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S.B. 116 Enrolled






Sponsor: D. Chris Buttars

                  This act modifies provisions relating to County Improvement Districts and Municipal
                  Improvement Districts. The act provides authority to use variable rate bonds to encourage
                  community improvements, affordable housing, and commercial/industrial developments.
                  The act makes technical changes.
                  This act affects sections of Utah Code Annotated 1953 as follows:
                      17A-3-210, as last amended by Chapter 1, Laws of Utah 2000
                      17A-3-220, as renumbered and amended by Chapter 186, Laws of Utah 1990
                      17A-3-227, as renumbered and amended by Chapter 186 and last amended by Chapter 214,
                  Laws of Utah 1990
                      17A-3-228, as renumbered and amended by Chapter 186, Laws of Utah 1990
                      17A-3-310, as renumbered and amended by Chapter 186 and last amended by Chapter 214,
                  Laws of Utah 1990
                      17A-3-320, as renumbered and amended by Chapter 186, Laws of Utah 1990
                      17A-3-328, as renumbered and amended by Chapter 186, Laws of Utah 1990
                      17A-3-329, as renumbered and amended by Chapter 186 and last amended by Chapter 214,
                  Laws of Utah 1990
                  Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
                      Section 1. Section 17A-3-210 is amended to read:
                       17A-3-210. Interim warrants.
                      (1) (a) As work proceeds in a special improvement district, the governing body may issue
                  interim warrants against the district:
                      (i) for an amount not to exceed 90% of the value of the work previously done, upon
                  estimates of the project engineer;

                      (ii) after completion of the work and acceptance of the work by the project engineer and by
                  the governing body, for 100% of the value of the work completed; and
                      (iii) where improvements in the district require the acquisition of property, for not more than
                  the property price.
                      (b) Subject to the provisions of Section 17A-3-209 , the governing body may issue warrants
                      (i) a contractor, to apply at par value on the contract price for the improvements; or
                      (ii) to the owner of the acquired property, to apply at par value on the property price.
                      (c) The governing body may also issue and sell warrants at not less than par value in a
                  manner determined by the governing body and apply the proceeds of the sale towards payment of
                  the contract price and property price.
                      (2) (a) Interim warrants shall bear interest from date of issue until paid.
                      (b) The governing body shall [fix] specify the interest rate or rates, which may be a fixed rate
                  or rates, a variable rate or rates, or a combination of fixed and variable rates. In the case of a variable
                  interest rate or rates, the governing body shall specify the basis upon which the rate or rates shall be
                  determined from time to time, the manner in which and schedule upon which the rate or rates shall
                  be adjusted, and a maximum rate that the interim warrants may bear.
                      (c) The governing body may fix a maturity date for each interim warrant. If a warrant
                  matures before the governing body has available to it the sources of payment itemized in Subsection
                  (3)(a), (b), (c), or (d), it may authorize the issuance of a new interim warrant to pay the principal and
                  interest on the warrant falling due.
                      (d) Interest accruing on interim warrants shall be included as a cost of the improvements.
                      (3) The governing body shall pay interim warrants and interest on the warrants from one or
                  more of the following sources:
                      (a) issuance of or proceeds from the sale of special improvement bonds issued against the
                      (b) cash received from the payment for improvements;
                      (c) payment of assessments not pledged to the payment of the bonds;

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                      (d) the guaranty fund if appropriate; or
                      (e) proceeds of an interim warrant.
                      (4) With the authorization of the governing body, the governing entity may purchase any or
                  all of the interim warrants issued against the district and may use the governing entity's general funds
                  for this purchase.
                      Section 2. Section 17A-3-220 is amended to read:
                       17A-3-220. Period for paying assessments -- Frequency of installments -- Interest.
                      (1) Except as provided in Section 17A-3-219 , an assessment shall be levied at one time upon
                  the property. The governing body may provide in the ordinance levying the assessment that all or
                  such portion of the assessment as is designated in the ordinance may be paid in installments over a
                  period of time not exceeding 20 years from the effective date of the ordinance levying the
                  assessment, except that in any case where the installments are to be payable over a period of time
                  exceeding [10] ten years from the effective date, the governing body shall find and determine that
                  the improvements for which the assessment are made have a reasonable, useful life for the full period
                  during which the installments are payable or that it would otherwise be in the best interests of the
                  governing entity and of the owners of property to be assessed to provide for payment of the
                  assessments over a period in excess of [10] ten years.
                      (2) Installments shall be payable at least annually but may be payable at more frequent
                  intervals as provided by the ordinance levying the assessment, except that if the ordinance provides
                  for payment of the assessment over a period in excess of [10] ten years from the effective date of the
                  same, the ordinance may also provide that no installments of these assessments shall be payable
                  during all or any portion of the period ending three years after this effective date.
                      (3) Where the assessment is payable in installments, the ordinance shall provide that the
                  unpaid balance of the assessment shall bear interest at a rate or rates which may be a fixed rate or
                  rates, a variable rate or rates, or a combination of fixed and variable rates, from the effective date of
                  the ordinance or from such other date as may be specified in the ordinance until due for the purpose
                  of paying the costs relating to the special improvement district as the governing body may specify,
                  including interest on any bonds issued under Section 17A-3-227 or 17A-3-229 , ongoing costs of the

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                  governing entity incurred with respect to administration of the special improvement district, and
                  costs, if any, incurred with respect to securing a letter of credit or other instrument to secure payment
                  or repurchase of any bonds or retaining a remarketing agent or an indexing agent; except that where
                  the assessment is for light service or park maintenance, interest shall be charged only from and after
                  the due date of each installment and the first installment for the assessment shall be due 15 days after
                  the effective date of the ordinance. If interest is to accrue on any assessment at a variable rate or
                  rates, the governing body shall specify the basis upon which the rate or rates shall be determined
                  from time to time, the manner in which and schedule upon which the rate or rates shall be adjusted,
                  and a maximum rate that the assessments may bear. Interest shall be paid in addition to the amount
                  of each installment annually or at more frequent intervals as provided in the ordinance levying the
                      Section 3. Section 17A-3-227 is amended to read:
                       17A-3-227. Special improvement refunding bonds.
                      (1) (a) The governing body may issue special improvement refunding bonds to refund                   special
                  improvement bonds issued under authority of this part.
                      (b) The governing body may adopt a resolution refunding the special improvement bonds
                  in whole or in part or at or in advance of their maturity, whether at stated maturity or upon
                  redemption or declaration of maturity.
                      (2) In issuing the special improvement refunding bonds, the governing body shall comply
                      (a) the requirements of this part;
                      (b) the provisions of Title 11, Chapter 27, Utah Refunding Bond Act, as provided in
                  Subsection (13); and
                      (c) the requirements of this section.
                      (3) Special improvement refunding bonds shall:
                      (a) be payable solely from the same funds from which the prior bonds are payable;
                      (b) mature not later than the date of final maturity of the prior bonds;
                      (c) not mature or bear interest at any time in amounts which cannot be paid when due from

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                  the payments of the assessments, interest on assessments, or the reduced payment obligations, as
                  applicable, assuming that payments of these assessments, reduced payment obligations, and interest
                  are paid when due, together with the amounts of any prior payments or prepayments of these
                  assessments, reduced payment obligations, and interest previously made and that remain available
                  for payment of the special improvement refunding bonds; and
                      (d) bear interest [payable semiannually or annually,] as determined by the governing body
                  in accordance with Subsections 17A-3-228 (2) and (5).
                      (4) Special improvement refunding bonds may:
                      (a) be issued in bearer form, with or without interest coupons attached, or in registered form
                  in accordance with Title 15, Chapter 7, Registered Public Obligations Act, as determined by the
                  governing body;
                      (b) as determined by the governing body:
                      (i) be in a form and contain details consistent with this part;
                      (ii) be payable at a place or places;
                      (iii) be delivered in exchange for the prior bonds; or
                      (iv) be sold in a manner, at terms, and with details consistent with this part, and at a price
                  or prices above, at, or below par;
                      (c) be callable for redemption prior to maturity upon terms, conditions, and notice, and
                  premium, if any, to be paid, as the governing body determines, but no special improvement refunding
                  bonds are callable for redemption unless the terms and conditions of redemption are stated on their
                  face; and
                      (d) be issued for the purpose of refunding one or more issues of prior bonds of a governing
                  entity and, if issued to refund two or more issues of prior bonds, be issued in a single series to refund
                  all of the issues of prior bonds to be refunded, or in two or more series to refund one or more of these
                  issues of prior bonds.
                      (5) The governing body may provide for the payment of incidental refunding costs of the
                  special improvement refunding bonds as follows:
                      (a) by advancing funds from the general funds or other funds of the governing entity, if the

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                  governing body:
                      (i) finds and determines that this advance of the governing entity's funds is in the best
                  interest of the governing entity and its citizens, including, without limitation, the owners of property
                  within the district; and
                      (ii) provides that the assessments and the interest on assessments from which the prior bonds
                  are payable may not be reduced during whatever period is necessary to provide funds from the
                  payment of these assessments and the interest on assessments with which to reimburse the governing
                  entity for all funds advanced by it for the payment of incidental refunding costs, together with
                  interest on these funds at a rate or rates equal to the interest rate or rates payable on these
                      (b) from any premium received from the sale of the special improvement refunding bonds;
                      (c) from any earnings on the investment of the proceeds of the special improvement
                  refunding bonds pending their use to redeem the prior bonds;
                      (d) from any other sources legally available to the governing entity for this purpose; or
                      (e) from any combination of Subsections (5)(a) through (d).
                      (6) (a) The governing entity shall designate an official of the governing entity to execute a
                  manual or facsimile signature on special improvement refunding bonds and any interest coupons
                  attached to them.
                      (b) The governing entity shall designate another official to attest, by manual or facsimile
                  signature, to the signature of the official executing the special improvement refunding bonds and any
                  interest coupons.
                      (c) In addition to these signatures, any special improvement refunding bond may include a
                  certificate signed by the manual or facsimile signature of an authenticating agent, registrar, transfer
                  agent, or the like.
                      (d) At least one signature of an authorized official or other person required or permitted to
                  be placed on the special improvement refunding bonds shall be a manual signature.
                      (e) Special improvement refunding bonds and interest coupons bearing the signatures,
                  manual or facsimile, of officers in office on the date of execution of the bonds or coupons are valid

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                  and binding obligations, even if before the delivery of the special improvement refunding bonds or
                  interest coupons any or all of the persons whose signatures appear on them have ceased to be officers
                  of the governing entity.
                      (7) (a) The governing entity shall make the special improvement refunding bonds and the
                  interest on them payable from and secured by:
                      (i) the same assessments and interest on assessments from which the prior bonds were
                  payable and were secured, as they may be reduced by the amending ordinance described in
                  Subsection (10); and
                      (ii) the special improvement guaranty fund if the prior bonds were payable from and secured
                  by this fund.
                      (b) The governing entity may make the special improvement refunding bonds and the                   interest
                  on them payable from and secured by the special improvement guaranty fund.
                      (c) The governing body shall:
                      (i) adopt an ordinance amending the prior ordinance, as provided in Subsection (10); and
                      (ii) give notice of any reduced payment obligations to the owners of properties assessed in
                  the prior ordinance, as provided in Subsection (11).
                      (d) (i) Neither the amendment of the prior ordinance nor the issuance of special improvement
                  refunding bonds affects the validity of the continued enforceability of the original or any other prior
                  assessments or the interest on assessments, except for the amounts of any reductions to the original
                  or prior assessments or interest on assessments.
                      (ii) Neither this amendment nor the issuance of the special improvement refunding bonds
                  affects the validity of the enforceability or priority of the lien on the properties upon which the
                  assessments were levied, except for the amounts of any reductions to the original or prior
                  assessments or interest on assessments.
                      (iii) All these reductions to the original or prior assessments and the interest on assessments
                  shall continue to exist in favor of the special improvement refunding bonds.
                      (iv) All these liens and priorities shall continue to exist against these properties to secure the
                  payment of the reduced payment obligations and the special improvement refunding bonds in the

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                  same manner and, except for the amounts of any reductions to the original or prior assessments or
                  interest on assessments, to the same extent as the original and any other prior assessments, interest
                  on assessments, and the prior bonds were secured by the original assessments, interest on
                  assessments, and the original liens and priorities.
                      (e) It is the intent of the Legislature that there be no impairment of the validity of, or, except
                  with respect to the amounts of these reductions to the original or prior assessments or interest on
                  them, of the enforceability or priority of any of these assessments, interest on them, or liens as a
                  result of the amendment of the prior ordinance or the issuance of the special improvement refunding
                      (8) (a) The lien securing any reduced payment obligations from which the special
                  improvement refunding bonds are payable and secured is subordinate to the lien securing the original
                  or prior assessments, interest on assessments, and the prior bonds until the principal of, interest on,
                  and redemption premium, if any, on the prior bonds are fully paid.
                      (b) Following this payment, this lien shall continue as provided in Section 17A-3-223 , as
                  security for the payment of the reduced payment obligations, the penalties and costs of collection of
                  those obligations, and the payment of the principal of, interest on, and redemption premium, if any,
                  on the special improvement refunding bonds.
                      (9) (a) Unless the principal of, interest on, and redemption premiums, if any, on the prior
                  bonds are paid simultaneously with the issuance of the special improvement refunding bonds, the
                  governing entity shall irrevocably set aside the proceeds of the special improvement refunding bonds
                  in an escrow or other separate account.
                      (b) The governing entity shall pledge that account as security for the payment of the principal
                  of, interest on, and redemption premiums, if any, on the special improvement refunding bonds or the
                  prior bonds, or both.
                      (10) The governing entity shall ensure that the amending ordinance required by Subsection
                  (7) meets the following requirements:
                      (a) (i) Subject to the provisions of Subsection (5)(a), the amount by which the principal or
                  interest, or both, payable on the special improvement refunding bonds is less than the amount of

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                  principal or interest, or both, payable on the prior bonds shall be applied to reduce the assessments
                  levied by the prior ordinance or the interest payable on those assessments, or both, as determined by
                  the governing body.
                      (ii) Any reductions of the assessments levied by the prior ordinance or of interest payable
                  on those assessments, or both, shall be made in such manner that the then unpaid assessments levied
                  against each of the assessed properties and the unpaid interest on these assessments shall receive a
                  proportionate share of the reductions.
                      (iii) These reductions do not apply to assessments and interest on assessments that have been
                      (b) The amending ordinance shall either:
                      (i) state the amounts of the reduced payment obligations for each of the properties assessed
                  in the prior ordinance; or
                      (ii) incorporate by reference a revised assessment list approved by the governing body that
                  contains these reduced payment obligations.
                      (c) The amending ordinance need not describe each block, lot, part of block or lot, tract, or
                  parcel of property assessed.
                      (d) The governing entity shall comply with the requirements of Subsection 17A-3-218 (1)
                  regarding publication and effective date with respect to the amending ordinance.
                      (e) (i) The amending ordinance shall state the effective date or dates of any reductions in the
                  assessments and the interest on assessments levied in the prior ordinance.
                      (ii) The governing entity may not set an effective date that is before the date when all of the
                  principal of, interest on, and any redemption premiums on the prior bonds and any advances of funds
                  made under Subsection (5)(a) are fully paid.
                      (11) (a) The notice to owners of assessed properties of reductions in their assessments and
                  interest payments, referred to in Subsection (7)(c)(ii), shall:
                      (i) identify the property subject to the assessment; and
                      (ii) state the amount of the reduced payment obligations that will be payable from and after
                  the applicable date stated in the amending ordinance.

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                      (b) The notice may contain any other information that the governing body considers
                      (12) (a) The governing entity shall mail the notice referred to in Subsection (7)(c)(ii),
                  postage prepaid, not less than 21 days before the date the first payment of the reduced assessments
                  becomes due addressed to "owner" at the street number of each piece of improved assessed property.
                      (b) If a street number has not been assigned, then the post office box, rural route number,
                  or any other mailing address of the improved property shall be used for the mailing of the notice.
                      (c) The governing body may include the notice with or in any other notices regarding the
                  payment of assessments and interest on assessments sent to the property owners in the district within
                  the time and addressed as stated in this Subsection (12).
                      (d) Neither the failure to give notice nor any defect in its content or the manner or time in
                  which it is given affects the validity or enforceability of the amending ordinance or the special
                  improvement refunding bonds or the validity, enforceability, or priority of the reduced payment
                      (e) Whether or not this notice is given, no other notice is required to be given to the owners
                  of the assessed properties in connection with the issuance of the special improvement refunding
                      (13) To the extent it is not inconsistent with this part, Title 11, Chapter 27, Utah Refunding
                  Bond Act, applies to the issuance of special improvement refunding bonds.
                      (14) The provisions of this part relating to special improvement refunding bonds apply to
                  all special improvement bonds issued and outstanding or which may be issued and outstanding in
                  the future.
                      (15) This part applies to all special improvement refunding bonds issued under this part,
                  even though the prior bonds that are refunded by those special improvement refunding bonds were
                  issued under any other law, including, without limitation, any law that has been repealed.
                      Section 4. Section 17A-3-228 is amended to read:
                       17A-3-228. Bonds.
                      (1) Fifteen days or more after the effective date of any ordinance levying an assessment in

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                  a special improvement district, the governing body levying the assessment, by ordinance or
                  resolution, may authorize the issuance of special improvement bonds to pay the costs of the
                  improvements in the district against the funds created by the assessment. [Special] The aggregate
                  principal amount of the special improvement bonds so authorized shall not exceed the unpaid
                  balance of the assessments at the end of this 15-day period[,]. The special improvement bonds shall
                  be fully negotiable for all purposes, shall mature at such time or times not exceeding the period of
                  time over which installments of the assessments are due and payable plus one year, shall bear interest
                  at the lowest rate or rates reasonably obtainable, shall be sold at the prices, either at, in excess of, or
                  below their face value, shall be payable at the place or places, shall be in the form, and generally
                  shall be issued and shall be sold in the manner and with those details as may be provided by
                  ordinance or resolution. The bonds shall be dated no earlier than the effective date of the ordinance
                  levying the assessment.
                      (2) Except for special improvement bonds issued for light service or park maintenance
                  purposes (which bonds shall bear interest only from their due date), interest shall be paid
                  semiannually [or], annually [as determined], or at such other intervals or upon such other schedule
                  as may be specified by the governing body and may be evidenced by interest coupons attached to the
                      (3) The governing body may provide that the bonds shall be callable for redemption prior
                  to maturity and fix the terms and conditions of redemption, including the notice to be given and the
                  premium, if any, to be paid. No bonds are callable for redemption unless the terms and conditions
                  of redemption are stated on the face of the bonds.
                      (4) The bonds shall be signed and may be countersigned by the official or officials of the
                  governing entity (including a member or members of the governing body) as designated by the
                  governing body. If so provided by the governing body, the signatures on the bonds and interest
                  coupons, if any, may be by facsimile signature if at least one signature required or permitted to be
                  placed on the face of the bond is manually signed. Bonds or interest coupons bearing the signatures
                  (manual or facsimile) of officers in office on the date of the execution of them shall be valid and
                  binding obligations notwithstanding that before the delivery of the bonds any or all of the persons

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                  whose signatures appear on them shall have ceased to be officers of the governing entity.
                      (5) The governing body may provide that the bonds shall bear interest at a fixed rate or rates,
                  a variable rate or rates, or a combination of fixed and variable rates. In the case of a variable interest
                  rate or rates, the governing body shall specify the basis upon which the rate or rates shall be
                  determined from time to time, the manner in which and schedule upon which the rate or rates shall
                  be adjusted, and a maximum rate that the bonds may bear.
                      (6) The governing body may specify terms and conditions under which the bonds bearing
                  interest at a variable interest rate may be converted to bear interest at a fixed interest rate.
                      (7) The governing body may specify terms and conditions under which the governing entity
                  agrees to repurchase the bonds. The governing body may secure a letter of credit or other instrument
                  to secure payment or repurchase of any bonds. The governing body may engage a remarketing agent
                  and an indexing agent, subject to terms and conditions agreed to by the governing body. The
                  governing body may cause the special improvement district to pay the costs of the foregoing and any
                  similar costs with respect to the bonds.
                      Section 5. Section 17A-3-310 is amended to read:
                       17A-3-310. Interim warrants.
                      (1) (a) As work proceeds in a special improvement district, the governing body may issue
                  interim warrants against the district:
                      (i) as portions of the work are completed, for not more than 90% of the value of the
                  completed work as estimated by the engineer of the municipality;
                      (ii) after completion of the work and acceptance of the work by the engineer of the
                  municipality and by the governing body, for 100% of the value of the work completed; and
                      (iii) where improvements in the district require the acquisition of property, for not more than
                  the property price.
                      (b) Subject to the provisions of Section 17A-3-309 , the governing body may issue warrants
                      (i) a contractor, to apply at par value on the contract price for the improvements; or
                      (ii) to the owner of the property, to apply at par value on the property price.

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                      (c) The governing body may also issue and sell the warrants at not less than par value in a
                  manner determined by the governing body and apply the proceeds of the sale towards payment of
                  the contract price and property price.
                      (2) (a) Interim warrants shall bear interest from date of issue until paid.
                      (b) The governing body shall [fix] specify the interest rate or rates, which may be a fixed rate
                  or rates, a variable rate or rates, or a combination of fixed and variable rates. In the case of a variable
                  interest rate or rates, the governing body shall specify the basis upon which the rate or rates shall be
                  determined from time to time, the manner in which and schedule upon which the rate or rates shall
                  be adjusted, and a maximum rate that the interim warrants may bear.
                      (c) The governing body may fix a maturity date for each interim warrant. If a warrant
                  matures before the governing body has available to it the sources of payment itemized in Subsections
                  (3)(a), (b), or (c), it may authorize the issuance of a new warrant to pay the principal and interest on
                  the warrant falling due.
                      (d) Interest accruing on interim warrants shall be included as a cost of the improvements in
                  the special improvement district.
                      (3) The governing body shall pay interim warrants and interest on the warrants from one or
                  more of the following sources:
                      (a) proceeds from the sale of special improvement bonds issued against the district;
                      (b) cash received from the payment of assessments not pledged to the payment of the bonds;
                      (c) improvement revenues not pledged to the payment of the bonds; or
                      (d) proceeds of an interim warrant.
                      Section 6. Section 17A-3-320 is amended to read:
                       17A-3-320. Payment of assessments in installments -- Frequency -- Interest.
                      (1) An assessment shall be levied at one time upon the property. The governing body may
                  provide in the ordinance levying the assessment that all or such portion of the assessment as is
                  designated in the ordinance may be paid in installments over a period of time not exceeding 20 years
                  from the effective date of the ordinance levying the assessment, except that in any case where the
                  installments are to be payable over a period of time exceeding [10] ten years from the effective date,

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                  the governing body shall find and determine that the improvements for which the assessment are
                  made have a reasonable useful life for the full period during which the installments are payable or
                  that it would otherwise be in the best interests of the municipality and of the owners of property to
                  be assessed to provide for payment of the assessments over a period in excess of [10] ten years.
                      (2) Installments shall be payable at least annually but may be payable at more frequent
                  intervals as provided by the ordinance levying the assessment, except that if the ordinance provides
                  for payment of the assessment over a period in excess of [10] ten years from the effective date of the
                  same, the ordinance may also provide that no installments of these assessments shall be payable
                  during all or any portion of the period ending three years after this effective date.
                      (3) Where the assessment is payable in installments, the ordinance shall provide that the
                  unpaid balance of the assessment shall bear interest at a rate or rates, which may be a fixed rate or
                  rates, a variable rate or rates, or a combination of fixed and variable rates, determined by the
                  governing body from the effective date of the ordinance or from such other date as may be specified
                  in the ordinance until due for the purpose of paying the costs relating to the special improvement
                  district as the governing body may specify, including interest on any bonds issued under Section
                  17A-3-328 or 17A-3-329 , ongoing costs of the municipality incurred with respect to administration
                  of the special improvement district, and costs, if any, incurred with respect to securing a letter of
                  credit or other instrument to secure payment or repurchase of any bonds or retaining a remarketing
                  agent or an indexing agent; except that where the assessment is for light service or park maintenance,
                  interest shall be charged only from the due date of each installment, and the first installment for any
                  assessment shall be due 15 days after the effective date of the ordinance. If interest is to accrue on
                  any assessment at a variable rate or rates, the governing body shall specify in the ordinance the basis
                  upon which the rate or rates shall be determined from time to time, the manner in which and
                  schedule upon which the rate or rates shall be adjusted, and a maximum rate that the assessments
                  may bear. Interest shall be paid in addition to the amount of each installment annually or at more
                  frequent intervals as provided in the ordinance levying the assessment.
                      Section 7. Section 17A-3-328 is amended to read:
                       17A-3-328. Special improvement bonds.

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                      (1) Fifteen days or more after the effective date of any ordinance levying an assessment in
                  a special improvement district, the governing body of the municipality levying the assessment, by
                  ordinance or resolution, may authorize the issuance of special improvement bonds to pay the costs
                  of the improvements in the district against the funds created by the assessment. [Special] The
                  aggregate principal amount of the special improvement bonds so authorized shall not exceed the
                  unpaid balance of the assessments at the end of this 15-day period[,]. The special improvement
                  bonds shall be fully negotiable for all purposes, shall mature at such time or times not exceeding the
                  period of time over which installments of the assessments are due and payable plus one year, shall
                  bear interest at the lowest rate or rates reasonably obtainable, shall be payable at such place or places,
                  shall be in such form, and generally shall be issued and shall be sold in such manner and with such
                  details as may be provided by ordinance or resolution. All these bonds shall be dated no earlier than
                  the effective date of the ordinance levying the assessment.
                      (2) Except for special improvement bonds issued for lighting service or park maintenance
                  purposes (which bonds shall bear interest only from the due date), interest shall be paid semiannually
                  [or], annually [as determined], or at such other intervals or upon such other schedule as may be
                  specified by the governing body and may be evidenced by interest coupons attached to the bonds.
                      (3) The governing body may provide that the bonds shall be callable for redemption prior
                  to maturity and fix the terms and conditions of redemption, including the notice to be given and the
                  premium, if any, to be paid. No bonds are callable for redemption unless the terms and conditions
                  of redemption are stated on the face of the bonds.
                      (4) The bonds shall be signed and may be countersigned by any officials of the municipality
                  (including a member or members of the governing body) as designated by the governing body of the
                  municipality. If so provided by the governing body, the signatures on the bonds and interest
                  coupons, if any, may be by facsimile signature if at least one signature required or permitted to be
                  placed on the face of the bond is manually signed. Bonds or interest coupons bearing the signatures
                  (manual or facsimile) of officers in office on the date of execution of them shall be valid and binding
                  obligations notwithstanding that before the delivery of the bonds any or all of the persons whose
                  signatures appear on them shall have ceased to be officers of the municipality.

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                      (5) The governing body may provide that the bonds shall bear interest at a fixed rate or rates,
                  a variable rate or rates, or a combination of fixed and variable rates. In the case of a variable interest
                  rate or rates, the governing body shall specify the basis upon which the rate or rates shall be
                  determined from time to time, the manner in which and schedule upon which the rate or rates shall
                  be adjusted, and a maximum rate that the bonds may bear.
                      (6) The governing body may specify terms and conditions under which the bonds bearing
                  interest at a variable interest rate may be converted to bear interest at a fixed interest rate.
                      (7) The governing body may specify terms and conditions under which the municipality
                  agrees to repurchase the bonds. The governing body may secure a letter of credit or other instrument
                  to secure payment or repurchase of any bonds. The governing body may engage a remarketing agent
                  and indexing agent, subject to terms and conditions agreed to by the governing body. The governing
                  body may cause the special improvement district to pay the costs of the foregoing and any similar
                  costs with respect to the bonds.
                      Section 8. Section 17A-3-329 is amended to read:
                       17A-3-329. Special improvement refunding bonds.
                      (1) (a) The governing body may issue special improvement refunding bonds to refund                   special
                  improvement bonds issued under authority of this part.
                      (b) The governing body may adopt a resolution refunding the special improvement bonds
                  in whole or in part, at or in advance of their maturity, whether at stated maturity or upon redemption
                  or declaration of maturity.
                      (2) In issuing the special improvement refunding bonds, the governing body shall comply
                      (a) the requirements of this part;
                      (b) the provisions of Title 11, Chapter 27, Utah Refunding Bond Act, as provided in
                  Subsection (13); and
                      (c) the requirements of this section.
                      (3) Special improvement refunding bonds shall:
                      (a) be payable solely from the sources described in Subsection (7)(a);

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                      (b) mature not later than the date of final maturity of the prior bonds;
                      (c) not mature or bear interest at any time in amounts that cannot be paid when due from the
                  payments of the assessments, interest on assessments, and improvement revenues, or the reduced
                  payment obligations, as applicable, assuming that payments of these assessments, improvement
                  revenues, reduced payment obligations, and interest are paid when due, together with the amounts
                  of any prior payments or prepayments of these assessments, improvement revenues, reduced                   payment
                  obligations, and interest previously made and that remain available for payment of the special
                  improvement refunding bonds; and
                      (d) bear interest [payable semiannually or annually,] as determined by the governing body
                  in accordance with Subsections 17A-3-328 (2) and (5).
                      (4) Special improvement refunding bonds may:
                      (a) be issued in bearer form, with or without interest coupons attached, or in registered form
                  in accordance with Title 15, Chapter 7, Registered Public Obligations Act, as determined by the
                  governing body;
                      (b) as determined by the governing body:
                      (i) be in a form and contain details consistent with this part;
                      (ii) be payable at a place or places;
                      (iii) be delivered in exchange for the prior bonds; or
                      (iv) be sold in a manner, at terms, and with details consistent with this part, and at a price
                  or prices above, at, or below par;
                      (c) be callable for redemption prior to maturity upon terms, conditions, and notice, and
                  premium, if any, to be paid, as the governing body determines, but no special improvement refunding
                  bonds are callable for redemption unless the terms and conditions of redemption are stated on their
                  face; and
                      (d) be issued for the purpose of refunding one or more issues of prior bonds of a                   municipality
                  and, if issued to refund two or more issues of prior bonds, be issued in a single series to refund all
                  of the issues of prior bonds to be refunded, or in two or more series to refund one or more of these
                  issues of prior bonds.

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                      (5) The governing body may provide for the payment of incidental refunding costs of the
                  special improvement refunding bonds as follows:
                      (a) by advancing funds from the general fund or other funds of the municipality, if the
                  governing body:
                      (i) finds and determines that this advance of municipal funds is in the best interest of the
                  municipality and its citizens, including, without limitation, the owners of property within the district;
                      (ii) provides that the assessments, the interest on assessments, and the improvement revenues
                  from which the prior bonds are payable may not be reduced during whatever period is necessary to
                  provide funds from the payment of these assessments, interest on assessments, and improvement
                  revenues with which to reimburse the municipality for all funds advanced by it for the payment of
                  incidental refunding costs, together with interest on these funds at a rate or rates equal to the interest
                  rate or rates payable on these assessments;
                      (b) from any premium received from the sale of the special improvement refunding bonds;
                      (c) from any earnings on the investment of the proceeds of the special improvement
                  refunding bonds pending their use to redeem the prior bonds;
                      (d) from any other sources legally available to the municipality for this purpose; or
                      (e) from any combination of Subsections (5)(a) through (d).
                      (6) (a) The governing body of the municipality shall designate an official of the municipality
                  to execute a manual or facsimile signature on special improvement refunding bonds and any interest
                  coupons attached to them.
                      (b) The governing body of the municipality shall designate another municipal official to
                  attest, by manual or facsimile signature, to the signature of the official executing the special
                  improvement refunding bonds and any interest coupons.
                      (c) In addition to these signatures, any special improvement refunding bond may include a
                  certificate signed by the manual or facsimile signature of an authenticating agent, registrar, transfer
                  agent, or the like.
                      (d) At least one signature of an authorized official or other person required or permitted to

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                  be placed on the special improvement refunding bonds shall be a manual signature.
                      (e) Special improvement refunding bonds and interest coupons bearing the signatures,
                  manual or facsimile, of officers in office on the date of execution of the special improvement
                  refunding bonds or coupons are valid and binding obligations, even if before the delivery of the
                  special improvement refunding bonds or interest coupons any or all of the persons whose signatures
                  appear on them have ceased to be officers of the municipality.
                      (7) (a) Notwithstanding Subsection (7)(b), in issuing special improvement refunding bonds,
                  the governing body shall make the special improvement refunding bonds and the interest on them
                  payable from and secured by:
                      (i) either the same assessments and interest on assessments from which the prior bonds were
                  payable and were secured or by the reduced assessments and interest on assessments adopted by the
                  governing body pursuant to Subsection (10);
                      (ii) the special improvement guaranty fund if the prior bonds were payable from and secured
                  by this fund; and
                      (iii) improvement revenues if the prior bonds were payable from and secured by
                  improvement revenues.
                      (b) In issuing special improvement refunding bonds, the governing body may make the
                  special improvement refunding bonds and the interest on them payable from and secured by:
                      (i) the special improvement guaranty fund; and
                      (ii) improvement revenues.
                      (c) The governing body shall:
                      (i) adopt an ordinance amending the prior ordinance, as provided in Subsection (10); and
                      (ii) give notice of any reduced payment obligations to the owners of properties assessed in
                  the prior ordinance, as provided in Subsection (11).
                      (d) (i) Neither the amendment of the prior ordinance nor the issuance of special improvement
                  refunding bonds affects the validity of or the continued enforceability of the original or any other
                  prior assessments or the interest on assessments, except for the amounts of any reductions to the
                  original or prior assessments or interest on assessments specified in the amended ordinance.

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                      (ii) Neither this amendment nor the issuance of the special improvement refunding bonds
                  affects the validity of or the enforceability or priority of the lien on the properties upon which the
                  assessments were levied, except for the amounts of any reductions to the original or prior
                  assessments or interest on assessments specified in the amended ordinance.
                      (iii) All these reductions to the original or prior assessments and the interest on assessments
                  shall continue to exist in favor of the special improvement refunding bonds.
                      (iv) All these liens and priorities shall continue to exist against these properties to secure the
                  payment of the reduced payment obligations and the special improvement refunding bonds in the
                  same manner and, except for the amounts of any reductions to the original or prior assessments or
                  interest on assessments, to the same extent as the original and any other prior assessments, interest
                  on assessments, and the prior bonds were secured by the original assessments, interest on
                  assessments, and the original liens and priorities.
                      (e) It is the intent of the Legislature that there be no impairment of the validity of, or, except
                  with respect to the amounts of these reductions to the original or prior assessments or interest on
                  them, of the enforceability or priority of any of these assessments, interest on them, or liens as a
                  result of the amendment of the prior ordinance or the issuance of the special improvement refunding
                      (8) (a) The lien securing any reduced payment obligations from which the special
                  improvement refunding bonds are payable and secured is subordinate to the lien securing the original
                  or prior assessments, interest on assessments, and the prior bonds until the principal of, interest on,
                  and redemption premium, if any, on the prior bonds are fully paid.
                      (b) Following this payment, this lien shall continue as provided in Section 17A-3-323 , as
                  security for the payment of the reduced payment obligations, the penalties and costs of collection of
                  those obligations, and the payment of the principal of, interest on, and redemption premium, if any,
                  on the special improvement refunding bonds.
                      (9) (a) Unless the principal of, interest on, and redemption premiums, if any, on the prior
                  bonds are paid simultaneously with the issuance of the special improvement refunding bonds, the
                  municipality shall irrevocably set aside the proceeds of the special improvement refunding bonds

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                  in an escrow or other separate account.
                      (b) The governing body shall pledge that account as security for the payment of the principal
                  of, interest on, and redemption premiums, if any, on the special improvement refunding bonds or the
                  prior bonds, or both.
                      (10) The governing body shall ensure that the amending ordinance required by Subsection
                  (7) meets the following requirements:
                      (a) (i) Subject to the provisions of Subsection (5)(a), the amount by which the principal or
                  interest, or both, payable on the special improvement refunding bonds is less than the amount of
                  principal or interest, or both, payable on the prior bonds shall be applied to reduce the assessments
                  levied by the prior ordinance or the interest payable on those assessments, or both, as determined by
                  the governing body.
                      (ii) Any reductions of the assessments levied by the prior ordinance or of interest payable
                  on those assessments, or both, shall be made in such manner that the then unpaid assessments levied
                  against each of the assessed properties and the unpaid interest on these assessments shall receive a
                  proportionate share of the reductions.
                      (iii) These reductions do not apply to assessments and interest on assessments that have been
                      (b) The amending ordinance shall either:
                      (i) state the amounts of the reduced payment obligations for each of the properties assessed
                  in the prior ordinance; or
                      (ii) incorporate by reference a revised assessment list approved by the governing body that
                  contains these reduced payment obligations.
                      (c) The amending ordinance need not describe each block, lot, part of block or lot, tract, or
                  parcel of property assessed.
                      (d) The governing body shall comply with the requirements of Subsection 17A-3-318 (1)
                  regarding publication and effective date with respect to the amending ordinance.
                      (e) (i) The amending ordinance shall state the effective date or dates of any reductions in the
                  assessments and the interest on assessments levied in the prior ordinance.

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                      (ii) The governing body may not set an effective date or dates that is before the date when
                  all of the principal of, interest on, and any redemption premiums on the prior bonds and any
                  advances of funds made under Subsection (5)(a) are fully paid.
                      (11) (a) The notice to owners of assessed properties of reductions in their assessments and
                  interest payments required by Subsection (7)(c)(ii) shall:
                      (i) identify the property subject to the assessment; and
                      (ii) state the amount of the reduced payment obligations that will be payable from and after
                  the applicable date stated in the amending ordinance.
                      (b) The notice may contain any other information that the governing body considers
                      (12) (a) The governing body shall mail the notice referred to in Subsection (7)(c)(ii), postage
                  prepaid, not less than 21 days before the date the first payment of the reduced assessments becomes
                  due addressed to "owner" at the street number of each piece of improved, assessed property.
                      (b) If a street number has not been assigned to a piece of improved, assessed property, the
                  notice shall be addressed to "owner" and mailed to the post office box, rural route number, or any
                  other mailing address of the improved property.
                      (c) The governing body may include the notice with or in any other notices regarding the
                  payment of assessments and interest on assessments sent to the property owners in the district within
                  the time and addressed as stated in this Subsection (12).
                      (d) Neither the failure to give notice nor any defect in its content or the manner or time in
                  which it is given affects the validity or enforceability of the amending ordinance or the special
                  improvement refunding bonds or the validity, enforceability, or priority of the reduced payment
                      (e) Whether or not this notice is given, no other notice is required to be given to the owners
                  of the assessed properties in connection with the issuance of the special improvement refunding
                      (13) To the extent it is not inconsistent with this part, Title 11, Chapter 27, Utah Refunding
                  Bond Act, applies to the issuance of special improvement refunding bonds.

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                      (14) The provisions of this part relating to special improvement refunding bonds apply to
                  all special improvement bonds issued and outstanding or which may be issued and outstanding in
                  the future.
                      (15) This part applies to all special improvement refunding bonds issued under this part even
                  though the prior bonds that are refunded by those special improvement refunding bonds were issued
                  under any other law, including, without limitation, any law that has been repealed.

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