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S.J.R. 15
5 This joint resolution of the Legislature directs the Legislative Management Committee to
6 assign items of study to the appropriate interim committee. The resolution requests a report
7 to the Legislature prior to the 2003 Annual General Session.
8 Be it resolved by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
9 WHEREAS, the Legislative Management Committee is created by law as a permanent
10 committee to receive and assign matters for the interim study of the Legislature; and
11 WHEREAS, the 54th Legislature has determined that certain legislative issues require
12 additional investigation and study:
13 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Legislative Management Committee
14 assign to the appropriate interim committee the duty to study and make recommendations for
15 legislative action they consider necessary to the 55th Legislature prior to the 2003 Annual General
16 Session, from the following items of study.
17 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Legislative Management Committee, in making
18 study assignments from this list and in approving study requests for individual committees, give
19 consideration to the available time of legislators and the budget and capacity of staff to respond
20 adequately to the number and complexity of the assignments given.
21 1. Appropriation for School Districts Impacted by Fee Waivers - to study appropriating
22 ongoing funds from the Uniform School Fund to the State Board of Education for distribution to
23 certain school districts impacted by fee waivers. (H.B. 271)
24 2. Budget Disclosure - to study issues related to budget disclosure requirements.
25 3. Capitol Restoration Funding - to study options for funding the restoration of the Utah
26 State Capitol.
27 4. Cost-of-Living Adjustment for Public Safety and Law Enforcement - to study whether
28 to increase the cost-of-living adjustment for public safety and law enforcement retirees from 2.5%
29 to 4%. (H.B. 97)
30 5. Decertifying Nursing Home Beds - to study issues related to the decertification of
31 unused nursing home beds.
32 6. FACT Evaluation and Funding - to study the Families, Agencies, and Communities
33 Together for Children and Youth At Risk Program, its funding levels, the effectiveness of the
34 program in delivering services to those with special needs, and determine whether one state
35 department should be made responsible for the program.
36 7. Fee Analysis - to study the creation of a task force to study fees charged by state
37 agencies.
38 8. Funding Growth in Education - to study which education programs should be treated
39 with a growth factor in determining future education funding.
40 9. Internal Service Fund - to study internal service fund cost structure, the impact of the
41 cost structure on internal service fund budgeting, and the impact of cost structure/budgeting on
42 internal service fund rates.
43 10. Nursing Home Budget Rider - to study attaching a rider to a Medicaid nursing home
44 budget to follow the individual if they move from the nursing home.
45 11. Planning, Funding, and Constructing School Buildings - to study whether greater
46 efficiencies can be developed in the design, funding, and construction of school buildings, review
47 developing plans by school districts, and work with the Division of Facilities Construction and
48 Management to create reasonable alternatives.
49 12. Accessible Housing for the Disabled - to study ways to increase the availability of
50 housing that can be accessed by disabled individuals.
51 13. Building Standards - to study issues related to the building standards for older
52 buildings.
53 14. Business Law Recodification - to study the recodification of statutes governing the
54 function, organization, and maintenance of business entities in Utah.
55 15. Death Industry Regulation - to study the model Cemetery Merchant Act and other
56 "death industry" regulation.
57 16. Electronic Funds Transfers - to study concerns regarding the ability of collection
58 agencies and other groups to initiate electronic transfers to collect amounts in dispute in violation
59 of rules governing electronic transfers.
60 17. Eviction of tenants - to study issues related to the eviction of nonpaying tenants.
61 18. Nonprofit Corporation Act - to study the need to update the Nonprofit Corporation
62 Act. (S.B. 176)
63 19. Nonprofit Insurers - to study the applicability of the Insurance Code to nonprofit
64 insurers. (H.B. 148)
65 20. Paycheck Loan and Check Cashing Practices - to study and review the practices of
66 paycheck loan and check cashing businesses.
67 21. Predatory Lending - to study the predatory lending practices of contractors and real
68 estate and mortgage loan brokers.
69 22. Preneed Arrangements - to study the preneed arrangements by providers of funeral and
70 cemetery goods and services.
71 23. Presumption of Occupational Disease - to study whether to provide for a presumption
72 that certain occupational diseases are employment related for fire department employees. (H.B.
73 174)
74 24. Prompt Payment in Construction - to study construction contract prompt payment
75 provisions. (S.B. 19)
76 25. Title Loan Companies - to study limitations on title loan companies.
77 26. Unauthorized Electronic Transfers - to study the creation of a penalty for certain
78 unauthorized electronic transactions, including a transfer of monies from an account initiated by
79 a person other than the customer that maintains the account, or a transfer by a person without
80 authority to initiate the transfer. (1st Sub. H.B. 134)
81 27. Unfair Trade and Consumer Sales - to study changes to the Unfair Trade Practices Act
82 and the Consumer Sales Practices Act.
83 28. Usury Laws - to study Utah's usury statutes.
84 29. Ballot Question on Tuition Tax Credits - to study whether to place on the ballot a
85 statewide opinion question regarding whether to allow tuition tax credits in Utah.
86 30. Alternative Language Services - to study the services provided to students whose
87 native language is not English.
88 31. Arts in Education - to study the formula for funding the arts and for administrative
89 oversight.
90 32. Charter School Enrollment - to study whether to impose enrollment limitations on
91 state-sponsored charter schools.
92 33. Charter Schools Capital Facilities - to study capital facilities financing for charter
93 schools.
94 34. Classroom Amplification - to study the use of classroom amplification devices in Utah
95 classrooms.
96 35. Competitive Bidding for Events - to study competitive bidding for High School
97 Activities Association events.
98 36. Concurrent Enrollment - to study the flow of funding and the costs incurred by the
99 student in concurrent enrollment.
100 37. Core Curriculum Standards - to study which core curriculum subjects should have
101 learning standards and objectives established by the State Board of Education.
102 38. Driver Education in Schools - to study how to phase out driver education in schools
103 and address the increased impact on the Driver License Division.
104 39. Education Assessments - to study the effectiveness of kindergarten assessments.
105 40. Higher Education Personnel Policies - to study the different personnel policies at the
106 state's institutions of higher education, including grievances, terminations, discipline, pay scale,
107 academic freedom, and school governance.
108 41. Higher Education Practices - to study and review nonfaculty employee personnel and
109 compensation practices in higher education.
110 42. Higher Education Tuition and Financial Aid - to study whether to tie higher education
111 tuition increases to increases in financial aid availability.
112 43. Impact of Annexation on Schools - to study the impact of annexation by a city on
113 affected school districts.
114 44. Impact of Universal Tuition Tax Credit - to study and develop an economic model
115 illustrating how a universal tuition tax credit would affect the state public education system.
116 45. Process for Review and Analysis of Tuition Tax Credits or School Choice - to study
117 whether to secure the services of an analyst or a research organization to examine issues relating
118 to tuition tax credits or school choice in Utah.
119 46. Remedial Education in Higher Education - to study what the mission of higher
120 education should be in providing remedial education and whether to cap the number of freshman
121 who may take remedial classes.
122 47. School District Boundary Adjustments - to study the process for the adjustment of
123 school district boundaries to permit all residents of a city expanded through annexation to be
124 served by a single school district.
125 48. School District Budget Analysis - to study and conduct a detailed analysis of the
126 budgets of the state's 40 school districts.
127 49. School Funding Through Uniform WPU Value - to study the impact of using a
128 uniform weighted pupil unit value to fund all schools, particularly the impact on charter schools
129 that are high schools.
130 50. Student and Family Privacy - to study the creation of a Student and Family Privacy
131 Protection Act.
132 51. Teacher Bill of Rights - to study issues related to a teacher's bill of rights.
133 52. Teacher Evaluation - to study the teacher evaluation process of public school districts.
134 53. Teacher Incentive - to study issues related to a teacher's incentive bonus.
135 54. Teacher License Renewal Procedures - to study existing and proposed procedures and
136 requirements in the teacher's license renewal process.
137 55. Teacher Paperwork - to study ways to reduce the paperwork load of classroom
138 teachers.
139 56. Utah Center for Assistive Technology and High School Programs - to study the
140 interfacing of UCAT and high school programs in the Salt Lake/Tooele area.
141 57. Criminal Penalties Against State Employees - to study criminal penalties for state
142 employees who do not comply with law.
143 58. E-mails as Government Records - to study the classification of electronic mail as a
144 government record.
145 59. Election Law Revisions - to study various changes to state election laws. (H.B. 306)
146 60. Government Immunity Hearings and Procedures - to study the administrative hearing
147 and appeal procedures when a government employee being sued requests that they be covered by
148 the Utah Governmental Immunity Act.
149 61. Governmental Immunity - to study broad governmental immunity procedures.
150 62. Governor's Office of Planning and Budget - to study the creation and duties of the
151 Governor's Office of Planning and Budget.
152 63. Handling Injury Claims Against Government Entities - to study incidents of
153 intentional or unintentional misdirection by government employees to claimants and their attorneys
154 regarding any notice of claim for injuries against any government entity or special district.
155 64. Procurement Code Requirements of Health Care Benefits - to study requiring certain
156 businesses to provide qualified health insurance coverage to employees as a condition for
157 contracting with the state under certain circumstances. (S.B. 137)
158 65. Public Officers and Employees Ethics Act -- Exemption Removal - to study modifying
159 the act by removing an exemption for contracts with professional golf association members who
160 are public employees. (H.B. 292)
161 66. Timely Agency Review - to study the timely agency review of certain applications and
162 review of permits.
163 67. Utah State Fairpark Status - to study whether to remove the Utah State Fairpark's
164 status as a quasi-governmental entity and place it within the Department of Agriculture and Food.
165 68. Access to Drugs - to study pharmaceutical access and drug policy.
166 69. Calcium Deficiency - to study issues related to calcium deficiency among women.
167 70. Child Support - to study issues related to child support guidelines.
168 71. Conduct of Shelter Hearings - to study whether the Utah Rules of Evidence should
169 be followed in shelter hearings.
170 72. Consolidation of Health Services - to study whether to combine the Division of
171 Substance Abuse with the Division of Mental Health.
172 73. Emergency Medical Liability Exemption - to study exemptions from liability under
173 the Emergency Medical Services Act.
174 74. Emergency Medical Services to Annexed Areas - to study municipal annexation and
175 the provision of emergency medical services through license application with the Department of
176 Health.
177 75. Increased Visitation Time - to study increased parent time for children's holidays in
178 the minimum standard visitation schedule.
179 76. Laws Governing Emergency Medical Services/Ambulance Services - to study whether
180 current laws governing emergency medical and ambulance services violate antitrust laws.
181 77. No Danger for Construction Delay - to study whether to prohibit the inclusion of a
182 provision in a construction contract which would waive, release, limit, or extinguish the right to
183 recover damages or an equitable adjustment for unreasonable delay by another party to the
184 contract.
185 78. Obesity - to study issues related to the problem of obesity.
186 79. Optometry Law Study - to study issues related to optometry, including the
187 requirements for the release of contact lens prescriptions, requirements specific to contact lens
188 resellers, the definition of contact lens prescription verification, and the penalty for unlawful
189 conduct.
190 80. Panel Meetings Under Public Meetings Law - to study whether Subsection
191 62A-4a-207(5), governing instances in which the Child Welfare Legislative Oversight Panel may
192 meet in private, should be harmonized with state open and public meetings law.
193 81. Parental Defense Counsel - to study issues related to parental defense counsel in child
194 welfare and parental termination of rights cases.
195 82. Parental Rights Trials - to study whether cases involving the termination of parental
196 rights should be jury trials.
197 83. Reviews By Foster Care Board - to study the involvement of the Foster Care Citizen
198 Review Board in child protective services case review.
199 84. Shift in Quality Assurance Function - to study and recommend changes to the
200 definition of "disability" and the feasibility of moving the quality assurance functions in the
201 Division of Services for People with Disabilities to the Division of Health Care Financing.
202 85. Shorter Appellate Process Time - to study whether to shorten the appellate process
203 time in parental termination of rights cases.
204 86. Supervision of Anesthetists - to study supervision requirements for certified registered
205 nurse anesthetists under the Nurse Practices Act.
206 87. Termination of Parental Rights - to study due process and shelter concerns in the
207 termination of parental rights. (1st Sub. H.B. 226)
208 88. Women's Health Care Parity - to study whether health insurance policies and health
209 maintenance contracts should provide coverage for the cost of prescriptive contraceptives. (S.B.
210 54)
211 89. Barring Claims Involving High Risk Sports - to study amending Sections 78-27-52
212 and 78-27-53 to include all high risk sports such as sky diving and four wheeling.
213 90. Condemnation - to study notification of rights, fairness, and procedures related to
214 condemnations.
215 91. Court's Consideration of Hate Crimes - to study whether to provide for the court's
216 consideration of the defendant's selection of the victim because of the defendant's perception of
217 a group or individual as an aggravating circumstance and whether to allow the court to impose
218 alternative sentence provisions in cases with this aggravating circumstance. (H.B. 151)
219 92. Enforcement of Liability and Indemnity Provisions - to study whether liability releases
220 and waivers for minors and indemnity provisions against parents of minors are enforceable.
221 93. Judicial Conduct Commission Structure - to study a two-tier system of structuring
222 Judicial Conduct Commission membership.
223 94. Officiating in a Marriage - to study who can legally solemnize a marriage, including
224 issues related to Internet certification of a minister.
225 95. Right to New Judge - to study the rights of litigants to a new judge following a
226 successful appeal.
227 96. Trust Law - to study issues related to the protection of trust property including
228 examining Alaska trust laws.
229 97. Uniform Trust Act - to study changes to the Uniform Trust Act. (S.B. 43)
230 98. 911 Committee - to study the creation of a Utah 911 Committee to make
231 recommendations to the Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Interim Committee regarding 911
232 fees and the coordination of the statewide 911 system. (1st Sub. H.B. 313)
233 99. Consolidation of Criminal Code Penalties - to study and consider whether to place all
234 general descriptions of criminal penalties in one location in the Criminal Code to improve access.
235 100. Corrections Education - to study the potential uses of electronic high schools in
236 corrections programs.
237 101. Domestic Terrorism - to study whether stronger laws and penalties are needed to
238 address domestic terrorism.
239 102. Public Safety and Corrections Motor Pool - to study whether to remove the
240 Department of Public Safety and the Department of Corrections from the state fleet and create their
241 own motor pool.
242 103. Safety at Railroad Crossings - to study and review the safety requirements at railroad
243 crossings.
244 104. Advertising Water Rights - to study better ways to fulfill requirements to advertise
245 water rights issues.
246 105. Clean Water Act Amendments - to study and define the term "functionally separate
247 water system." (H.B. 309)
248 106. Condemnation Powers of Special Service Districts - to study whether special service
249 districts should have the power to condemn culinary water.
250 107. Conservation and Climate Centers - to study the development of Water Conservation
251 and Climate Centers.
252 108. Extension Service - to study and review the Utah State Extension Service.
253 109. Grazing Rights - to study the protection of grazing rights on state and federal lands.
254 110. Interstate Transportation of Utah Water - to study the existing water export laws to
255 determine if any additional protective legislation is needed.
256 111. Landfill Jurisdiction - to study whether C & D landfills should be exempt from
257 legislative approval.
258 112. Litigation in Water Disputes - to study limits on the need for litigation on water
259 disputes.
260 113. Mining Law - to study potential changes to state mining laws.
261 114. Municipal Landfills - to study the operation of municipal waste landfills.
262 115. State and Federal Lands - to study and review the status of state and federal land
263 ownership.
264 116. Surface Water Source Protection - to study how to enable drinking water systems to
265 comply with federal regulation and to protect surface water that is a source of drinking water.
266 117. Waste Issues - to study issues related to solid and hazardous waste.
267 118. Water Company Consolidation - to study tools that can be used to consolidate water
268 companies for proper management in high growth areas.
269 119. Attracting Technology to Utah - to study policy changes that impact, attract, and
270 encourage technology businesses to locate in Utah.
271 120. Claims Filing Related to Special Districts - to study the claims filing process
272 involving special districts by those injured as a result of special district activities.
273 121. Condemnation Powers - to study whether to grant condemnation power for personal
274 property.
275 122. Conservation Easement Approval - to study whether approval must be received from
276 a county or municipal planning commission before a conservation easement may be created.
277 123. County Initiatives - to study the county initiative process.
278 124. Emergency Responder Priority - to study whether to require providers of police, fire,
279 emergency medical technicians, and paramedic services in counties of the first class should enter
280 into agreements to facilitate the closest responder regardless of geographic or political boundaries.
281 (H.B. 180)
282 125. Impact of State Law on Local Vote - to study the impact of legislative enactments
283 which pass subsequent to a local voter-approved optional plan when later state enactments
284 invalidate a county plan.
285 126. Justice of the Peace Elections - to study issues related to the retention elections of
286 justices of the peace.
287 127. Laws Regulating Pawnshops - to study the registration of pawnshops with the
288 Department of Financial Institutions, the regulation of pawn transactions, record keeping and
289 reporting requirements, penalties for failure to comply with legal requirements, an electronic
290 database of pawnshop transactions accessible by law enforcement officials, a procedure for persons
291 to recover misappropriated property in the possession of a pawnbroker, and the protection of
292 pawnbroker records as protected records.
293 128. Local Government Archive Certification - to study whether to permit local
294 government archives to have the right to certify as correct records within their exclusive custody.
295 129. Municipal Construction Standards - to study construction defects and inspection
296 grading at the municipal level.
297 130. Municipal Plan for Moderate Income Housing - to study whether to change the scope
298 of moderate income plan requirements imposed on cities.
299 131. Municipal Services to Unincorporated Areas - to study funding options for providing
300 municipal services to the citizens of the unincorporated area of counties of the first class.
301 132. Special District Bonding Laws - to study the bonding laws of special districts to
302 assure conformity with the provisions of the Utah Municipal Bond Act.
303 133. State Compliance With Local Standards - to study the compliance by state lands and
304 buildings with local land use and building standards.
305 134. Transfer of Development Rights - to study issues related to the transfer of
306 development rights.
307 135. Watershed Protection - to study changes that allow local communities to protect
308 watershed areas for quality water supplies.
309 136. Certificates of Public Convenience and Necessity from the Public Service
310 Commission - to study the jurisdiction of the Public Service Commission with respect to granting
311 certificates of public convenience and necessity for new generating and transmission facilities.
312 137. Energy Data - to study the collection and reporting of energy data.
313 138. Intervener's Statute - to study intervener's status in rate case filings before the Public
314 Service Commission.
315 139. Personal Information Protection - to study whether to require a business that is
316 conducting a transaction with a resident of the state to disclose if the business intends to sell to a
317 third party nonpublic personal information about the resident that the business acquires, to allow
318 the resident to restrict the information shared, and to provide a right of action for a violation. (H.B.
319 141)
320 140. Public Service Commission Elections - to study the process used in the election of
321 members of the Public Service Commission.
322 141. Renewable Energy Requirements - to study requiring the Public Service Commission
323 to make rules that require electrical corporations that sell electricity to consumers in the state to
324 include a certain amount of electricity generated from renewable resources in the electricity that
325 the electrical corporation supplies in the state. (H.B. 308)
326 142. Telecommunications Taxes - to study whether to grant a sales tax exemption for
327 telecommunications equipment and the taxation of long distance telephone service.
328 143. Retirement Conversion Window - to study whether to provide a time period to apply
329 for future conversion windows between Public Employees' Retirement System and the Public
330 Employees' Noncontributory Retirement System. (2nd Sub. H.B. 186)
331 144. State Retirement System - to study the policies for different groups covered and the
332 funding and governance of the Utah State Retirement System.
333 145. State-regulated Coverage of AIDS Vaccine - to study whether to require the Public
334 Employees Health Plan and other state-regulated insurance carriers to cover the AIDS vaccine
335 when it is available and approved by the Federal Drug Administration.
336 146. Utah Communication Association Network - to study bonding with the elected
337 officials' permission and duplication of services with Information Technology Services.
338 147. Allocation of Local Tax Interest - to study whether to allocate to counties, cities, and
339 towns the interest earned on taxes collected by the State Tax Commission that are imposed by a
340 county, city, or town.
341 148. Capping Property Taxes - to study whether putting a constitutional cap on the amount
342 of property tax increase a person may be required to pay and on the amount of property taxes that
343 a taxing entity may collect.
344 149. Clean Special Fuel Certificates for Government Vehicles - to study whether
345 governmental vehicles with clean fuel certificates should be required to file or have an exemption.
346 150. Clean Special Fuel Tax Certificates - to study the collection and enforcement of
347 special fuels not taxed as diesel fuel.
348 151. Corporate Franchise Tax - to study the elimination of the Corporate Franchise Tax.
349 152. County Option Tax on Lands - to study a county option sales and use tax for
350 agricultural land, open land, and watersheds.
351 153. Equity in Road Maintenance Costs - to study whether the owners of tangible personal
352 property affected by the provisions of Title 59, Chapter 13, Motor and Special Fuel Tax Act, or
353 Section 59-2-405 are paying their fair share or road maintenance costs.
354 154. Exemption for Agricultural Products - to study whether to have the Tax Review
355 Commission, as part of its review of sales tax exemptions in 2002, study the exemption for
356 agricultural products with emphasis on the definition of agricultural products.
357 155. Exemption for Corrective Lenses - to study whether to exempt sales of prescription
358 eyeglasses or contact lenses from sales and use taxes.
359 156. Exemptions Involving Manufacturers Coupons - to study whether to exempt from
360 state and local sales taxes manufacturers' coupons that are presented as part of a purchase using
361 food stamps or a WIC voucher. (S.B. 185)
362 157. Inheritance Tax - to study revisions to the inheritance tax in light of changes to the
363 federal estate tax.
364 158. Judgment Levies and Refunds - to study the disposition of refunds if the state ever
365 imposed a property tax. (H.B. 201)
366 159. Property Tax Appeal Standards - to study whether to require counties to be subject
367 to the same standards as taxpayers in property tax appeals.
368 160. Property Tax Appeals - to study the process for appealing property tax assessments.
369 161. Property Tax Filings - to study under what circumstances applications or other filings
370 should be required for an exemption from taxation or a reduction in value. (H.B. 305)
371 162. Property Tax Relief for Seniors - to study issues related to property tax relief for
372 senior citizens.
373 163. Rainy Day Fund - to study recommendations for the optimum size of the Rainy Day
374 Fund.
375 164. Secondary Property Tax - to study issues related to secondary property tax.
376 165. Tax Credit for Education Donations - to study whether to give donations to public
377 and higher education a 50% credit on state tax plus charitable contribution on federal tax.
378 166. Tax Credits for Manufacturing - to study whether to provide nonrefundable tax
379 credits for certain manufacturing capital investments in the state. (H.B. 149)
380 167. Tax Deduction for Military Service - to study whether to provide an individual
381 income tax deduction on military pay for service performed outside the state.
382 168. Tax on Sleeping Accommodations - to study the taxation on rentals of public
383 sleeping accommodations.
384 169. Tax Relief for Higher Education Expenses - to study the availability and need for tax
385 deductions or tax credits for higher education expenses.
386 170. Taxing Pass-Through Entities - to study issues related to the taxation of pass-through
387 entities.
388 171. Truth in Taxation Advertising Requirements - to study whether to require that taxing
389 entities operating on a January 1 through December 31 fiscal year publish only one advertisement
390 rather than two advertisements before budgeting an increased amount of property tax revenue.
391 (H.B. 146)
392 172. Unemployment Insurance Exemption - to study an optional exemption for corporate
393 officers from the unemployment insurance tax.
394 173. Use of Highway and Motor Fuel Fees and Taxes - to study whether to amend the
395 Revenue and Taxation Article of the Utah Constitution to expand the allowable uses of highway
396 user and motor fuel fees and taxes. (H.J.R. 8)
397 174. Use of RDA Fund - to study the use of redevelopment agencies to fund the
398 infrastructure related to convention centers within the communities creating the redevelopment
399 agency. (S.B. 187)
400 175. Periodic License Plate Renewal - to study periodic license plate renewal as a method
401 of encouraging vehicle registration.
402 176. School Bus Safety on Two Lane Highways - to study whether to require school buses
403 traveling on a two-lane highway to pull off to the side of the road when the number of cars behind
404 them reaches a certain number as a safety measure.
405 177. Special Group License Plates Process - to study the process for granting special
406 license plates, including whether to change current law to allow any group to have a special license
407 plate if they pay all the costs at the start instead of requiring legislation for each new group.
408 178. Special License Plate Requirements - to study requirements for obtaining a special
409 license plate and review the number of special license plates granted.
410 179. Student Driving Records - to study whether to require the Driver License Division
411 and the State Board of Education to establish procedures to provide feedback to driver education
412 teachers on the strengths and weaknesses of student drivers as demonstrated by their driving
413 records.
414 180. Traffic Code - to study the recodification of the traffic code.
415 181. Use of Golf Carts on City Streets - to study whether to permit golf carts on city
416 streets that have a posted speed limit of 25 miles per hour or less for drivers who are at least 21
417 years of age or disabled drivers only.
418 182. Disincentives to Retain Employment - to study options for addressing the incentive
419 provided to primary breadwinners in a home to quit a second job in order to receive welfare after
420 being terminated from their primary employment.
421 183. Encouraging Increased Tourism - to study the development, in coordination with the
422 Utah Travel Council, of a plan to increase the economic contribution by tourists visiting the state.
423 (2nd Sub. H.B. 34)
424 184. Housing Authority - to study issues related to the housing authority of the association
425 of governments.
426 185. Regional Workforce Services Councils - to study the makeup and number of regional
427 councils and the power and authority of regional councils in relation to the Department of
428 Workforce Services.
429 186. Unemployment Insurance - to study unemployment insurance issues, including
430 benefits, eligibility, and taxes.
431 187. Welfare Reform State Comparison - to study the viability of Utah's welfare system
432 in comparison with other states in terms of meeting the needs of those served by the system.
433 188. Welfare Training - to study whether limits on welfare training affect whether the
434 needs of individuals served by the system are being met.
Legislative Review Note
as of 3-6-02 5:21 PM
A limited legal review of this legislation raises no obvious constitutional or statutory concerns.