Rep. Patrice Arent
Rep. Chad E. Bennion
Rep. Katherine M. Bryson
Rep. Scott Daniels
Rep. Ben C. Ferry
Rep. Neal B. Hendrickson
Rep. Eric Hutchings
Rep. Mike Thompson
Rep. A. Lamont Tyler
Rep. Greg J. Curtis
MOTION: Representative Arent moved to approve the minutes of January 24, 2002. The motion passed unanimously with Representatives Bennion, Daniels, Henrickson and Hutchings absent for the vote.
H.B. 183 Firearm Criminal Background Check Amendments (J. M. Philpot)
Representative Philpot introduced the bill and explained its intent. Assisting in answering technical questions was Nanette Rolf, Department of Public Safety, Bureau of Criminal Identification.
Speaking in favor of the bill was:
Charles Hardy, Gun Owners of Utah
Dr. Sarah Thompson, Utah Gun Owners Alliance
Speaking in opposition to the bill was Maura Carabello, Gun Violence Prevention Committee.
MOTION: Representative Thompson moved to pass the bill out favorably. The motion passed with Representatives Bennion, Bryson, Ferry, Ferrin, Thompson, Tyler and Way voting in favor of the motion, and Representatives Arent, Daniels, Hendrickson, and Hutchings voting in opposition to the motion.
H.B. 219 Firearm Fee Amendments (J. M. Philpot)
Representative Philpot indicated that there was a substitute on the bill and asked that the committee adopt it prior to the introduction.
MOTION: Representative Bennion moved to substitute H.B. 219 with 1st Substitute H.B. 219. The motion passed unanimously.
Representative Philpot introduced the substitute bill and explained its intent.
After discussion from the committee regarding the fiscal impact of the substitute bill the chair decided to move to the next item on the agenda to allow the sponsor time to obtain an updated fiscal note.
H.J.R. 17 Resolution Closing Court Facility (C. Bennion)
Representative Bennion introduced the bill and explained its intent. Assisting in answering questions from the committee was Rick Schwermer, Administrative Office of the Courts.
MOTION: Representative Ferrin moved to pass the bill out favorably. The motion passed unanimously with Representative Tyler absent for the vote.
S.B. 24 Release of Custodial or Noncustodial Parent's Address (D. E. Allen)
Senator Allen introduced the bill and explained its intent (see handout on file). Assisting in answering questions from the committee was Emma Chacon, Director, Office of Recovery Services.
MOTION: Representative Ferrin moved to pass the bill out favorably. The motion passed with Representative Bryson voting in opposition to the motion and Representative Bennion absent for the vote.
S.B. 25 Office of Recovery Services Amendments (D. E. Allen)
Senator Allen introduced the bill and explained its intent (see handout on file).
MOTION: Representative Bryson moved to pass the bill out favorably. The motion passed with Representative Bennion absent for the vote.
S.B. 27 Amendments to Guilty and Mentally Ill (D. Gladwell)
Senator Gladwell introduced the bill and explained its intent.
MOTION: Representative Bryson moved to pass the bill out favorably. The motion passed unanimously with Representative Bennion absent for the vote.
MOTION: Representative Ferry moved to adjourn. The motion passed unanimously with Representative Bennion absent for the vote. The meeting adjourned at 9:27 a.m.
Rep. Glenn L. Way, Chair