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S.J.R. 9
6 This act modifies certain Joint and Interim Rules. This act modifies interim committee
7 responsibilities relating to legislative audits, clarifies the germaneness rule, modifies rules
8 relating to reservation of bill numbers, and modifies rules governing legislative expenses for
9 the Olympics recess. This act takes effect immediately.
10 This resolution affects legislative rules as follows:
12 IR-3.01
13 JR-4.18
14 JR-4.40
15 JR-15.02
16 Be it resolved by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
17 Section 1. IR-3.01 is amended to read:
18 IR-3.01. Committee Responsibilities.
19 The interim committees, meeting jointly, shall:
20 (1) receive study assignments by resolution from the Legislature;
21 (2) receive study assignments from the Legislative Management Committee;
22 (3) receive audit reports assigned by the Audit Subcommittee of the Legislative
23 Management Committee and:
24 (a) review and consider whether or not the recommendations in the audit reports should
25 be implemented;
26 (b) prepare legislation or recommend appropriations to the Executive Appropriations
27 Committee, if appropriate; and
28 (c) report its actions to the Audit Subcommittee;
29 [
30 Management Committee; however, if a study request has not been disapproved by the Legislative
31 Management Committee within 30 days of receipt of the request, the interim committee may
32 proceed with the requested study;
33 [
34 committee's study agenda;
35 [
36 its subject area;
37 [
38 legislative action with respect to the reports; and
39 [
40 the committee study agenda.
41 Section 2. JR-4.18 is amended to read:
42 JR-4.18. Amendment or Substitution to be Germane.
43 No bill may be amended or substituted unless the changes are germane to the purpose of
44 the original bill.
45 Section 3. JR-4.40 is amended to read:
46 JR-4.40. Reservation of Bill Numbers.
47 (1) In annual general legislative sessions occurring in odd-numbered years, House Bill 1
48 is reserved for the Annual Appropriations bill, Senate Bill 1 is reserved for a Supplemental
49 Appropriations bill, House Bill 2 is reserved for the [
50 Senate Bill 2 is reserved for the General Obligation Bond bill, House Bill 3 is reserved for the
51 School Finance bill, and Senate Bill 3 is reserved for the second Supplemental Appropriations bill.
52 (2) In annual general legislative sessions occurring in even-numbered years, House Bill
53 1 is reserved for a Supplemental Appropriations bill, Senate Bill 1 is reserved for the Annual
54 Appropriations bill, House Bill 2 is reserved for the General Obligation Bond bill, Senate Bill 2
55 is reserved for the [
56 second Supplemental Appropriations bill, and Senate Bill 3 is reserved for the School Finance Bill.
57 Section 4. JR-15.02 is amended to read:
58 JR-15.02. Expenses While in Session.
59 (1) This rule governs legislative expenses when the Legislature is in annual general
60 session.
61 (2) [
62 expense allowance equal to the sum of the federal lodging per diem rate for Salt Lake City and the
63 federal meals and incidental expenses per diem rate for Salt Lake City.
64 (b) (i) During the time that the Legislature is adjourned for the 2002 Salt Lake City
65 Olympic Games only, each legislator who travels to Salt Lake City on legislative business shall,
66 if approved in writing by the Legislative Expenses Oversight Committee, receive reimbursement
67 for:
68 (A) actual lodging expenses and actual meals and incidental expenses up to the federal per
69 diem rate for Salt Lake City; and
70 (B) actual transportation costs to and from Salt Lake City.
71 (ii) Each legislator seeking reimbursement under this section shall submit receipts and
72 other evidence of expenses incurred to the Legislative Expenses Oversight Committee for
73 reimbursement by March 8, 2002.
74 (3) (a) Each legislator shall receive transportation costs to and from the session.
75 (b) These costs shall be computed on the basis of actual mileage for private automobile
76 use or the actual cost of alternative commercial transportation.
77 Section 5. Effective date.
78 This resolution takes effect upon approval by a constitutional majority vote of all members
79 of the Senate and House of Representatives.
Legislative Review Note
as of 1-10-02 4:20 PM
A limited legal review of this legislation raises no obvious constitutional or statutory concerns.