Members Present: Rep. Ron Bigelow, Chair
Rep. Eli H. Anderson, Vice Chair Rep. Trisha S. Beck
Rep. Judy Ann Buffmire
Rep. Don E. Bush Rep. A. Lamont Tyler
Rep. David Ure
Rep. Glenn L. Way
Members Absent: Rep. Kevin S. Garn
Staff Present: Mr. Benjamin N. Christensen, Research Analyst
Mr. Dee S Larsen, Associate General Counsel Ms. Barbara Bryner, Committee Secretary
Visitors List: List filed with Committee Minutes
Chairman Bigelow called the meeting to order at 12:33 p.m.
MOTION: Rep. Buffmire moved to approve the minutes of February 1, 2002. The motion passed unanimously with Rep. Bush, Rep. Ure, and Rep.Way absent for the vote.
H.B. 248 Classification of State Employees for Insurance Purposes (J. Seitz)
Rep. Seitz introduced the bill and explained it to the committee.
Mr. Jack Tanner, Executive Director , Utah Behavioral Healthcare Network, Ms. Kathy Froerer, Executive Director, Utah Association of Local Boards of Health and Mr. Myron Bateman, Tooele County Health Officer, spoke in support of the bill.
Mr. Kevin Howard, Counsel, Utah Retirement Systems, spoke to the bill.
MOTION: Rep. Beck moved to pass the bill out favorably. The motion passed unanimously.
Chairman Bigelow relinquished to the chair to Vice Chair Anderson.
H.B. 297 Retirement Office Amendments (R. Bigelow)
Rep. Bigelow introduced the bill and explained it to the committee with the assistance of Mr. Dan Anderson, Utah Retirement Systems.
MOTION: Rep. Ure moved to pass the bill out favorably. The motion passed unanimously.
MOTION: Rep. Bush moved to adjourn the meeting.. The motion passed unanimously and Vice Chair Anderson adjourned the meeting at 1:00 p.m.
Rep. Ron Bigelow, Chairman