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S.R. 1 Enrolled
This resolution modifies the Senate Rules changing standing committee names to bring them
into greater coordination with the interim structure. This Senate resolution provides an
effective date.
This resolution affects legislative rules as follows:
Be it resolved by the Senate of the state of Utah:
Section 1. SR-24.05 is amended to read:
SR-24.05. Standing Committees.
(1) The President shall appoint the following standing committees:
(a) Business[
(b) Education;
(c) Government Operations and Political Subdivisions;
(d) Health and [
(g) Revenue and Taxation;
(h) Senate Rules;
(j) Workforce Services and Community and Economic Development.
(2) The members of the Legislative Quasi-Governmental Entities Committee created in
Section 63-95-201 appointed from the Senate constitute a standing committee.
Section 2. Effective date.
This resolution takes effect upon approval by a constitutional majority vote of all members
of the Senate with an implementation date of January 1, 2003.
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