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S.B. 45
6 This act modifies the Health Code to require the state registrar of vital statistics to offer a
7 certificate of birth resulting in stillbirth to parents of a stillborn child. The act defines terms
8 and permits the delayed registration of a stillbirth in accordance with department rules.
9 This act affects sections of Utah Code Annotated 1953 as follows:
11 26-2-14.1, Utah Code Annotated 1953
12 26-2-14.2, Utah Code Annotated 1953
13 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
14 Section 1. Section 26-2-14.1 is enacted to read:
15 26-2-14.1. Certificate of birth resulting in stillbirth.
16 (1) For purposes of this section and Section 26-2-14.2 , "stillbirth" and "stillborn child"
17 shall have the same meaning as "dead fetus" in Section 26-2-2 .
18 (2) (a) In addition to the requirements of Section 26-2-14 , the state registrar shall establish
19 a certificate of birth resulting in stillbirth on a form approved by the state registrar for each
20 stillbirth occurring in this state.
21 (b) This certificate shall be offered to the parent or parents of a stillborn child.
22 (3) The certificate of birth resulting in stillbirth shall meet all of the format and filing
23 requirements of Sections 26-2-4 and 26-2-5 , relating to a live birth.
24 (4) The person who prepares a certificate pursuant to this section shall leave blank any
25 references to the stillborn child's name if the stillborn child's parent or parents do not wish to
26 provide a name for the stillborn child.
27 (5) Notwithstanding Subsections (2) and (3), the certificate of birth resulting in stillbirth
28 shall be filed with the designated registrar within ten days following the delivery and prior to
29 cremation or removal of the fetus from the registration district.
30 Section 2. Section 26-2-14.2 is enacted to read:
31 26-2-14.2. Delayed registration of birth resulting in stillbirth.
32 When a birth resulting in stillbirth occurring in this state has not been registered within one
33 year after the date of delivery, a certificate marked "delayed" may be filed and registered in
34 accordance with department rule relating to evidentiary and other requirements sufficient to
35 substantiate the alleged facts of birth resulting in stillbirth.
Legislative Review Note
as of 11-20-01 1:24 PM
A limited legal review of this legislation raises no obvious constitutional or statutory concerns.