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Monday, February 4, 2002
Room 131, State Capitol Building

Members Present        Sen. Terry R. Spencer, Chair
                Sen. Leonard Blackham
                Sen. Mike Dmitrich
                Sen. Beverly Ann Evans
                Sen. Parley Hellewell

Staff Present:            J Brian Allred, Research Anayst
                Norda Shepard, Secretary

Public Speakers Present:    Sen. John W. Hickman
                Ted Rampton, Government Affairs Manager, UAMPS
                Leon Pexton, Power Resource Manager, UMPA
                Mike Peterson, Executive Director, Utah Rural Electric Association
                Jeff Bamgarner, PacificCorp
                Jeff Burks, Energy Policy Coordinator, DNR
                Gary Dodge, Attorney, Utah Association Energy Users        
                Kathy Van Dame, Wasatch Clean Air Coalition

List of Visitors on File:

Meeting was called to order by Acting Chair Hellewell at 8:10 a.m.

MOTION: Sen. Blackham moved to approve the minutes of 1-30-02. The motion passed unanimously with Sen. Spencer and Sen. Dmitrich absent at the time of voting.

Sen. Hellewell informed those in attendance that the committee was following the revised agenda and S. B. 136 would not be heard today.

1. S.B. 104 Sale of Municipal Power Systems (J. Hickman)

Sen. Hickman asked that 1st Sub 104 be adopted.

MOTION: Sen. Evans moved to adopt 1st Sub. S. B. 104 Sale of Municipal Power Systems (J. Hickman). The motion passed unanimously with Sen. Spencer and Sen. Dmitrich absent at the time of voting.

Sen. Hickman presented the bill. Ted Rampton, Government Affairs Manager. UAMPS; Leon Pexton, Power Resource Manager, UMPA; and Mike Peterson, Executive Director, Utah Rural Electric Association spoke in support of the bill.

MOTION: Sen. Blackham moved to pass 1st Sub. S.B. 104 out favorably. The motion passed unanimously with Sen. Spencer absent at the time of voting.

2. S. B. 152 Electric Energy Efficiently and Conservation (L. Blackham)

Sen. Blackham explained the proposed amendments to the bill.

MOTION: Sen. Blackham moved to amend S.B. 152 with the following amendments:

Page 6            Line 156        After “implements” insert “or has implemented

Page 6            Line 157        After “by the” delete “Utah State Energy Office
                        and insert “Utah Public Service Commission

The motion passed unanimously with Sen. Spencer absent at the time of voting.

Sen. Blackham discussed the bill. Jeff Bamgarner, PacifiCorp; Jeff Burks, Energy Policy Coordinator, DNR; Gary Dodge, Attorney, Utah Association of Energy Users; and Kathy Van Dame, Wasatch Clean Air Coalition, spoke in support of the bill.

Sen. Hellewell turned to chair to Sen. Spencer.

MOTION: Sen. Evans moved to pass S. B. 152 out favorably as amended. The motions passed unanimously.

3. H. B. 208 Federal Government Acquisition of Real Property in the State (B. Johnson)

MOTION: Sen. Blackham moved to hold H. B. 208. The motion passed unanimously.

MOTION: Sen. Blackham moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion passed unanimously.

Chair Spencer adjourned the meeting at 8:28 a.m.

Minutes were reported by Norda Shepard, Secretary

                    Sen. Terry Spencer, Committee Chair