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S.B. 182





Sponsor: Curtis S. Bramble

             5      This act amends the Revenue and Taxation Code to modify penalty provisions related to the
             6      failure to file a return on or before the return filing due date or to pay certain taxes, charges,
             7      or fees, or other similar amounts when due. This act addresses the filing of returns for
             8      certain taxes, charges, fees, or other similar amounts administered by the commission. The
             9      act addresses the imposition of interest on certain taxes, charges, fees, or other similar
             10      amounts. This act makes technical changes. This act takes effect on January 1, 2003, and
             11      for certain returns takes effect for taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2003.
             12      This act affects sections of Utah Code Annotated 1953 as follows:
             13      AMENDS:
             14          19-6-715, as enacted by Chapter 283, Laws of Utah 1993
             15          19-6-808, as renumbered and amended by Chapter 51, Laws of Utah 2000
             16          59-1-401, as last amended by Chapters 104 and 177, Laws of Utah 2001
             17          59-1-402, as last amended by Chapter 93, Laws of Utah 1994
             18          69-2-5.5, as enacted by Chapter 354, Laws of Utah 1998
             19      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             20          Section 1. Section 19-6-715 is amended to read:
             21           19-6-715. Recycling fee collection procedures.
             22          (1) The lubricating oil vendor shall pay the fee collected under Section 19-6-714 to the
             23      commission on or before the last day of the month following the calendar quarter in which the sale
             24      occurs.
             25          (2) The lubricating oil vendor may retain a maximum of 2% of the recycling fee it collects
             26      under Section 19-6-714 for the costs of collecting the fee.
             27          (3) The payment of the fee to the commission shall be accompanied by a [form provided]

             28      return developed by the commission.
             29          Section 2. Section 19-6-808 is amended to read:
             30           19-6-808. Payment of recycling fee.
             31          (1) The recycling fee shall be paid by the tire retailer to the commission:
             32          (a) on or before the last day of the month following the calendar quarter in which the sale
             33      occurs for quarterly return filers; and
             34          (b) the last day of January following the end of the calendar year for annual return filers.
             35          (2) The payment shall be accompanied by [the form prescribed] a return developed by the
             36      commission.
             37          (3) (a) The proceeds of the fee shall be transferred by the commission to the trust fund for
             38      payment of partial reimbursement.
             39          (b) The commission may retain an amount not to exceed 2-1/2% of the recycling fee
             40      collected under this part for the cost to it of rendering its services.
             41          (4) (a) (i) The commission shall administer, collect, and enforce the fee authorized under
             42      this part pursuant to the same procedures used in the administration, collection, and enforcement
             43      of the general state sales and use tax under Title 59, Chapter 12, and the provisions of Title 59,
             44      Chapter 1.
             45          (ii) The tire retailer may retain 2-1/2% of the recycling fee collected under this part for the
             46      cost of collecting the fee.
             47          (b) The exemptions from the general state sales and use tax provided for in Section
             48      59-12-104 do not apply to this part.
             49          (5) The fee imposed by this part is in addition to all other state, county, or municipal fees
             50      and taxes imposed on the sale of new tires.
             51          Section 3. Section 59-1-401 is amended to read:
             52           59-1-401. Offenses and penalties -- Statute of limitations -- Commission authority
             53      to waive, reduce, or compromise penalty or interest.
             54          (1) (a) [The] Except as provided in Subsections (1)(b) and (2), the penalty for failure to
             55      file a [tax] return within the time prescribed by law, including extensions, is the greater of:
             56          (i) $20; or
             57          (ii) 10% of the unpaid tax, charge, or fee due on the return.
             58          (b) Subsection (1)(a) does not apply to an amended [returns] return.

             59          (2) (a) For purposes of this Subsection (2) and Subsection (4), "return filing due date"
             60      means:
             61          (i) for purposes of a return filed under Chapter 6, Mineral Production Tax Withholding,
             62      the later of:
             63          (A) the day on which the return is due under Chapter 6, Mineral Production Tax
             64      Withholding; or
             65          (B) if the commission in accordance with Chapter 6, Mineral Production Tax Withholding,
             66      grants one or more extensions of time for filing the return, the last day of the last extension of time
             67      granted by the commission;
             68          (ii) for purposes of a return filed under Chapter 10, Individual Income Tax Act, the later
             69      of:
             70          (A) the day on which the return is due under Chapter 10, Individual Income Tax Act; or
             71          (B) if the commission in accordance with Chapter 10, Individual Income Tax Act, grants
             72      one or more extensions of time for filing the return, the last day of the last extension of time
             73      granted by the commission; or
             74          (iii) for purposes of a return filed under Chapter 12, Sales and Use Tax Act, Section
             75      19-6-715 , 19-6-808 , or 69-2-5.5 , the later of:
             76          (A) the day on which the return is due under Chapter 12, Sales and Use Tax Act, Section
             77      19-6-715 , 19-6-808 , or 69-2-5.5 ; or
             78          (B) if the commission in accordance with Chapter 12, Sales and Use Tax Act, Section
             79      19-6-715 , 19-6-808 , or 69-2-5.5 , grants one or more extensions of time for filing the return, the
             80      last day of the last extension of time granted by the commission.
             81          (b) Notwithstanding Subsection (1) and except as provided in Subsection (2)(d), the
             82      penalty for failure to file a return on or before the return filing due date shall be determined in
             83      accordance with Subsection (2)(c) for purposes of a return filed under:
             84          (i) Chapter 6, Mineral Production Tax Withholding;
             85          (ii) Chapter 10, Individual Income Tax Act; or
             86          (iii) Chapter 12, Sales and Use Tax Act, Section 19-6-715 , 19-6-808 , or 69-2-5.5 , for a tax,
             87      charge, or fee that is collected by the commission.
             88          (c) Notwithstanding Subsection (1) and except as provided in Subsection (2)(d), for
             89      purposes of a return described in Subsection (2)(b), the penalty for failure to file the return on or

             90      before the return filing due date is:
             91          (i) if the return is filed one or more days after the return filing due date but within 15 days
             92      after the return filing due date, the greater of:
             93          (A) $20; or
             94          (B) 2% of the unpaid tax, charge, or fee due on the return;
             95          (ii) if the return is filed 16 or more days after the return filing due date but within 30 days
             96      after the return filing due date, the greater of:
             97          (A) $20; or
             98          (B) 5% of the unpaid tax, charge, or fee due on the return; or
             99          (iii) if the return is filed 31 or more days after the return filing due date, the greater of:
             100          (A) $20; or
             101          (B) 10% of the unpaid tax, charge, or fee due on the return.
             102          (d) Notwithstanding Subsections (2)(b) and (c), the penalty imposed under this Subsection
             103      (2) does not apply to an amended return.
             104          [(2)] (3) [The] Except as provided in Subsection (4), the penalty for failure to pay a tax,
             105      charge, or fee due shall be the greater of $20 or 10% of the unpaid tax, charge, or fee for:
             106          (a) failure to pay any tax, charge, or fee, as reported on a timely filed return;
             107          (b) failure to pay any tax, charge, or fee within 90 days of the due date of the return, if
             108      there was a late filed return subject to the penalty provided under Subsection (1)(a) or Subsection
             109      (2);
             110          (c) failure to pay any tax, charge, or fee within 30 days of the date of mailing any notice
             111      of deficiency [of tax] unless a petition for redetermination or a request for agency action is filed
             112      within 30 days of the date of mailing the notice of deficiency;
             113          (d) failure to pay any tax, charge, or fee within 30 days after the date the commission's
             114      order constituting final agency action resulting from a timely filed petition for redetermination or
             115      request for agency action is issued or is considered to have been denied under Subsection
             116      63-46b-13 (3)(b); and
             117          (e) failure to pay any tax, charge, or fee within 30 days after the date of a final judicial
             118      decision resulting from a timely filed petition for judicial review.
             119          (4) (a) Notwithstanding Subsection (3), the penalty for a failure to pay a tax, charge, or fee
             120      due that is described in Subsection (3)(a) or (3)(b) shall be determined in accordance with

             121      Subsection (4)(b) or (4)(c) for purposes of a return filed under:
             122          (i) Chapter 6, Mineral Production Tax Withholding;
             123          (ii) Chapter 10, Individual Income Tax Act; or
             124          (iii) Chapter 12, Sales and Use Tax Act, Section 19-6-715 , 19-6-808 , or 69-2-5.5 , for a tax,
             125      charge, or fee that is collected by the commission.
             126          (b) Notwithstanding Subsection (3), for purposes of a return described in Subsection
             127      (4)(a), the penalty for failure to pay a tax, charge, or fee described in Subsection (3)(a) is:
             128          (i) if the tax, charge, or fee is paid one or more days after the return filing due date but
             129      within 15 days after the return filing due date, the greater of:
             130          (A) $20; or
             131          (B) 2% of the unpaid tax, charge, or fee due on the return;
             132          (ii) if the tax, charge, or fee is paid 16 or more days after the return filing due date but
             133      within 30 days after the return filing due date, the greater of:
             134          (A) $20; or
             135          (B) 5% of the unpaid tax, charge, or fee due on the return; or
             136          (iii) if the tax, charge, or fee is paid 31 or more days after the return filing due date, the
             137      greater of:
             138          (A) $20; or
             139          (B) 10% of the unpaid tax, charge, or fee due on the return.
             140          (c) Notwithstanding Subsection (3), for purposes of a return described in Subsection (4)(a),
             141      the penalty for failure to pay a tax, charge, or fee due described in Subsection (3)(b) is:
             142          (i) if the tax, charge, or fee is paid 91 or more days after the return filing due date but
             143      within 105 days after the return filing due date, the greater of:
             144          (A) $20; or
             145          (B) 2% of the unpaid tax, charge, or fee due on the return;
             146          (ii) if the tax, charge, or fee is paid 106 or more days after the return filing due date but
             147      within 120 days after the return filing due date, the greater of:
             148          (A) $20; or
             149          (B) 5% of the unpaid tax, charge, or fee due on the return; or
             150          (iii) if the tax, charge, or fee is paid 121 or more days after the return filing due date, the
             151      greater of:

             152          (A) $20; or
             153          (B) 10% of the unpaid tax, charge, or fee due on the return.
             154          [(3)] (5) (a) Beginning January 1, 1995, in the case of any underpayment of estimated tax
             155      or quarterly installments required by Sections 59-5-107 , 59-5-207 , 59-7-504 , and 59-9-104 , there
             156      shall be added a penalty in an amount determined by applying the interest rate provided under
             157      Section 59-1-402 plus four percentage points to the amount of the underpayment for the period of
             158      the underpayment.
             159          (b) (i) For purposes of Subsection [(3)] (5)(a), the amount of the underpayment shall be
             160      the excess of the required installment over the amount, if any, of the installment paid on or before
             161      the due date for the installment.
             162          (ii) [The] For purposes of Subsection (5)(a), the period of the underpayment shall run from
             163      the due date for the installment to whichever of the following dates is the earlier:
             164          (A) the original due date of the [tax] return, without extensions, for the taxable year; or
             165          (B) with respect to any portion of the underpayment, the date on which that portion is paid.
             166          (iii) For purposes of this Subsection [(3)] (5), a payment of estimated tax shall be credited
             167      against unpaid required installments in the order in which the installments are required to be paid.
             168          [(4)] (6) (a) In case of an extension of time to file [an individual income tax or corporate
             169      franchise tax] a return under Chapter 7, Corporate Franchise and Income Taxes, Chapter 8, Gross
             170      Receipts Tax on Certain Corporations Not Required to Pay Corporate Franchise or Income Tax
             171      Act, Chapter 8a, Gross Receipts Tax on Electrical Corporations Act, or Chapter 10, Individual
             172      Income Tax Act, if the lesser of 90% of the total tax reported on the [tax] return or 100% of the
             173      prior year's tax is not paid by the due date of the return, not including extensions, a 2% per month
             174      penalty shall apply on the unpaid tax during the period of extension.
             175          (b) If a return is not filed within the extension time period as provided in Section 59-7-505
             176      or 59-10-516 , penalties as provided in Subsection (1) [and], Subsection (2)(c), Subsection [(2)]
             177      (3)(b), and Subsection (4)(c) shall be added in lieu of the penalty assessed under this Subsection
             178      [(4)] (6) as if no extension of time for filing [a] the return had been granted.
             179          [(5)] (7) (a) Additional penalties for underpayments of a tax, charge, or fee are as provided
             180      in Subsections [(5)] (7)(a)(i) through (iv).
             181          (i) Except as provided in Subsection [(5)] (7)(c), if any underpayment of a tax, charge, or
             182      fee is due to negligence, the penalty is 10% of the underpayment.

             183          (ii) Except as provided in Subsection [(5)] (7)(d), if any underpayment of a tax, charge, or
             184      fee is due to intentional disregard of law or rule, the penalty is 15% of the underpayment.
             185          (iii) For intent to evade [the] a tax, charge, or fee, the penalty is the greater of:
             186          (A) $500 per period; or
             187          (B) 50% of the tax, charge, or fee due.
             188          (iv) If the underpayment is due to fraud with intent to evade [the] a tax, charge, or fee, the
             189      penalty is the greater of:
             190          (A) $500 per period; or
             191          (B) 100% of the underpayment.
             192          (b) If the commission determines that a person is liable for a penalty imposed under
             193      Subsection [(5)] (7)(a)(ii), (iii), or (iv), the commission shall notify the taxpayer of the proposed
             194      penalty.
             195          (i) The notice of proposed penalty shall:
             196          (A) set forth the basis of the assessment; and
             197          (B) be mailed by registered mail, postage prepaid, to the person's last-known address.
             198          (ii) Upon receipt of the notice of proposed penalty, the person against whom the penalty
             199      is proposed may:
             200          (A) pay the amount of the proposed penalty at the place and time stated in the notice; or
             201          (B) proceed in accordance with the review procedures of Subsection [(5)] (7)(b)(iii).
             202          (iii) Any person against whom a penalty has been proposed in accordance with this
             203      Subsection [(5)] (7) may contest the proposed penalty by filing a petition for an adjudicative
             204      proceeding with the commission.
             205          (iv) (A) If the commission determines that a person is liable for a penalty under this
             206      Subsection [(5)] (7), the commission shall:
             207          (I) assess the penalty; and
             208          (II) give notice and demand for payment.
             209          (B) The notice and demand for payment under Subsection (7)(b)(iv)(A) shall be mailed
             210      by registered mail, postage prepaid, to the person's last-known address.
             211          (c) Notwithstanding Subsection [(5)] (7)(a)(i), a vendor that voluntarily collects a tax
             212      under Subsection 59-12-107 (1)(b) is not subject to the penalty under Subsection [(5)] (7)(a)(i) if
             213      on or after July 1, 2001:

             214          (i) a court of competent jurisdiction issues a final unappealable judgment or order
             215      determining that:
             216          (A) the vendor meets one or more of the criteria described in Subsection 59-12-107 (1)(a);
             217      and
             218          (B) the commission or a county, city, or town may require the vendor to collect a tax under
             219      Subsection 59-12-103 (2)(a) or (b); or
             220          (ii) the commission issues a final unappealable administrative order determining that:
             221          (A) the vendor meets one or more of the criteria described in Subsection 59-12-107 (1)(a);
             222      and
             223          (B) the commission or a county, city, or town may require the vendor to collect a tax under
             224      Subsection 59-12-103 (2)(a) or (b).
             225          (d) Notwithstanding Subsection [(5)] (7)(a)(ii), a vendor that voluntarily collects a tax
             226      under Subsection 59-12-107 (1)(b) is not subject to the penalty under Subsection [(5)] (7)(a)(ii) if:
             227          (i) (A) a court of competent jurisdiction issues a final unappealable judgment or order
             228      determining that:
             229          (I) the vendor meets one or more of the criteria described in Subsection 59-12-107 (1)(a);
             230      and
             231          (II) the commission or a county, city, or town may require the vendor to collect a tax under
             232      Subsection 59-12-103 (2)(a) or (b); or
             233          (B) the commission issues a final unappealable administrative order determining that:
             234          (I) the vendor meets one or more of the criteria described in Subsection 59-12-107 (1)(a);
             235      and
             236          (II) the commission or a county, city, or town may require the vendor to collect a tax under
             237      Subsection 59-12-103 (2)(a) or (b); and
             238          (ii) the vendor's intentional disregard of law or rule is warranted by existing law or by a
             239      nonfrivolous argument for the extension, modification, or reversal of existing law or the
             240      establishment of new law.
             241          [(6)] (8) The penalty for failure to file an information return or a complete supporting
             242      schedule is $50 for each information return or supporting schedule up to a maximum of $1,000.
             243          [(7)] (9) If any [taxpayer] person, in furtherance of a frivolous position, has a prima facie
             244      intent to delay or impede administration of the [tax] law and files a purported return that fails to

             245      contain information from which the correctness of reported [tax] liability [can] for a tax, charge,
             246      or fee may be determined or that clearly indicates that the [tax] liability shown for a tax, charge,
             247      or fee must be substantially incorrect, the penalty is $500.
             248          [(8)] (10) For monthly payment of sales and use taxes under Section 59-12-108 , in addition
             249      to any other penalties for late payment, a vendor may not retain a percentage of sales and use taxes
             250      collected as otherwise allowable under Section 59-12-108 .
             251          [(9)] (11) (a) As provided in Section 76-8-1101 , criminal offenses and penalties are as
             252      provided in Subsections [(9)] (11)(b) through (d).
             253          (b) (i) Any person who is required by this title or any laws the commission administers or
             254      regulates to register with or obtain a license or permit from the commission, who operates without
             255      having registered or secured a license or permit, or who operates when the registration, license, or
             256      permit is expired or not current, is guilty of a class B misdemeanor.
             257          (ii) Notwithstanding Section 76-3-301 , for purposes of Subsection [(9)] (11)(b)(i), the fine
             258      may not:
             259          (A) be less than $500; or
             260          (B) exceed $1,000.
             261          (c) (i) Any person who, with intent to evade any tax, charge, or fee or requirement of this
             262      title or any lawful requirement of the commission, fails to make, render, sign, or verify any return
             263      or to supply any information within the time required by law, or who makes, renders, signs, or
             264      verifies any false or fraudulent return or statement, or who supplies any false or fraudulent
             265      information, is guilty of a third degree felony.
             266          (ii) Notwithstanding Section 76-3-301 , for purposes of Subsection [(9)] (11)(c)(i), the fine
             267      may not:
             268          (A) be less than $1,000; or
             269          (B) exceed $5,000.
             270          (d) (i) Any person who intentionally or willfully attempts to evade or defeat any tax,
             271      charge, or fee or the payment of a tax, charge, or fee is, in addition to other penalties provided by
             272      law, guilty of a second degree felony.
             273          (ii) Notwithstanding Section 76-3-301 , for purposes of Subsection [(9)] (11)(d)(i), the fine
             274      may not:
             275          (A) be less than $1,500; or

             276          (B) exceed $25,000.
             277          (e) The statute of limitations for prosecution for a violation of this Subsection [(9)] (11)
             278      is the later of six years:
             279          (i) from the date the tax, charge, or fee should have been remitted; or
             280          (ii) after the day on which the person commits the criminal offense.
             281          [(10)] (12) Upon making a record of its actions, and upon reasonable cause shown, the
             282      commission may waive, reduce, or compromise any of the penalties or interest imposed under this
             283      part.
             284          (13) For purposes of this section, a tax, charge, or fee includes an amount similar to a tax,
             285      charge, or fee that is administered by the commission.
             286          Section 4. Section 59-1-402 is amended to read:
             287           59-1-402. Interest.
             288          (1) Notwithstanding Subsections (2) and (3), the rate of interest applicable to certain
             289      installment sales for the purposes of the corporate franchise tax shall be determined pursuant to
             290      Section 453A, Internal Revenue Code, as provided in Section 59-7-112 .
             291          (2) Except as otherwise provided for by law, the interest rate for a calendar year for all
             292      taxes [and], charges, or fees administered by the commission shall be calculated based on the
             293      federal short-term rate determined by the Secretary of the Treasury under Section 6621, Internal
             294      Revenue Code, and in effect for the preceding fourth calendar quarter.
             295          (3) The interest rate calculation shall be as follows:
             296          (a) [In] in the case of overpayments and refunds, except as otherwise provided in
             297      Subsection (6), simple interest shall be calculated at the rate of two percentage points above the
             298      federal short-term rate[.]; or
             299          (b) [In] in the case of underpayments, deficiencies, and delinquencies, simple interest shall
             300      be calculated at the rate of two percentage points above the federal short-term rate.
             301          (4) (a) If any overpayment of a tax, charge, or fee administered by the commission is
             302      refunded within 90 days after the last date prescribed for filing the return of [such] the tax, charge,
             303      or fee, no interest shall be allowed on the overpayment.
             304          (b) If the return is filed after the last date prescribed for filing the return, no interest shall
             305      be allowed on the overpayment if the overpayment is refunded within 90 days after the date the
             306      return is filed.

             307          (c) If a refund of an overpayment is requested, and if interest may be calculated in
             308      accordance with this section, interest shall be calculated forward from the preparation date of the
             309      refund document to allow for processing.
             310          (5) Interest on any underpayment, deficiency, or delinquency of any tax, charge, or fee
             311      administered by the [tax] commission shall be computed from the time the original return is due,
             312      excluding any filing or payment extensions, to the date the payment is received.
             313          (6) (a) Interest on refunds may not be paid on any overpayment which arises from a statute
             314      which is determined to be invalid under state or federal law or declared unconstitutional under the
             315      constitution of the United States or Utah if the basis for the refund is the retroactive application
             316      of a judicial decision upholding the claim of unconstitutionality or the invalidation of a statute.
             317          (b) For purposes of this Subsection (6):
             318          (i) "Final judicial decision" means a final ruling by a court of this state or the United States
             319      for which the time for any further review or proceeding has expired.
             320          (ii) "Retroactive application of a judicial decision" means the application of a final judicial
             321      decision which invalidates a state or federal taxation statute and which requires the state to provide
             322      refunds for overpayments that were made prior to the final judicial decision or for overpayments
             323      made during the 180-day period after the final judicial decision.
             324          (7) This section does not apply to:
             325          (a) Title 59, Chapter 2, except for Section 59-2-1309 , Title 59, Chapter 3 or 4, or Chapter
             326      13, Part 5;
             327          (b) Title 41, Chapter 1a, except for Section 41-1a-301 , or Title 41, Chapter 3.
             328          (8) For purposes of this section, a tax, charge, or fee includes an amount similar to a tax,
             329      charge, or fee that is administered by the commission.
             330          Section 5. Section 69-2-5.5 is amended to read:
             331           69-2-5.5. Emergency services telephone charge to fund the Poison Control Center.
             332          (1) There is imposed an emergency services telephone charge of 7 cents per month on each
             333      local exchange service switched access line and each revenue producing radio communications
             334      access line that is subject to an emergency services telephone charge levied by a public agency
             335      under Section 69-2-5 .
             336          (2) The emergency services telephone charge imposed under this section shall be:
             337          (a) billed and collected by the corporation, person, or entity that provides local exchange

             338      service switched access line services or radio communications access line services and remitted
             339      monthly to the State Tax Commission; and
             340          (b) deposited into the General Fund as dedicated credits to pay for:
             341          (i) costs of establishing, installing, maintaining, and operating the University of Utah
             342      Poison Control Center; and
             343          (ii) expenses of the State Tax Commission to administer and enforce the collection of the
             344      emergency services telephone charges.
             345          (3) Funds for the University of Utah Poison Control Center program are nonlapsing.
             346          (4) Emergency services telephone charges remitted to the State Tax Commission pursuant
             347      to Subsection (2) shall be accompanied by [the form prescribed] a return developed by the
             348      commission.
             349          (5) The State Tax Commission may make rules to administer and enforce the collection
             350      of emergency services telephone charges imposed under this section.
             351          (6) A provider of local exchange service switched access line services or radio
             352      communications access line services who fails to comply with this section is subject to penalties
             353      and interest as provided in Sections 59-1-401 and 59-1-402 .
             354          (7) (a) Except as provided in Subsections (8) through (11), the State Tax Commission shall
             355      assess a charge imposed under this section within three years after a provider of local exchange
             356      service switched access line services or radio communications access line services files a return.
             357          (b) Except as provided in Subsections (8) through (11), if the commission does not assess
             358      a charge imposed under this section within the three-year period provided in Subsection (7)(a), the
             359      commission may not commence a proceeding to collect the charge.
             360          (8) Notwithstanding Subsection (7), the State Tax Commission may assess a charge at any
             361      time if a provider of local exchange service switched access line services or radio communications
             362      access line services:
             363          (a) files a false or fraudulent return with intent to evade; or
             364          (b) does not file a return.
             365          (9) Notwithstanding Subsection (7), beginning on July 1, 1998, the State Tax Commission
             366      may extend the period to make an assessment or commence a proceeding to collect the charge
             367      imposed under this section if:
             368          (a) the three-year period under Subsection (7) has not expired; and

             369          (b) the commission and the provider of local exchange service switched access line
             370      services or radio communications access line services sign a written agreement:
             371          (i) authorizing the extension; and
             372          (ii) providing for the length of the extension.
             373          (10) If the State Tax Commission delays an audit at the request of a provider of local
             374      exchange service switched access line services or radio communications access line services, the
             375      commission may make an assessment as provided in Subsection (11) if:
             376          (a) the provider of local exchange service switched access line services or radio
             377      communications access line services subsequently refuses to agree to an extension request by the
             378      commission; and
             379          (b) the three-year period under Subsection (7) expires before the commission completes
             380      the audit.
             381          (11) An assessment under Subsection (10) shall be:
             382          (a) for the time period for which the State Tax Commission could not make an assessment
             383      because of the expiration of the three-year period; and
             384          (b) in an amount equal to the difference between:
             385          (i) the commission's estimate of the amount of the charge the provider of local exchange
             386      service switched access line services or radio communications access line services would have
             387      been assessed for the time period described in Subsection (11)(a); and
             388          (ii) the amount of the charge the provider of local exchange service switched access line
             389      services or radio communications access line services actually paid for the time period described
             390      in Subsection (11)(a).
             391          (12) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (12)(b), the State Tax Commission may not
             392      make a credit or refund unless the provider of local exchange service switched access line services
             393      or radio communications access line services files a claim with the commission within three years
             394      of the date of overpayment.
             395          (b) Notwithstanding Subsection (12)(a), beginning on July 1, 1998, the commission shall
             396      extend the period for a provider of local exchange service switched access line services or radio
             397      communications access line services to file a claim under Subsection (12)(a) if:
             398          (i) the three-year period under Subsection (12)(a) has not expired; and
             399          (ii) the commission and the provider of local exchange service switched access line

             400      services or radio communications access line services sign a written agreement:
             401          (A) authorizing the extension; and
             402          (B) providing for the length of the extension.
             403          Section 6. Effective date.
             404          (1) Except as provided in Subsection (2), this act takes effect on January 1, 2003.
             405          (2) Notwithstanding Subsection (1), this act takes effect for taxable years beginning on or
             406      after January 1, 2003 for a return that is filed for a taxable year.

Legislative Review Note
    as of 2-27-02 12:59 PM

A limited legal review of this legislation raises no obvious constitutional or statutory concerns.

Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel

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