Rep. Merlynn T. Newbold, Vice Chair
Rep. Cindy Beshear
Rep. Brent H. Goodfellow
Rep. David Litvack
Rep. J. Morgan Philpot
Rep. Carl R. Saunders
Rep. Peggy Wallace
MEMBERS ABSENT: Rep. Jeff Alexander
Rep. Martin R. Stephens
Rep. Bradley A. Winn
STAFF PRESENT: Jami Momberger, Research Analyst
Betty M. Bushman, House Secretary
VISITORS: List of visitors filed with committee report.
Chair Siddoway called the meeting to order at 8:01 a.m.
H.B. 34 Tourism Amendments (S. Allen)
Explained the bill: Rep. Allen
Dean Reeder, Director, Utah Travel Development
MOTION: Rep. Newbold moved to amend the bill as follows:
Page 2, Line 34: After "expenditures" insert "and expenditures to develop tourism, recreation, cultural, and convention facilities"
The motion passed unanimously with Rep. Goodfellow, Rep. Saunders, and Rep. Wallace absent for the vote.
Spoke against the bill: Brent Gardner, Utah Association of Counties
MOTION: Rep. Litvack moved to adopt the following amendments:
1. Page 1, Line 12: After line 12 insert:
" 9-2-1703, as last amended by Chapter 159, Laws of Utah 2001"
2. Page 1, Line 15: After line 15 insert:
9-2-1703.5, as enacted by Chapter 159, Laws of Utah 2001"
3. Page 1, Line 16: After line 16 insert:
"Section 1. Section 9-2-1703 is amended to read:
9-2-1703 . Creation and administration of fund.
(1) (a) There is created within the General Fund a restricted account known as the "Tourism Marketing Performance Fund."
(b) The fund shall be administered by the department in accordance with Section 9-2-1704 .
(2) The [
(3) Any undistributed monies in the fund at the end of the fiscal year are nonlapsing except that any balance greater than $200,000 at the end of the fiscal year shall lapse to the General Fund. "
4. Page 5, Line 123: After line 123 insert:
"Section 5. Repealer.
This act repeals:
Section 9-2-1703.5, Appropriations to the fund."
Renumber remaining sections accordingly.
The motion passed, with Rep. Philpot voting in opposition.
MOTION: Rep. Beshear moved to pass the bill out favorably as amended. The motion passed, with Rep. Philpot voting in opposition.
Chair Siddoway relinquished the chair to Vice Chair Newbold.
H.B. 36 Child Care Amendments (R. Siddoway)
Explained the bill: Rep. Siddoway
Lynette Rasmussen, Director, Office of Child Care
MOTION: Rep. Saunders moved to amend the bill as follows:
1. Page 3, Lines 71-73 After "for" delete ": (a) children through age 12; and (b) children with disabilities through age 18." and insert "children under 14 years of age."
2. Page 3, Lines 83-84 After "children" delete "through age 12 and for income-eligible children with disabilities through age 18" and insert "under 14 years of age"
The motion passed unanimously.
Spoke in favor of the bill: Karen Silver, Salt Lake Community Action Program
Dianne Cunningham, Social Research Institute, University of Utah.
MOTION: Rep. Wallace moved to pass the bill out favorably as amended. The motion passed, with Rep. Philpot voting in opposition.
MOTION: Rep. Wallace moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion passed unanimously.
Vice Chair Newbold adjourned the meeting at 8:55 a.m.
Rep. Richard M. Siddoway,
Committee Chair