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H.J.R. 24
6 This joint resolution of the Legislature honors Princess Aisha Bint Al Hussein, a Colonel in
7 the Jordanian Armed Forces, for her many personal accomplishments, and for her role in
8 supporting women's rights on behalf of the women of Jordan, and welcomes her to Utah.
9 Be it resolved by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
10 WHEREAS, Aisha Bint Al Hussein was born April 23, 1968, in Amman, Jordan, to King
11 Bint Al Hussein and Princess Muna Al Hussein, and is the sister of King Abdulla II;
12 WHEREAS, Aisha Bint Al Hussein was educated in Amman until the age of eight, then
13 received ten years of education in the United States;
14 WHEREAS, before her senior year in high school, Aisha Bint Al Hussein became the first
15 female in the Middle East to complete five military parachute jumps and receive her wings;
16 WHEREAS, after high school, Aisha Bint Al Hussein enrolled in the Royal Military
17 Academy, Sandhurst, in the United Kingdom, where she completed her officer's training course
18 in April 1987;
19 WHEREAS, Aisha Bint Al Hussein completed her education receiving her undergraduate
20 degree in Modern Middle East History and Politics from Pembroke College at Oxford University;
21 WHEREAS, in 1988, Colonel Aisha received her first medal for hanging under a helicopter
22 with members of the Special Forces during a fly-by at a military parade for His Majesty King
23 Hussein;
24 WHEREAS, in 1990, Aisha married Zeid Saadedine Juma in Amman, and they have two
25 children;
26 WHEREAS, after graduation, Colonel Aisha worked with the Special Forces and graduated
27 from several parachute courses;
28 WHEREAS, from 1993-1994, Colonel Aisha was Founder-Researcher of the Office of Her
29 Royal Highness Princess Aisha, and in 1995, she became director of the Directorate of Women's
30 Affairs in the Jordanian Armed Forces;
31 WHEREAS, Colonel Aisha has also received the Star of Jordan Medal - Level 1, the Order
32 of Merit - Level 4, The Decoration of Independence - Levels 3 and 1, the Medal of Administrative
33 Competence, the Medal of Leadership Competence, and the King Hussein Medal for Excellence
34 for taking first place in M-16 marksmanship on the Royal Guard Protection Course;
35 WHEREAS, in 1999 Colonel Aisha received the Grand Cordon of the Order of the
36 Precious Crown from the Emperor of Japan;
37 WHEREAS, Colonel Aisha has always been interested in women's rights and has enjoyed
38 breaking new ground on behalf of women in Jordan;
39 WHEREAS, Colonel Aisha is always interested in supporting women in finding new roles
40 within Jordan and believes that with the right qualifications, women in Jordan are capable of
41 holding positions on all levels, whether in government, the private sector, or in the armed forces;
42 and
43 WHEREAS, it is an honor for the state of Utah to have Colonel Aisha as a guest:
44 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Legislature of the state of Utah
45 welcomes Colonel Aisha Bint Al Hussein to Utah and honors her for her many personal
46 accomplishments and her efforts on behalf of the women of Jordan.
47 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Legislature extends its best wishes to Colonel
48 Aisha and her family and hopes they enjoy their stay in Utah.
49 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be presented to Colonel Aisha
50 Bint Al Hussein.
Legislative Review Note
as of 2-7-02 10:49 AM
A limited legal review of this legislation raises no obvious constitutional or statutory concerns.