Download Zipped Enrolled WP 9 HB0106.ZIP
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H.B. 106 Enrolled
This act modifies the Utah Human Services Code. This act requires the department to
provide a licensee or facility notification of who to contact within the department when
filing a complaint.
This act affects sections of Utah Code Annotated 1953 as follows:
62A-2-105, as last amended by Chapter 358, Laws of Utah 1998
62A-2-106, as last amended by Chapter 254, Laws of Utah 1999
Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
Section 1. Section 62A-2-105 is amended to read:
62A-2-105. Licensing board responsibilities.
(1) In accordance with Title 63, Chapter 46a, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, the
licensing board shall review and approve rules regarding:
(a) approving, denying, suspending, and revoking licenses for human services licensees
and facilities;
(b) conditional licenses, variances from department rule, and exclusions;
(c) the protection of the basic health and safety of clients; [
(d) licensing of all human services licensees that are required to be licensed under this
(e) notification to providers and subproviders of rights and responsibilities including
who to contact within the department when filing a complaint against a licensee or facility, and
the responsibility of the department to follow up once contacted.
(2) The licensing board shall:
(a) define information that shall be submitted to the department with an application for
a license;
(b) review and approve fees, in accordance with Section 63-38-3.2 , for licenses issued
under this chapter;
(c) represent the community and the human services licensees; and
(d) advise the department as requested, concerning enforcement of rules established
under this chapter.
Section 2. Section 62A-2-106 is amended to read:
62A-2-106. Office responsibilities.
The office shall:
(1) make rules to establish:
(a) basic health and safety standards for licensees, which shall be limited to the
(i) fire safety;
(ii) food safety;
(iii) sanitation;
(iv) infectious disease control;
(v) safety of the physical plant;
(vi) transportation safety;
(vii) emergency preparedness;
(viii) the administration of medical standards and procedures, consistent with the related
provisions of this title; and
(ix) consumer safety and protection;
(b) minimum administration and financial requirements for licensees; and
(c) guidelines for variances from rules established under this Subsection (1);
(2) enforce rules:
(a) approved by the licensing board;
(b) in effect on January 1, 1998, that apply to a service or program for which a licensee is
not under contract with a division listed in Section 62A-1-105 to provide until rules are
established pursuant to Subsection (2)(c); and
(c) established after July 1, 1999, by a policymaking board created by Section 62A-1-105
(i) shall be limited to:
(A) the administration and maintenance of client and service records;
(B) staff qualifications; and
(C) staff to client ratios; and
(ii) may only apply to a service or program for which a licensee is not under contract
with a division listed in Section 62A-1-105 to provide;
(3) issue licenses in accordance with this chapter;
(4) conduct surveys and inspections of licensees and facilities in accordance with Section
62A-2-118 ;
(5) collect licensure fees;
(6) provide necessary administrative support to the licensing board;
(7) provide notification to licensee or facility, including providers and subproviders, of a
person within the department to contact when filing a complaint;
maintained by a licensee or facility;
officer of a human services licensee or facility; and
department under this chapter by following the procedures and requirements of Title 63, Chapter
46b, Administrative Procedures Act.
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