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First Substitute H.B. 173

Representative Margaret Dayton proposes the following substitute bill:





Sponsor: Margaret Dayton

             6      This act modifies provisions governing state settlement agreements. This act renumbers
             7      sections, differentiates between purely financial settlement agreements and those requiring
             8      state action, and requires gubernatorial and legislative approval for certain settlement
             9      agreements requiring state action. This act authorizes the governor or the Legislature to
             10      void settlement agreements lacking proper approval. This act requires the attorney general
             11      to report the state's potential financial and legal exposure to the Legislative Management
             12      Committee.
             13      This act affects sections of Utah Code Annotated 1953 as follows:
             14      AMENDS:
             15          63-38b-101, as last amended by Chapter 375, Laws of Utah 1997
             16          63-38b-102, as enacted by Chapter 313, Laws of Utah 1995
             17          67-5-1, as last amended by Chapters 212 and 316, Laws of Utah 2000
             18      ENACTS:
             19          63-38b-301, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             20          63-38b-302, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             21          63-38b-303, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             22      RENUMBERS AND AMENDS:
             23          63-38b-201, (Renumbered from 63-38b-103, as enacted by Chapter 313, Laws of Utah
             24      1995)
             25          63-38b-202, (Renumbered from 63-38b-104, as last amended by Chapter 41, Laws of Utah

             26      2001)
             27          63-38b-401, (Renumbered from 63-38b-105, as enacted by Chapter 41, Laws of Utah
             28      2001)
             29      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             30          Section 1. Section 63-38b-101 is amended to read:
Part 1. General Provisions

             32           63-38b-101. Definitions.
             33          As used in this chapter:
             34          (1) (a) "Action settlement agreement" includes a stipulation, consent decree, settlement
             35      agreement, or any other legally binding document or representation that resolves a threatened or
             36      pending lawsuit between the state and another party by requiring the state to take legally binding
             37      action.
             38          (b) "Action settlement agreement" includes stipulations, consent decrees, settlement
             39      agreements, and other legally binding documents or representations resolving a dispute between
             40      the state and another party when the state is required to pay money and required to take legally
             41      binding action.
             42          (c) "Action settlement agreement" does not include:
             43          (i) the internal process established by the Department of Transportation to resolve
             44      construction contract claims;
             45          (ii) any resolution of an employment dispute or claim made by an employee of the state
             46      of Utah against the state as employer;
             47          (iii) adjudicative orders issued by the State Tax Commission, the Public Service
             48      Commission, the Labor Commission, or the Department of Workforce Services; or
             49          (iv) the settlement of disputes arising from audits, defaults, or breaches of permits,
             50      contracts of sale, easements, or leases by the School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration.
             51          [(1)] (2) (a) "Agency" means each department, commission, board, council, agency,
             52      institution, officer, corporation, fund, division, office, committee, authority, laboratory, library,
             53      unit, bureau, panel, or other administrative unit of the state.
             54          (b) "Agency" includes the legislative branch, the judicial branch, the attorney general's
             55      office, the State Office of Education, the Board of Regents, the institutional councils of each higher
             56      education institution, and each higher education institution.

             57          (3) (a) "Financial settlement agreement" [means] includes a stipulation, consent decree,
             58      settlement agreement, and any other legally binding document or representation that resolves a
             59      dispute between the state and another party exclusively by requiring the payment of money from
             60      one party to the other.
             61          (b) "Financial settlement agreement" does not [mean] include:
             62          (i) the internal process established by the Department of Transportation to resolve
             63      construction contract claims;
             64          (ii) adjudicative orders issued by the State Tax Commission, Public Service Commission,
             65      Labor Commission, or the Department of Workforce Services; or
             66          (iii) the settlement of disputes arising from audits, defaults, or breaches of permits,
             67      contracts of sale, easements, or leases by the School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration.
             68          [(2)] (4) "Government entities" means the state and its political subdivisions.
             69          Section 2. Section 63-38b-102 is amended to read:
             70           63-38b-102. Notice of voidableness of settlement agreements.
             71          Each financial settlement agreement that might cost government entities more than
             72      $100,000 that is executed by an agency in violation of this chapter, and each action settlement
             73      agreement that is executed by an agency in violation of this chapter, is voidable by the governor
             74      [and] or the Legislature as provided in this chapter.
             75          Section 3. Section 63-38b-201 , which is renumbered from Section 63-38b-103 is
             76      renumbered and amended to read:
Part 2. Financial Settlement Agreements

             78           [63-38b-103].     63-38b-201. Governor to approve settlement agreements.
             79          (1) Before legally binding the state by executing a financial settlement agreement that
             80      might cost government entities more than $100,000 to implement, an agency shall submit the
             81      proposed financial settlement agreement to the governor for his approval or rejection.
             82          (2) The governor shall approve or reject each financial settlement agreement.
             83          (3) (a) If the governor approves the financial settlement agreement, the agency may
             84      execute the agreement.
             85          (b) If the governor rejects the financial settlement agreement, the agency may not execute
             86      the agreement.
             87          (4) If an agency executes a financial settlement agreement without obtaining the governor's

             88      approval under this section, the governor may issue an executive order declaring the settlement
             89      agreement void.
             90          Section 4. Section 63-38b-202 , which is renumbered from Section 63-38b-104 is
             91      renumbered and amended to read:
             92           [63-38b-104].     63-38b-202. Legislative review and approval of settlement
             93      agreements.
             94          (1) (a) Before legally binding the state by executing a financial settlement agreement that
             95      might cost government entities more than $500,000 to implement, an agency shall:
             96          (i) submit the proposed financial settlement agreement to the governor for his approval or
             97      rejection as required by Section 63-38b-103 ; and
             98          (ii) if the governor approves the financial settlement agreement, submit the financial
             99      settlement agreement to the Legislative Management Committee for its review and
             100      recommendations.
             101          (b) The Legislative Management Committee shall review the financial settlement
             102      agreement and may:
             103          (i) recommend that the agency execute the financial settlement agreement;
             104          (ii) recommend that the agency reject the financial settlement agreement; or
             105          (iii) recommend to the governor that he call a special session of the Legislature to review
             106      and approve or reject the financial settlement agreement.
             107          (2) (a) Before legally binding the state by executing a financial settlement agreement that
             108      might cost government entities more than $1,000,000 to implement, an agency shall:
             109          (i) submit the proposed financial settlement agreement to the governor for his approval or
             110      rejection as required by Section [ 63-38b-103 ] 63-38b-201 ; and
             111          (ii) if the governor approves the financial settlement agreement, submit the financial
             112      settlement agreement to the Legislature for its approval in an annual general session or a special
             113      session.
             114          (b) (i) If the Legislature approves the financial settlement agreement, the agency may
             115      execute the agreement.
             116          (ii) If the Legislature rejects the financial settlement agreement, the agency may not
             117      execute the agreement.
             118          (c) If an agency executes a financial settlement agreement without obtaining the

             119      Legislature's approval under this Subsection (2):
             120          (i) the governor may issue an executive order declaring the settlement agreement void; or
             121          (ii) the Legislature may pass a joint resolution declaring the settlement agreement void.
             122          Section 5. Section 63-38b-301 is enacted to read:
Part 3. Action Settlement Agreements

             124          63-38b-301. Cost evaluation of action settlement agreements.
             125          (1) Before legally binding the state to an action settlement agreement that might cost the
             126      state a total of $100,000 or more to implement, an agency shall estimate the cost of implementing
             127      the action settlement agreement and submit that cost estimate to the governor and the Legislative
             128      Management Committee.
             129          (2) The Legislative Management Committee may:
             130          (a) direct its staff to make an independent cost estimate of the cost of implementing the
             131      action settlement agreement; and
             132          (b) affirmatively adopt a cost estimate as the benchmark for determining which
             133      authorizations established by this part are necessary.
             134          Section 6. Section 63-38B-302 is enacted to read:
             135          63-38b-302. Governor to approve action settlement agreements.
             136          (1) Before legally binding the state by executing an action settlement agreement that might
             137      cost government entities more than $100,000 to implement, an agency shall submit the proposed
             138      settlement agreement to the governor for his approval or rejection.
             139          (2) The governor shall approve or reject each action settlement agreement.
             140          (3) (a) If the governor approves the action settlement agreement, the agency may execute
             141      the agreement.
             142          (b) If the governor rejects the action settlement agreement, the agency may not execute the
             143      agreement.
             144          (4) If an agency executes an action settlement agreement without obtaining the governor's
             145      approval under this section, the governor may issue an executive order declaring the settlement
             146      agreement void.
             147          Section 7. Section 63-38B-303 is enacted to read:
             148          63-38b-303. Legislative review and approval of action settlement agreements.
             149          (1) (a) Before legally binding the state by executing an action settlement agreement that

             150      might cost government entities more than $500,000 to implement, an agency shall:
             151          (i) submit the proposed action settlement agreement to the governor for his approval or
             152      rejection as required by Section 63-38b-302 ; and
             153          (ii) if the governor approves the action settlement agreement, submit the action settlement
             154      agreement to the Legislative Management Committee for its review and recommendations.
             155          (b) The Legislative Management Committee shall review the action settlement agreement
             156      and may:
             157          (i) recommend that the agency execute the settlement agreement;
             158          (ii) recommend that the agency reject the settlement agreement; or
             159          (iii) recommend to the governor that he call a special session of the Legislature to review
             160      and approve or reject the settlement agreement.
             161          (2) (a) Before legally binding the state by executing an action settlement agreement that
             162      might cost government entities more than $1,000,000 to implement, an agency shall:
             163          (i) submit the proposed action settlement agreement to the governor for his approval or
             164      rejection as required by Section 63-38b-302 ; and
             165          (ii) if the governor approves the action settlement agreement, submit the action settlement
             166      agreement to the Legislature for its approval in an annual general session or a special session.
             167          (b) (i) If the Legislature approves the action settlement agreement, the agency may execute
             168      the agreement.
             169          (ii) If the Legislature rejects the action settlement agreement, the agency may not execute
             170      the agreement.
             171          (c) If an agency executes an action settlement agreement without obtaining the
             172      Legislature's approval under this Subsection (2):
             173          (i) the governor may issue an executive order declaring the action settlement agreement
             174      void; or
             175          (ii) the Legislature may pass a joint resolution declaring the action settlement agreement
             176      void.
             177          Section 8. Section 63-38b-401 , which is renumbered from Section 63-38b-105 is
             178      renumbered and amended to read:
Part 4. Condemnation and Inverse Condemnation Settlement Agreements

             180           [63-38b-105].     63-38b-401. Condemnation settlements involving the

             181      Department of Transportation.
             182          (1) Notwithstanding the provisions of this chapter, the Department of Transportation need
             183      not obtain the approval of the governor or the Legislature [in] for financial or action settlement
             184      agreements [resolving] that resolve condemnation or inverse condemnation cases.
             185          (2) [Settlement] Financial settlement agreements involving condemnation or inverse
             186      condemnation cases for $1,000,000 to $2,000,000 over the Department of Transportation's original
             187      appraisal shall be presented to the Transportation Commission for approval or rejection.
             188          (3) (a) [Settlement] Financial settlement agreements involving condemnation or inverse
             189      condemnation cases for more than $2,000,000 over the Department of Transportation's original
             190      appraisal and all action settlement agreements that resolve condemnation or inverse condemnation
             191      cases shall be presented:
             192          (i) to the Transportation Commission for approval or rejection; and
             193          (ii) if the financial or action settlement agreement is approved by the Transportation
             194      Commission, to the Legislative Management Committee.
             195          (b) The Legislative Management Committee may recommend approval or rejection of the
             196      financial or action settlement agreement.
             197          (4) (a) The Department of Transportation may not enter into a financial settlement
             198      agreement that resolves a condemnation or inverse condemnation case and requires payment of
             199      $1,000,000 to $2,000,000 over the Department of Transportation's original appraisal until the
             200      Transportation Commission has approved the agreement.
             201          (b) The Department of Transportation may not enter into a financial settlement agreement
             202      that resolves a condemnation or inverse condemnation case and requires payment of more than
             203      $2,000,000 over the Department of Transportation's original appraisal or enter into an action
             204      settlement agreement that resolves a condemnation or inverse condemnation case until:
             205          (i) the Transportation Commission has approved the agreement; and
             206          (ii) the Legislative Management Committee has reviewed [and approved] the agreement.
             207          Section 9. Section 67-5-1 is amended to read:
             208           67-5-1. General duties.
             209          The attorney general shall:
             210          (1) perform all duties in a manner consistent with the attorney-client relationship under
             211      Section 67-5-17 ;

             212          (2) except as provided in Sections 10-3-928 and 17-18-1 , attend the Supreme Court and
             213      the Court of Appeals of this state, and all courts of the United States, and prosecute or defend all
             214      causes to which the state, or any officer, board, or commission of the state in an official capacity
             215      is a party; and take charge, as attorney, of all civil legal matters in which the state is interested;
             216          (3) after judgment on any cause referred to in Subsection (2), direct the issuance of process
             217      as necessary to execute the judgment;
             218          (4) account for, and pay over to the proper officer, all moneys that come into the attorney
             219      general's possession that belong to the state;
             220          (5) keep a file of all cases in which the attorney general is required to appear, including
             221      any documents and papers showing the court in which the cases have been instituted and tried, and
             222      whether they are civil or criminal, and:
             223          (a) if civil, the nature of the demand, the stage of proceedings, and when prosecuted to
             224      judgment, a memorandum of the judgment and of any process issued whether satisfied, and if not
             225      satisfied, the return of the sheriff;
             226          (b) if criminal, the nature of the crime, the mode of prosecution, the stage of proceedings,
             227      and when prosecuted to sentence, a memorandum of the sentence and of the execution, if the
             228      sentence has been executed, if not executed, of the reason of the delay or prevention; and
             229          (c) deliver this information to the attorney general's successor in office;
             230          (6) exercise supervisory powers over the district and county attorneys of the state in all
             231      matters pertaining to the duties of their offices, and from time to time require of them reports of
             232      the condition of public business entrusted to their charge;
             233          (7) give the attorney general's opinion in writing and without fee to the Legislature or
             234      either house, and to any state officer, board, or commission, and to any county attorney or district
             235      attorney, when required, upon any question of law relating to their respective offices;
             236          (8) when required by the public service or directed by the governor, assist any district or
             237      county attorney in the discharge of his duties;
             238          (9) purchase in the name of the state, under the direction of the state Board of Examiners,
             239      any property offered for sale under execution issued upon judgments in favor of or for the use of
             240      the state, and enter satisfaction in whole or in part of the judgments as the consideration of the
             241      purchases;
             242          (10) when the property of a judgment debtor in any judgment mentioned in Subsection (9)

             243      has been sold under a prior judgment, or is subject to any judgment, lien, or encumbrance taking
             244      precedence of the judgment in favor of the state, redeem the property, under the direction of the
             245      state Board of Examiners, from the prior judgment, lien, or encumbrance, and pay all money
             246      necessary for the redemption, upon the order of the state Board of Examiners, out of any money
             247      appropriated for these purposes;
             248          (11) when in his opinion it is necessary for the collection or enforcement of any judgment,
             249      institute and prosecute on behalf of the state any action or proceeding necessary to set aside and
             250      annul all conveyances fraudulently made by the judgment debtors, and pay the cost necessary to
             251      the prosecution, when allowed by the state Board of Examiners, out of any money not otherwise
             252      appropriated;
             253          (12) discharge the duties of a member of all official boards of which the attorney general
             254      is or may be made a member by the Utah Constitution or by the laws of the state, and other duties
             255      prescribed by law;
             256          (13) institute and prosecute proper proceedings in any court of the state or of the United
             257      States, to restrain and enjoin corporations organized under the laws of this or any other state or
             258      territory from acting illegally or in excess of their corporate powers or contrary to public policy,
             259      and in proper cases forfeit their corporate franchises, dissolve the corporations, and wind up their
             260      affairs;
             261          (14) institute investigations for the recovery of all real or personal property that may have
             262      escheated or should escheat to the state, and for that purpose, subpoena any persons before any of
             263      the district courts to answer inquiries and render accounts concerning any property, examine all
             264      books and papers of any corporations, and when any real or personal property is discovered that
             265      should escheat to the state, institute suit in the district court of the county where the property is
             266      situated for its recovery, and escheat that property to the state;
             267          (15) administer the Children's Justice Center as a program to be implemented in various
             268      counties pursuant to Sections 67-5b-101 through 67-5b-107 ;
             269          (16) assist the Constitutional Defense Council as provided in Title 63C, Chapter 4,
             270      Constitutional Defense Council;
             271          (17) investigate and prosecute criminal violations of Title 26, Chapter 20, False Claims
             272      Act, in accordance with Section 26-20-13 ; [and]
             273          (18) investigate and prosecute complaints of abuse, neglect, or exploitation of patients at

             274      health care facilities that receive payments under the state Medicaid program[.]; and
             275          (19) (a) report at least twice per year to the Legislative Management Committee on any
             276      pending or anticipated lawsuits, other than eminent domain lawsuits, that might:
             277          (i) cost the state more than $500,000; or
             278          (ii) require the state to take legally binding action that would cost more than $500,000 to
             279      implement; and
             280          (b) if the meeting is closed, include an estimate of the state's potential financial or other
             281      legal exposure in that report.

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