and the 2002 Paralympic                   Winter
                  Games are a tremendous success.
                      BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be sent to the Salt Lake
                  Organizing Committee for the 2002 Olympic Winter Games, the United States Olympic Committee,
                  the International Olympic Committee, and to the national Olympic Committee of each of the
                  participating nations.

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