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S.B. 25






Sponsor: D. Edgar Allen

             6      This act enacts new language to require that an application for child support services inform
             7      the applicant that providing false information may lead to prosecution or case closure.
             8      This act affects sections of Utah Code Annotated 1953 as follows:
             9      AMENDS:
             10          62A-11-304.2, as last amended by Chapter 9, Laws of Utah 2001
             11      ENACTS:
             12          62A-11-303.5, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             13      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             14          Section 1. Section 62A-11-303.5 is enacted to read:
             15          62A-11-303.5. Application for child support services.
             16          Any person applying to the office for child support services shall be required to attest to
             17      the truthfulness of the information contained in the application. The attestation shall indicate that
             18      the person believes that all information provided is true and correct to the best of their knowledge
             19      and that knowingly providing false or misleading information is a violation of Section 76-8-504.5
             20      and may result in prosecution, case closure for failure to cooperate, or both.
             21          Section 2. Section 62A-11-304.2 is amended to read:
             22           62A-11-304.2. Issuance or modification of administrative order -- Compliance with
             23      court order -- Authority of office -- Stipulated agreements -- Notification requirements.
             24          (1) Through an adjudicative proceeding the office may issue or modify an administrative
             25      order that:
             26          (a) determines paternity [in accordance with Section 78-45a-10 ];
             27          (b) determines whether an obligor owes support;

             28          (c) determines temporary orders of child support upon clear and convincing evidence of
             29      paternity in the form of genetic test results or other evidence;
             30          (d) requires an obligor to pay a specific or determinable amount of present and future
             31      support;
             32          (e) determines the amount of past-due support;
             33          (f) orders an obligor who owes past-due support and is obligated to support a child
             34      receiving public assistance to participate in appropriate work activities if the obligor is unemployed
             35      and is not otherwise incapacitated;
             36          (g) imposes a penalty authorized under this chapter;
             37          (h) determines an issue that may be specifically contested under this chapter by a party
             38      who timely files a written request for an adjudicative proceeding with the office; and
             39          (i) renews an administrative judgment.
             40          (2) (a) An abstract of a final administrative order issued under this section or a notice of
             41      judgment-lien under Section 62A-11-312.5 may be filed with the clerk of any district court.
             42          (b) Upon a filing under Subsection (2)(a), the clerk of the court shall:
             43          (i) docket the abstract or notice in the judgment docket of the court and note the time of
             44      receipt on the abstract or notice and in the judgment docket; and
             45          (ii) at the request of the office, place a copy of the abstract or notice in the file of a child
             46      support action involving the same parties.
             47          (3) If a judicial order has been issued, the office may not issue an order under Subsection
             48      (1) that is not based on the judicial order, except:
             49          (a) the office may establish a new obligation in those cases in which the juvenile court has
             50      ordered the parties to meet with the office to determine the support pursuant to Section 78-3a-906 ;
             51      or
             52          (b) the office may issue an order of current support in accordance with the child support
             53      guidelines if the conditions of Subsection 78-45f-207 (2)(c) are met.
             54          (4) The office may proceed under this section in the name of this state, another state under
             55      Section 62A-11-305 , any department of this state, the office, or the obligee.
             56          (5) The office may accept voluntary acknowledgment of a support obligation and enter into
             57      stipulated agreements providing for the issuance of an administrative order under this part.
             58          (6) The office may act in the name of the obligee in endorsing and cashing any drafts,

             59      checks, money orders, or other negotiable instruments received by the office for support.
             60          (7) The obligor shall, after a notice of agency action has been served on him in accordance
             61      with Section 63-46b-3 , keep the office informed of:
             62          (a) his current address;
             63          (b) the name and address of current payors of income;
             64          (c) availability of or access to health insurance coverage; and
             65          (d) applicable health insurance policy information.

Legislative Review Note
    as of 11-15-01 1:23 PM

A limited legal review of this legislation raises no obvious constitutional or statutory concerns.

Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel

Committee Note

The Judiciary Interim Committee recommended this bill.

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