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First Substitute H.B. 196

Representative Chad E. Bennion proposes the following substitute bill:




Sponsor: Chad E. Bennion

             5      This act modifies provisions pertaining to parent-time and child support. It provides for a
             6      minimum visitation schedule when a parent relocates, either by leaving the state or by
             7      putting more than 150 miles between a noncustodial parent and a child. It also requires that
             8      the Office of Recovery Services verify information received concerning nonpayment of
             9      support before acting on a possibly unfounded allegation.
             10      This act affects sections of Utah Code Annotated 1953 as follows:
             11      AMENDS:
             12          30-3-37, as last amended by Chapter 255, Laws of Utah 2001
             13          62A-11-104, as last amended by Chapter 161, Laws of Utah 2000
             14      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             15          Section 1. Section 30-3-37 is amended to read:
             16           30-3-37. Relocation.
             17          (1) When either parent decides to move from the state of Utah or 150 miles or more from
             18      the residence specified in the court's decree, that parent shall provide reasonable advance written
             19      notice of the intended relocation to the other parent.
             20          (2) The court may, upon motion of any party or upon the court's own motion, schedule a
             21      hearing with notice to review the parent-time schedule as provided in Section 30-3-35 and make
             22      appropriate orders regarding the parent-time and costs for parent-time transportation.
             23          (3) In determining the parent-time schedule and allocating the transportation costs, the
             24      court shall consider:
             25          (a) the reason for the parent's relocation;

             26          (b) the additional costs or difficulty to both parents in exercising parent-time;
             27          (c) the economic resources of both parents; and
             28          (d) other factors the court considers necessary and relevant.
             29          (4) Upon the motion of any party, the court may order the parent intending to move to pay
             30      the costs of transportation for:
             31          (a) at least one visit per year with the other parent; and
             32          (b) any number of additional visits as determined equitable by the court.
             33          (5) Unless otherwise ordered by the court, upon the relocation of one of the parties the
             34      following schedule shall be the minimum requirements for parent-time with a school-age child:
             35          (a) in years ending in an odd number, the child shall spend the following holidays with the
             36      noncustodial parent:
             37          (i) Thanksgiving holiday beginning Wednesday until Sunday; and
             38          (ii) the fall school break, if applicable, beginning the last day of school before the holiday
             39      until the day before school resumes;
             40          (b) in years ending in an even number, the child shall spend the following holidays with
             41      the noncustodial parent:
             42          (i) the entire winter school break period; and
             43          (ii) Spring break beginning the last day of school before the holiday until the day before
             44      school resumes; and
             45          (c) extended parent-time equal to 1/2 of the summer or off-track time for consecutive
             46      weeks. The week before school begins may not be counted as part of the summer period.
             47          [(5)] (6) Upon the motion of any party, the court may order uninterrupted parent-time with
             48      the noncustodial parent for a minimum of 30 days during extended parent-time, [except if] unless
             49      the court finds it is not in the best interests of the child. If the court orders uninterrupted
             50      parent-time during a period not covered by this section, it shall specify in its order which parent
             51      is responsible for the child's travel expenses.
             52          (7) Unless otherwise ordered by the court the relocating party shall be responsible for all
             53      the child's travel expenses relating to Subsections (5)(a) and (b) and 1/2 of the child's travel
             54      expenses relating to Subsection (5)(c), provided the noncustodial party is current on all support
             55      obligations. If the noncustodial party has been found in contempt for not being current on all
             56      support obligations, he shall be responsible for all of the child's travel expenses under Subsection

             57      (5), unless the court rules otherwise. Reimbursement by either responsible party to the other for
             58      the child's travel expenses shall be made within 30 days of receipt of documents detailing those
             59      expenses.
             60          (8) The court may apply this provision to any preexisting decree of divorce.
             61          (9) Any action under this section may be set for an expedited hearing.
             62          Section 2. Section 62A-11-104 is amended to read:
             63           62A-11-104. Duties of office.
             64          The office has the following duties:
             65          (1) to provide child support services if:
             66          (a) the office has received an application for child support services;
             67          (b) the state has provided public assistance; or
             68          (c) a child lives out of the home in the protective custody, temporary custody, or custody
             69      or care of the state or another party for at least 30 days;
             70          (2) to carry out the obligations of the department contained in this chapter and in Title 78,
             71      Chapters 45, Uniform Civil Liability for Support Act, Chapter 45a, Uniform Act on Paternity, and
             72      Chapter 45f, Uniform Interstate Family Support Act, for the purpose of collecting child support;
             73          (3) to recover public assistance provided to persons for which they were ineligible;
             74          (4) to collect money due the department which could act to offset expenditures by the
             75      state;
             76          (5) to cooperate with the federal government in programs designed to recover health and
             77      social service funds;
             78          (6) to collect civil or criminal assessments, fines, fees, amounts awarded as restitution, and
             79      reimbursable expenses owed to the state or any of its political subdivisions, if the office has
             80      contracted to provide collection services;
             81          (7) to implement income withholding for collection of child support in accordance with
             82      Part 4 of this chapter;
             83          (8) to enter into agreements with financial institutions doing business in the state to
             84      develop and operate, in coordination with such financial institutions, a data match system in the
             85      manner provided for in Section 62A-11-304.5 ;
             86          (9) to establish and maintain the state case registry in the manner required by the Social
             87      Security Act, 42 U.S.C. Sec. 654a, which shall include a record in each case of:

             88          (a) the amount of monthly or other periodic support owed under the order, and other
             89      amounts, including arrearages, interest, late payment penalties, or fees, due or overdue under the
             90      order;
             91          (b) any amount described in Subsection (9)(a) that has been collected;
             92          (c) the distribution of collected amounts;
             93          (d) the birth date of any child for whom the order requires the provision of support; and
             94          (e) the amount of any lien imposed with respect to the order pursuant to this part;
             95          (10) to contract with the Department of Workforce Services to establish and maintain the
             96      new hire registry created under Section 35A-7-103 ;
             97          (11) to determine whether an individual who has applied for or is receiving cash assistance
             98      or Medicaid is cooperating in good faith with the office as required by Section 62A-11-307.2 ;
             99      [and]
             100          (12) to finance any costs incurred from collections, fees, General Fund appropriation,
             101      contracts, and federal financial participation[.]; and
             102          (13) to provide notice to a noncustodial parent in accordance with Section 62A-11-304.4
             103      of the opportunity to contest the accuracy of allegations by a custodial parent of nonpayment of
             104      past-due child support, prior to taking action against a noncustodial parent to collect the alleged
             105      past-due support.

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