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H.J.R. 26
7 This joint resolution of the Legislature urges Utah state agencies and the Utah business
8 community to work together to develop strategies that balance the need for regulatory
9 protections with the needs faced by the business community in its role in strengthening the
10 economy of the state.
11 Be it resolved by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
12 WHEREAS, Utah has a rich heritage in the development of numerous industries;
13 WHEREAS, individual citizens of Utah, demonstrating extraordinary entrepreneurial
14 acumen, contributed greatly to the state's economic legacy;
15 WHEREAS, the Utah business community has created hundreds of thousands of jobs for
16 Utah's citizens;
17 WHEREAS, Utah's strong economy, fueled in part by a strong and successful business
18 community, has greatly enhanced the standard of living and buying power of Utah's families;
19 WHEREAS, regulation of business, in many instances, plays a vital role in preserving
20 fairness and safety within the free enterprise system for the benefit of citizens and regulated
21 businesses;
22 WHEREAS, determining what factors may restrict the business community's ability to
23 respond to economic challenges can strengthen Utah businesses and increase the economic stability
24 of the state;
25 WHEREAS, in providing these needed protections, the regulatory actions of state agencies
26 should provide needed protection to the public without impeding the efforts of businesses to
27 remain economically viable;
28 WHEREAS, regulatory and other state agencies can play an important role in helping
29 businesses to succeed economically within a regulatory structure;
30 WHEREAS, regulatory and other state agencies should work with Utah businesses to
31 develop regulations that demonstrate that protecting the public and helping businesses grow and
32 expand are mutually compatible goals; and
33 WHEREAS, regulations that serve this dual purpose should be pursued with vigor and
34 determination for the benefit of the state's citizens, businesses, and the state's economy:
35 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Legislature of the state of Utah urges
36 the state's regulatory agencies and the Utah business community to work together to develop
37 regulatory strategies that enhance the balance between the need for regulatory protections and the
38 economic needs and challenges faced by the business community.
39 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be sent to each department
40 of state government and to each of Utah's Chambers of Commerce.
Legislative Review Note
as of 1-29-02 10:51 AM
A limited legal review of this legislation raises no obvious constitutional or statutory concerns.