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First Substitute S.B. 191
5 This act modifies the Criminal Code by amending the Antitrust Revolving Account in order
6 to create the Attorney General Litigation Fund. This act specifies the funds that are to go
7 into the account from state or federal antitrust or criminal actions. This act specifies the
8 purposes for which the state attorney general may use the funds. This act takes effect on
9 July 1, 2002.
10 This act affects sections of Utah Code Annotated 1953 as follows:
12 76-10-922, as enacted by Chapter 79, Laws of Utah 1979
13 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
14 Section 1. Section 76-10-922 is amended to read:
15 76-10-922. Attorney General Litigation Fund.
16 (1) (a) There is created [
17 known as the [
18 providing funds to pay for any costs and expenses incurred by the state attorney general in relation
19 to actions under state or federal antitrust or criminal laws[
21 as may be appropriated by the Legislature to the attorney general for the administration and
22 enforcement of the laws of this state.
23 (b) At the close of any fiscal year, any balance in the fund in excess of $2,000,000 shall
24 be transferred to the General Fund.
25 (c) The attorney general may expend monies from the Attorney General Litigation Fund
26 for the purposes in Subsection (1)(a).
27 (2) (a) All monies received by the state or its agencies by reason of any judgment,
28 settlement, or compromise as the result of any [
29 prosecuted by the attorney general, after payment of any fines, restitution, payments, costs, or fees
30 allocated by the court, shall be deposited [
31 General Litigation Fund, except as [
32 (b) (i) Any expenses advanced by the attorney general in any of the actions under
33 Subsection (1)(a) shall be credited to the Attorney General Litigation Fund.
34 [
39 [
41 (ii) Any monies recovered by the attorney general on behalf of any private person or public
42 body other than the state shall be paid to [
45 expenses under Subsection (2)(b)(i).
46 (3) The Division of Finance shall transfer any monies remaining in the Antitrust Revolving
47 Account on July 1, 2002, to the Attorney General Litigation Fund created in Subsection (1).
48 Section 2. Effective date.
49 This act takes effect on July 1, 2002.
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