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FEBRUARY 4, 2002, 1:00 P.M.

Members Present:        Sen. Beverly Evans
                Sen. Paula F. Julander
                Sen. John L. Valentine

Members Absent:        Sen. Ron Allen

Members Excused:        Sen. Al Mansell

Staff Present:            Benjamin N. Christensen, Research Analyst
                Bonnie Brinton, Secretary
                Dee S Larsen, Associate General Counsel

Visitor List on File

Committee Chair Evans called the meeting to order at 1:10 p.m.

1.     H.B. 250Sl Retirement Law Recodification (R. Bigelow)

    Rep. Bigelow explained the bill.

    Kelly Atkinson, Utah Health Care, spoke in support of the bill.

     MOTION: Sen. Valentine moved to pass the bill out favorably.

    The motion passed unanimously.

2.     H. B. 192 Workers' Compensation Benefits for Volunteer Safety Officers (N. Hansen)

    Rep. Hansen explained the bill.

    The following amendments were distributed, proposed by Rep. Hansen:

    1.     Page 2, Line 45:            After “firefighter” insert “by the fire department for which the individual provides voluntary service as a firefighter

    2.     Page 2, Line 46:            After “firefighter” insert “for the fire department on the rolls of which the individual is listed as a firefighter

    Jon Greiner, Utah Chiefs of Police Association, spoke in favor of the bill including amendments.

     MOTION: Sen. Valentine moved to move on to the next item on the agenda.

    The motion passed unanimously.

3.     H.B. 105 Health Insurance Mandates - Pilot Program (R. Lockhart)

    Rep. Lockhart explained the bill assisted by Catherine Dupont, Legislative Analyst.

     Kevin Howard, Utah Retired Systems, expressed concerns regarding the bill.

    Kelly Atkins, Utah Health Insurance Association, and Jim Olsen, Utah Food Industries, Retailers Association, Farm Bureau, Petroleum and Manufacturing, spoke in support of the bill.

    MOTION: Sen. Valentine moved to adjourn.
    The motion passed unanimously.

    The meeting adjourned at 1:56 p.m.

Sen. Beverly Evans, Committee Chair