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[Introduced][Status][Bill Documents][Fiscal Note][Bills Directory]
S.B. 108
6 This act modifies the Pete Suazo Athletic Commission Act. The act reinstates a percentage
7 license fee on broadcast revenues and modifies the percentage license fee on admission
8 revenues. The act provides for a portion of license fees received from professional boxing
9 contests or exhibitions to be deposited in the Commerce Service Fund as a dedicated credit
10 to be used by the commission to award grants to organizations which promote amateur
11 boxing in the state. The act expands the commission's rulemaking authority to provide a
12 process for the application and awarding of grants. The act authorizes the commission to
13 exempt from the payment of license fees one contest or exhibition per year.
14 This act affects sections of Utah Code Annotated 1953 as follows:
16 13-33-304, as last amended by Chapter 9, Laws of Utah 2001, Second Special Session
17 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
18 Section 1. Section 13-33-304 is amended to read:
19 13-33-304. Additional fee for license of promoter.
20 (1) In addition to the payment of any other fees and money due under this chapter, every
21 promoter shall pay a license fee of [
22 (a) 3% of the total gross receipts from admission fees to each live contest or exhibition,
23 exclusive of any other state or federal tax or tax imposed by any political subdivision of this
24 state[
25 (b) 3% of total gross receipts from the sale, lease, or other exploitation of broadcasting,
26 television, and motion picture rights for each contest or exhibition.
27 (2) The [
Senate Committee Amendments 1-22-2002 rd/pwh
deductions for commissions, brokerage fees, distribution fees, advertising, contestants' purses, or28
29 any other expenses or charges.
30 (3) One-half of license fees collected under Subsection (1)(a) from professional boxing
31 contests or exhibitions shall be deposited in the S [
31a dedicated credit to
32 be used by the commission to award grants to organizations which promote amateur boxing in the
33 state.
34 [
35 Act, the commission shall adopt rules:
36 (a) requiring that the number and face value of all complimentary tickets be reported; [
37 (b) governing the treatment of complimentary tickets for the purposes of computing gross
38 receipts from admission fees under Subsection (1)[
39 (c) governing the manner in which applications for grants under Subsection (3) may be
40 submitted to the commission; and
41 (d) establishing standards for awarding grants under Subsection (3) to organizations which
42 promote amateur boxing in the state.
43 (5) For the purpose of creating a greater interest in contests in the state, the commission
44 may exempt from the payment of license fees under this section one contest or exhibition in each
45 calendar year, intended as a showcase event. The commission shall select the contest or exhibition
46 to be exempted based on factors which include:
47 (a) attraction of the optimum number of spectators;
48 (b) costs of promoting and producing the contest or exhibition;
49 (c) ticket pricing;
50 (d) committed promotions and advertising of the contest or exhibition;
51 (e) rankings and quality of the contestants; and
52 (f) committed television and other media coverage of the contest or exhibition.
Legislative Review Note
as of 1-8-02 4:52 PM
A limited legal review of this legislation raises no obvious constitutional or statutory concerns.