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S.R. 1
6 This resolution modifies the Senate Rules changing standing committee names to bring them
7 into greater coordination with the interim structure. This Senate resolution provides an
8 effective date.
9 This resolution affects legislative rules as follows:
11 SR-24.05
12 Be it resolved by the Senate of the state of Utah:
13 Section 1. SR-24.05 is amended to read:
14 SR-24.05. Standing Committees.
15 (1) The President shall appoint the following standing committees:
16 (a) Business[
17 (b) Education;
18 (c) Government Operations and Political Subdivisions;
19 (d) Health and [
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27 (j) Workforce Services and Community and Economic Development.
28 (2) The members of the Legislative Quasi-Governmental Entities Committee created in
29 Section 63-95-201 appointed from the Senate constitute a standing committee.
30 Section 2. Effective date.
31 This resolution takes effect upon approval by a constitutional majority vote of all members
32 of the Senate with an implementation date of January 1, 2003.
Legislative Review Note
as of 11-14-01 8:30 AM
A limited legal review of this legislation raises no obvious constitutional or statutory concerns.