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S.B. 23





Sponsor: Beverly Ann Evans

             5      This act modifies provisions relating to Workforce Services. The act modifies the definition
             6      of consortium of counties and the membership of regional councils on workforce services.
             7      The act authorizes the Department of Workforce Services to administer oaths, certify to
             8      official acts, and issue subpoenas and makes certain technical changes.
             9      This act affects sections of Utah Code Annotated 1953 as follows:
             10      AMENDS:
             11          35A-1-102, as last amended by Chapter 21, Laws of Utah 1999
             12          35A-1-104, as last amended by Chapter 132, Laws of Utah 1999
             13          35A-2-103, as last amended by Chapter 1, Laws of Utah 1998
             14          35A-3-111, as renumbered and amended by Chapter 174, Laws of Utah 1997
             15          35A-3-306, as last amended by Chapter 80, Laws of Utah 2000
             16      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             17          Section 1. Section 35A-1-102 is amended to read:
             18           35A-1-102. Definitions.
             19          Unless otherwise specified, as used in this title:
             20          (1) "Client" means an individual who the department has determined to be eligible for
             21      services or benefits under:
             22          (a) Chapter 3, Employment Support Act; and
             23          (b) Chapter 5, Training and Workforce Improvement Act.
             24          (2) "Consortium of counties" means an organization composed of all the counties within
             25      a regional workforce services area designated under Section 35A-2-101 :
             26          (a) in which [all of the county commissions] representatives of county government
             27      consisting of county commissioners, county council members, or county mayors jointly comply

             28      with this title in working with the executive director of the department regarding regional
             29      workforce services areas; and
             30          (b) (i) that existed as of July 1, 1997; or
             31          (ii) that is created on or after July 1, 1997, with the approval of the executive director.
             32          (3) "Department" means the Department of Workforce Services created in Section
             33      35A-1-103 .
             34          (4) "Employment assistance" means services or benefits provided by the department under:
             35          (a) Chapter 3, Employment Support Act; and
             36          (b) Chapter 5, Training and Workforce Improvement Act.
             37          (5) "Employment center" is a location in a regional workforce services area where the
             38      services provided by a regional workforce services area under Section 35A-2-201 may be accessed
             39      by a client.
             40          (6) "Employment counselor" means an individual responsible for developing an
             41      employment plan and coordinating the services and benefits under this title in accordance with
             42      Chapter 2, Regional Workforce Services Areas.
             43          (7) "Employment plan" means a written agreement between the department and a client
             44      that describes:
             45          (a) the relationship between the department and the client;
             46          (b) the obligations of the department and the client; and
             47          (c) the result if an obligation is not fulfilled by the department or the client.
             48          (8) "Executive director" means the executive director of the department appointed under
             49      Section 35A-1-201 .
             50          (9) "Public assistance" means:
             51          (a) services or benefits provided under Chapter 3, Employment Support Act;
             52          (b) medical assistance provided under Title 26, Chapter 18, Medical Assistance Act;
             53          (c) foster care maintenance payments provided [with] from the General Fund or under
             54      Title IV-E of the Social Security Act;
             55          (d) food stamps; and
             56          (e) any other public funds expended for the benefit of a person in need of financial,
             57      medical, food, housing, or related assistance.
             58          (10) "Regional workforce services area" means a regional workforce services area

             59      established in accordance with Chapter 2, Regional Workforce Services Areas.
             60          (11) "Stabilization" means addressing the basic living, family care, and social or
             61      psychological needs of the client so that the client may take advantage of training or employment
             62      opportunities provided under this title or through other agencies or institutions.
             63          Section 2. Section 35A-1-104 is amended to read:
             64           35A-1-104. Department authority.
             65          Within all other authority or responsibility granted to it by law, the department may:
             66          (1) adopt rules when authorized by this title, in accordance with the procedures of Title
             67      63, Chapter 46a, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act;
             68          (2) purchase, as authorized or required by law, services that the department is responsible
             69      to provide for legally eligible persons;
             70          (3) conduct adjudicative proceedings in accordance with the procedures of Title 63,
             71      Chapter 46b, Administrative Procedures Act;
             72          (4) establish eligibility standards for its programs, not inconsistent with state or federal law
             73      or regulations;
             74          (5) take necessary steps, including legal action, to recover money or the monetary value
             75      of services provided to a recipient who is not eligible;
             76          (6) administer oaths, certify to official acts, issue subpoenas to compel witnesses and the
             77      production of books, accounts, documents, and other records necessary as evidence;
             78          [(6)] (7) acquire, manage, and dispose of any real or personal property needed or owned
             79      by the department, not inconsistent with state law;
             80          [(7)] (8) receive gifts, grants, devises, and donations or [the] their proceeds [thereof],
             81      crediting the program designated by the donor, and using the gift, grant, devise, or donation for the
             82      purposes requested by the donor, as long as the request conforms to state and federal policy;
             83          [(8)] (9) accept and employ volunteer labor or services;
             84          [(9)] (10) reimburse volunteers for necessary expenses, when the department considers that
             85      reimbursement to be appropriate;
             86          [(10)] (11) carry out the responsibility assigned by the State Workforce Services Plan
             87      developed by the State Council on Workforce Services;
             88          [(11)] (12) provide training and educational opportunities for its staff;
             89          [(12)] (13) examine and audit the expenditures of any public funds provided to a local

             90      authority, agency, or organization that contracts with or receives funds from those authorities or
             91      agencies;
             92          [(13)] (14) accept and administer grants from the federal government and from other
             93      sources, public or private;
             94          [(14)] (15) employ and determine the compensation of clerical, legal, technical,
             95      investigative, and other employees necessary to carry out its policymaking, regulatory, and
             96      enforcement powers, rights, duties, and responsibilities under this title;
             97          [(15)] (16) establish and conduct free employment agencies, and bring together employers
             98      seeking employees and working people seeking employment, and make known the opportunities
             99      for employment in this state;
             100          [(16)] (17) collect, collate, and publish statistical and other information relating to
             101      employees, employers, employments, and places of employment, and other statistics as it considers
             102      proper;
             103          [(17)] (18) encourage the expansion and use of apprenticeship programs meeting state or
             104      federal standards for apprenticeship programs;
             105          [(18)] (19) develop processes to ensure that the department responds to the full range of
             106      employee and employer clients; and
             107          [(19)] (20) carry out the responsibilities assigned to it by statute.
             108          Section 3. Section 35A-2-103 is amended to read:
             109           35A-2-103. Regional council on workforce services -- Appointment -- Membership
             110      -- Terms of members -- Compensation.
             111          (1) The executive director shall jointly with all of the consortium of counties in the regional
             112      workforce services area, establish one or more regional councils on workforce services in each
             113      regional workforce services area.
             114          (2) A regional council on workforce services shall:
             115          (a) perform the functions described in Subsection [(9)] (10);
             116          (b) work with the regional director, the department, the consortium of counties, and the
             117      State Council on Workforce Services on issues requested by the director of the regional workforce
             118      services area or the department; and
             119          (c) make recommendations to the regional workforce services area and department
             120      regarding:

             121          (i) the implementation of Chapters 2, 3, and 5; and
             122          (ii) coordination of apprenticeship training.
             123          [(2)] (3) Unless otherwise specified in this Subsection [(2)] (3), members of a regional
             124      council on workforce services shall be appointed by the consortium of counties that covers the
             125      same geographic area as the regional council in the regional workforce services area, in
             126      consultation with the regional director, and shall consist of the following:
             127          (a) the voting members who are:
             128          (i) eight representatives of private sector small employers as defined by rule by the
             129      department;
             130          (ii) eight representatives of private sector large employers as defined by rule by the
             131      department;
             132          (iii) two representatives of employees, including employee organizations and including
             133      at least one representative from nominees suggested by public employees organizations in the
             134      region;
             135          (iv) two representatives of clients, including community-based organizations;
             136          (v) one representative from organized labor not representing public employees;
             137          (vi) three [county commissioners] representatives of county government consisting of
             138      county commissioners, county council members, or county mayors from the counties in the
             139      regional workforce services area;
             140          (vii) a representative of public education appointed jointly by the school district
             141      superintendents in the region;
             142          (viii) a representative of higher education appointed jointly by the presidents of the
             143      institutions of higher education in the region;
             144          (ix) a representative of veterans;
             145          (x) a representative of the Office of Rehabilitation; and
             146          (xi) an individual who works for or is a member of an economic development board or
             147      committee of the state or one of its political subdivisions; and
             148          (b) ex officio nonvoting members who are:
             149          (i) a representative of applied technology;
             150          (ii) a representative of the Department of Human Services; and
             151          (iii) a representative of the Department of Health.

             152          [(3)] (4) The director of the regional workforce services area shall be a nonvoting ex
             153      officio member of the council and provide any necessary staff support for the council.
             154          [(4)] (5) (a) The consortium of counties in the regional workforce services area that
             155      appoints the council shall, in consultation with the regional director, appoint a member of the
             156      council to be the chair of the council to serve no more than two one-year terms.
             157          (b) The chair shall be a representative of private sector employers.
             158          [(5)] (6) (a) (i) Except as provided in Subsection [(5)] (6)(a)(ii), as terms of council
             159      members expire, the consortium of counties in the regional workforce services area that appoints
             160      the council shall, in consultation with the regional director, appoint each new member or
             161      reappointed member to a four-year term.
             162          (ii) Notwithstanding the requirements of Subsection [(5)] (6)(a)(i), the consortium of
             163      counties in the regional workforce services area that appoints the council shall, in consultation with
             164      the regional director, at the time of appointment or reappointment, adjust the length of terms to
             165      ensure that the terms of council members are staggered so that approximately one half of the
             166      council is appointed every two years.
             167          (iii) When a vacancy occurs in the membership for any reason, the replacement shall be
             168      appointed for the unexpired term.
             169          (b) At the expiration of the term of a council member or if a vacancy occurs on the council,
             170      the consortium of counties in the regional workforce services area shall appoint a replacement to
             171      the council, in consultation with the regional director.
             172          (c) A member shall continue to serve as a member until the member's successor has been
             173      appointed and qualified.
             174          (d) A member is eligible for reappointment.
             175          (e) The consortium of counties in the regional workforce services area that appoints the
             176      council shall appoint, in consultation with the regional director, an individual to replace a council
             177      member for the remainder of the term of the council member being replaced if the council
             178      member:
             179          (i) ceases to be representative as designated by the original appointment; or
             180          (ii) fails to attend three council meetings, if each of the three absences are not excused by
             181      the chair prior to or during the meeting.
             182          [(6)] (7) (a) A majority of the voting members constitutes a quorum for the transaction of

             183      business.
             184          (b) Notwithstanding Subsection [(6)] (7)(a), a majority of the private sector representatives
             185      shall be present for business to be transacted.
             186          [(7)] (8) (a) (i) A public member may not receive compensation for the member's services,
             187      but may receive per diem and expenses incurred in the performance of the member's official duties
             188      at the rates established by the Division of Finance under Sections 63A-3-106 and 63A-3-107 .
             189          (ii) A public member may decline to receive per diem and expenses for the member's
             190      service.
             191          (b) (i) A state government member who does not receive salary, per diem, or expenses
             192      from the state for the member's service may receive per diem and expenses incurred in the
             193      performance of the member's official duties as a member at the rates established by the Division
             194      of Finance under Sections 63A-3-106 and 63A-3-107 .
             195          (ii) A state government member who is a member because of the member's state
             196      government position may not receive per diem or expenses for the member's service.
             197          (iii) A state government member may decline to receive per diem and expenses for the
             198      member's service.
             199          (c) A higher education member who does not receive salary, per diem, or expenses from
             200      the entity that the member represents for the member's service may receive per diem and expenses
             201      incurred in the performance of the member's official duties from the council at the rates established
             202      by the Division of Finance under Sections 63A-3-106 and 63A-3-107 .
             203          (d) (i) A local government member who does not receive salary, per diem, or expenses
             204      from the entity that the member represents for the member's service may receive per diem and
             205      expenses incurred in the performance of the member's official duties at the rates established by the
             206      Division of Finance under Sections 63A-3-106 and 63A-3-107 .
             207          (ii) A local government member may decline to receive per diem and expenses for the
             208      member's service.
             209          [(8)] (9) The regional council shall annually provide the consortium of counties that
             210      appoints the council a written report that shall include the information concerning the elements of
             211      the regional plan described in Subsection 35A-2-102 (4)(b).
             212          [(9)] (10) The regional councils on workforce services shall:
             213          (a) determine the locations of employment centers in accordance with Section 35A-2-203 ;

             214          (b) develop a regional workforce services plan in accordance with Section 35A-1-207 ;
             215          (c) develop training priorities for the region;
             216          (d) work cooperatively with the State Council on Workforce Services to oversee regional
             217      workforce services areas operations and to ensure that services are being delivered in accordance
             218      with regional workforce services plans;
             219          (e) address concerns within the regional workforce services area related to apprenticeship
             220      training coordination;
             221          (f) coordinate the planning and delivery of workforce development services with public
             222      education, higher education, vocational rehabilitation, and human services; and
             223          (g) report annually to the State Council on Workforce Services.
             224          Section 4. Section 35A-3-111 is amended to read:
             225           35A-3-111. Collection -- Office of Recovery Services.
             226          (1) The division, through the Office of Recovery Services as provided in Section
             227      35A-1-107 , is responsible for collecting all funds due or that become due to the state under Section
             228      [ 62A-11-111 ] 62A-11-110 .
             229          (2) Excess property liens required in the various programs not transferred to the federal
             230      government shall remain a condition of eligibility in public assistance programs.
             231          Section 5. Section 35A-3-306 is amended to read:
             232           35A-3-306. Limits on eligibility.
             233          (1) For purposes of this section, "battered or subjected to extreme cruelty" is defined in
             234      Section 103(a)(1) of P.L. 104-193 or 42 U.S.C. Sec. 608(a)(7)(C)(iii), The Personal Responsibility
             235      and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996.
             236          (2) Except as provided in Subsection (4), the division may not provide cash assistance to
             237      a family who has received cash assistance for 36 months or more.
             238          (3) (a) The division shall count toward the 36-month time limit in Subsection (2) any time
             239      after January 1, 1997, during which:
             240          (i) the parent client received cash assistance in this or another state; and
             241          (ii) the parent client is disqualified from receiving cash assistance and the parent client's
             242      income and assets are counted in determining eligibility for the family in this or another state.
             243          (b) The division may not count toward the 36-month time limit in Subsection (2) or the
             244      24-month time period in Subsection (4) any time during which a person 18 years of age or older

             245      received cash assistance as a minor child and not as a parent.
             246          (4) (a) On a month-to-month basis for up to 24 months, the division may provide cash
             247      assistance to a family beyond the 36-month time limit in Subsection (2) if:
             248          (i) during the previous month, the parent client was employed for no less than 80 hours;
             249      and
             250          (ii) during at least six of the previous 24 months the parent client was employed for no less
             251      than 80 hours a month.
             252          (b) For up to 20% of the average monthly number of families who receive cash assistance
             253      under this part, the division may provide cash assistance to a family beyond the 36-month time
             254      limit in Subsection (2):
             255          (i) by reason of a hardship; or
             256          (ii) if the family includes an individual who has been battered or subjected to extreme
             257      cruelty.
             258          (c) For up to 20% of the average monthly number of families who receive cash assistance
             259      under this part, the division may provide cash assistance to a family beyond the additional
             260      24-month time period in Subsection (4)(a):
             261          (i) by reason of a hardship; or
             262          (ii) if the family includes an individual who has been battered or subjected to extreme
             263      cruelty.
             264          (d) Except as provided in Subsection (4)[(c)](b), the division may not provide cash
             265      assistance to a family who has received 60 months of cash assistance after October 1, 1996.

Legislative Review Note
    as of 11-15-01 9:13 AM

A limited legal review of this legislation raises no obvious constitutional or statutory concerns.

Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel

Committee Note

The Workforce Services and Community and Economic Development Interim Committee
recommended this bill.

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