MEMBERS PRESENT: Rep. Glenn L. Way, Chair
Rep. Patrice Arent
Rep. Chad E. Bennion
Rep. Scott Daniels
Rep. Ben C. Ferry
Rep. Eric Hutchings
Rep. Mike Thompson
Rep. A. Lamont Tyler
Rep. Katherine M. Bryson
Rep. Greg J. Curtis
Rep. Neal B. Hendrickson
MOTION: Representative Daniels moved to approve the minutes of January 23, 2002. The motion passed unanimously with Representatives Arent, Thompson, and Way absent for the vote.
S.B. 11 Prohibiting Intimacy with Youth Receiving State Services (P. Julander)
Senator Julander introduced the bill and explained the intent. She was assisted in answering questions from the committee by Blake Chard, Director, Division of Youth Corrections.
MOTION: Representative Way moved to pass the bill out favorably. The motion passed unanimously.
MOTION: Representative Tyler moved to adjourn. The motion passed unanimously and the meeting adjourned at 3:58 p.m.
Rep. James A Ferrin, Vice Chair