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S.B. 50






Sponsor: D. Edgar Allen

             6      This act amends the Utah Medical Practice Act. This act considers an individual enrolled
             7      in a foreign medical school eligible for licensure in this state as a physician or surgeon if
             8      certain requirements are met. The act establishes the requirements for licensure of foreign
             9      educated individuals. The act designates the requirements for foreign educated licenses as
             10      the "fifth pathway program."
             11      This act affects sections of Utah Code Annotated 1953 as follows:
             12      ENACTS:
             13          58-67-302.5, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             14      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             15          Section 1. Section 58-67-302.5 is enacted to read:
             16          58-67-302.5. Licensing of graduates of foreign medical schools.
             17          (1) Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, an individual enrolled in
             18      a medical school outside the United States, its territories, the District of Columbia, or Canada is
             19      eligible for licensure as a physician and surgeon in this state if the individual has satisfied the
             20      following requirements:
             21          (a) meets all the requirements of Section 58-67-302 , except for Subsection
             22      58-67-302 (1)(d);
             23          (b) has studied medicine in a medical school located outside the United States which is
             24      recognized by an organization approved by the division;
             25          (c) has completed all of the formal requirements of the foreign medical school except
             26      internship or social service;
             27          (d) has attained a passing score on the educational commission for foreign medical

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Senate Committee Amendments 1-24-2002 rd/cjd
     graduates examination or other qualifying examinations such as the United States Medical
             29      Licensing Exam parts I and II, which are approved by the division or a medical school approved
             30      by the division;
             31          (e) has satisfactorily completed one calendar year of supervised clinical training under the
             32      direction of a United States medical education setting accredited by the liaison committee for
             33      graduate medical education and approved by the division;
             34          (f) has completed the postgraduate hospital training required by Subsection
             35      58-67-302 (f)(i); and
             36          (g) has passed the examination required by the division of all applicants for licensure.
             37          (2) Satisfaction of the requirements of Subsection (1) is in lieu of:
             38          (a) the completion of any foreign internship or social service requirements; and
             39          (b) the certification required by Subsection 58-67-302 (1)(e).
             40          (3) Individuals who satisfy the requirements of Subsections (1)(a) through (f) shall be
             41      eligible S [ , on the same basis as graduates of medical schools located in the United States, ] s for
             42      admission to graduate medical education programs within the state, including internships and
             43      residencies, which are accredited by the liaison committee for graduate medical education.
             44          (4) A document issued by a medical school located outside the United States shall be
             45      considered the equivalent of a degree of doctor of medicine for the purpose of licensure as a
             46      physician and surgeon in this state if:
             47          (a) the foreign medical school is recognized by an organization approved by the division;
             48          (b) the document granted by the foreign medical school is issued after the completion of
             49      all formal requirements of the medical school except internship or social service; and
             50          (c) the foreign medical school certifies that the person to whom the document was issued
             51      has satisfactorily completed the requirements of this Subsection (1)(c).
             52          (5) The provisions for licensure under this section shall be known as the "fifth pathway
             53      program."
             54           S [ (6) Within the limitations of available financial and physical resources, and to the extent
             55      approved by the Board of Regents, colleges of medicine within the state shall develop education
             56      programs of supervised clinical training that will provide a means for satisfaction of the
             57      requirements of Subsection (1)(e) of this section; provided, however, that this program will not
             58      jeopardize the accreditation of the colleges of medicine. The colleges of medicine shall retai
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Senate Committee Amendments 1-24-2002 rd/cjd
authority and responsibility, insofar as they comply with the other provisions of this act, and under

             60      the direction of the State Board of Regents, for determining the criteria for eligibility and
             61      admission to those programs, the number and qualifications of students accepted thereto, and the
             62      curriculum content, performance standards, and other requirements for satisfactory completion.
             63          (7) The medical school may charge persons receiving the clinical training of the fifth
             64      pathway program the same tuition it charges other fourth-year medical students
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Legislative Review Note
    as of 1-4-02 7:41 AM

A limited legal review of this legislation raises no obvious constitutional or statutory concerns.

Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel

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