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H.B. 161 Enrolled
This act modifies provisions of the State System of Higher Education Code by changing
the name of Snow College South to the Snow College Richfield campus. This act removes
the Central Applied Technology College from the Utah College of Applied Technology
and transfers its functions and responsibilities to Snow College. This act creates an
applied technology advisory committee at the Snow College Richfield campus and
specifies its membership and duties. This act modifies applied technology education
reporting provisions. This act takes effect on July 1, 2003.
This act affects sections of Utah Code Annotated 1953 as follows:
53A-15-202, as last amended by Chapter 5, Laws of Utah 2001, First Special Session
53B-2a-102, as enacted by Chapter 5, Laws of Utah 2001, First Special Session
53B-2a-103, as enacted by Chapter 5, Laws of Utah 2001, First Special Session
53B-2a-104, as enacted by Chapter 5, Laws of Utah 2001, First Special Session
53B-2a-105, as enacted by Chapter 5, Laws of Utah 2001, First Special Session
53B-2a-108, as enacted by Chapter 5, Laws of Utah 2001, First Special Session
53B-2a-110, as enacted by Chapter 5, Laws of Utah 2001, First Special Session
53B-16-205, as last amended by Chapter 5, Laws of Utah 2001, First Special Session
63B-9-103, as enacted by Chapter 327, Laws of Utah 2000
53B-16-206, Utah Code Annotated 1953
Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
Section 1. Section 53A-15-202 is amended to read:
53A-15-202. Powers of the board.
The State Board of Education:
(1) shall establish minimum standards for applied technology programs in the public
education system;
(2) may apply for, receive, administer, and distribute funds made available through
programs of federal and state governments to promote and aid applied technology education;
(3) shall cooperate with federal and state governments to administer programs which
promote and maintain applied technology education;
(4) shall cooperate with the Utah College of Applied Technology to ensure that students
in the public education system have access to applied technology education in applied technology
colleges; and
(5) shall, after consulting with local school districts, prepare and submit an annual report
to the governor and to the Legislature's Education Interim Committee by October 31 of each year
(a) how the applied technology education needs of secondary students are being met; and
(b) what access secondary students have to programs offered [
(i) at applied technology colleges[
(ii) within the region served by Snow College.
Section 2. Section 53B-2a-102 is amended to read:
53B-2a-102. President -- Appointment -- Duties.
(1) (a) The board shall appoint a president for the Utah College of Applied Technology.
(b) The president of the Utah College of Applied Technology does not need to have a
doctorate degree, but shall have extensive experience in applied technology education.
(c) The president shall serve at the board's discretion and at the salary the board
(d) As president of the Utah College of Applied Technology, the president is also an
associate commissioner of higher education.
(e) The names of the final candidates for president of the Utah College of Applied
Technology shall be publicly disclosed.
(2) The president shall:
(a) coordinate the activities of each regional applied technology college;
(b) in cooperation with the board of trustees and with the approval of the board, develop
a competency-based associate of applied technology degree;
(c) ensure that an applied technology education degree is transferable to other higher
education institutions in accordance with board rules;
(d) in consultation with the board of trustees, applied technology college regional
presidents, and applied technology college regional boards, prepare a comprehensive strategic
plan for delivering applied technology education through the regional applied technology
(e) after consulting with local school districts and other higher education institutions in
the regions, ensure that the curricula of the regional applied technology colleges meet the needs
of the state, the regions, and the local school districts;
(f) in consultation with the board of trustees, applied technology college regional
presidents, and applied technology college regional boards, and after consulting with local school
districts and other higher education institutions in the region, develop strategies for providing
applied technology education in rural areas, specifically considering the distances between rural
applied technology education providers;
(g) establish minimum standards for applied technology programs of the regional applied
technology colleges;
(h) in conjunction with the board of trustees, develop and implement a system of
common definitions, standards, and criteria for tracking and measuring the effectiveness of
applied technology education;
(i) in conjunction with the board of trustees, develop and implement a plan to inform
citizens about the availability, cost, and advantages of applied technology education; [
(j) after consulting with the State Board of Education and local school districts, ensure
that secondary students in the public education system have access to applied technology
education in applied technology colleges[
(k) provide expertise and monitor applied technology education within the region served
by Snow College in accordance with Section 53B-16-205 .
Section 3. Section 53B-2a-103 is amended to read:
53B-2a-103. Utah College of Applied Technology Board of Trustees -- Membership
-- Terms -- Vacancies -- Oath -- Officers -- Quorum -- Committees -- Compensation.
(1) There is created the Utah College of Applied Technology Board of Trustees,
composed of the following members:
(a) two members of the State Board of Education appointed by the governor with the
consent of the Senate;
(b) two members of the State Board of Regents appointed by the governor with the
consent of the Senate;
(c) one member representing business and industry from the regional board of each
regional applied technology college appointed by a majority vote of the business and industry
members of the regional board; [
(d) one member representing business and industry from the Snow College applied
technology advisory committee appointed by a majority of the business and industry members of
the advisory committee; and
consent of the Senate from nominations submitted by the speaker of the House of
Representatives and president of the Senate.
(2) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (2)(b), the members of the board of trustees
shall be appointed commencing on September 1 of the year of appointment to:
(i) two-year terms for the members described in Subsections (1)(a) and (b); and
(ii) four-year terms for the members described in Subsections (1)(c) and (d).
(b) At the first meeting of the board:
(i) the members described in Subsections (1)(c) and (d) shall divide up their positions so
that approximately half of them serve for initial two-year terms; and
(ii) the members described in Subsections (1)(a) and (b) shall divide up their positions so
that approximately half of them serve for initial one-year terms.
(c) An appointed member holds office until a successor is appointed and qualified.
(3) When a vacancy occurs in the membership for any reason, the replacement shall be
appointed for the unexpired term.
(4) (a) Each member shall take the official oath of office prior to assuming the office.
(b) The oath shall be filed with the Division of Archives and Records Services.
(5) The board of trustees shall elect a chair and vice chair, who serve for two years and
until their successors are elected and qualified.
(6) (a) The board of trustees may enact bylaws for its own government, including
provision for regular meetings.
(b) (i) The board of trustees may provide for an executive committee in its bylaws.
(ii) If established, the committee shall have full authority of the board of trustees to act
upon routine matters during the interim between board of trustees meetings.
(iii) The committee may act on nonroutine matters only under extraordinary and
emergency circumstances.
(iv) The committee shall report its activities to the board of trustees at its next regular
meeting following the action.
(c) Copies of the board of trustees' bylaws shall be filed with the board.
(7) A quorum shall be required to conduct business which shall consist of a majority of
board of trustee members.
(8) The board of trustees may establish advisory committees.
(9) (a) (i) Members who are not government employees shall receive no compensation or
benefits for their services, but may receive per diem and expenses incurred in the performance of
the member's official duties at the rates established by the Division of Finance under Sections
63A-3-106 and 63A-3-107 .
(ii) Members may decline to receive per diem and expenses for their service.
(b) (i) State government officer and employee members who do not receive salary, per
diem, or expenses from their agency for their service may receive per diem and expenses incurred
in the performance of their official duties from the board at the rates established by the Division
of Finance under Sections 63A-3-106 and 63A-3-107 .
(ii) State government officer and employee members may decline to receive per diem
and expenses for their service.
(c) (i) Higher education members who do not receive salary, per diem, or expenses from
the entity that they represent for their service may receive per diem and expenses incurred in the
performance of their official duties from the committee at the rates established by the Division of
Finance under Sections 63A-3-106 and 63A-3-107 .
(ii) Higher education members may decline to receive per diem and expenses for their
Section 4. Section 53B-2a-104 is amended to read:
53B-2a-104. Utah College of Applied Technology Board of Trustees -- Powers and
The Utah College of Applied Technology Board of Trustees shall:
(1) in cooperation with the president of the Utah College of Applied Technology, and
with the approval of the State Board of Regents, develop a competency-based associate of
applied technology degree to be offered by the regional applied technology colleges;
(2) ensure that an applied technology education degree is transferable to other higher
education institutions in accordance with State Board of Regents rules;
(3) ensure that the regional applied technology colleges within the Utah College of
Applied Technology comply with the requirements in Section 53B-2a-106 ;
(4) advise the president of the Utah College of Applied Technology and the State Board
of Regents on issues related to applied technology education;
(5) receive budget requests from each regional applied technology college, prioritize the
requests, and submit the prioritized requests to:
(a) the Legislature; and
(b) the Governor's Office of Planning and Budget;
(6) receive funding requests pertaining to capital facilities and land purchases from each
regional applied technology college, ensure that the requests comply with Section 53B-2a-112 ,
prioritize the requests, and submit the prioritized requests to the State Building Board;
(7) prepare and submit an annual report detailing its progress and recommendations on
applied technology education issues to the governor and to the Legislature's Education Interim
Committee by October 31 of each year, which shall include information detailing:
(a) how the applied technology education needs of secondary students are being met; and
(b) what access secondary students have to programs offered [
(i) at applied technology colleges; and
(ii) within the region served by Snow College;
(8) receive, by September 30 of each year, an annual report from Snow College on the
status of and maintenance of the effort for applied technology education in the region served by
Snow College, including access to open-entry, open-exit competency-based applied technology
education programs at the tuition rate approved by the Utah College of Applied Technology for
adults and at no tuition cost to secondary students; and
Section 5. Section 53B-2a-105 is amended to read:
53B-2a-105. Utah College of Applied Technology -- Composition.
The Utah College of Applied Technology is composed of the following regional applied
technology colleges:
(1) the Bridgerland Applied Technology College which:
(a) serves the geographic area encompassing:
(i) the Box Elder School District;
(ii) the Cache School District;
(iii) the Logan School District; and
(iv) the Rich School District; and
(b) includes the facilities, equipment, and personnel of the Bridgerland Applied
Technology Center;
(2) the Ogden-Weber Applied Technology College which:
(a) serves the geographic area encompassing:
(i) the Ogden City School District; and
(ii) the Weber School District; and
(b) includes the facilities, equipment, and personnel of the Ogden-Weber Applied
Technology Center;
(3) the Davis Applied Technology College which:
(a) serves the geographic area encompassing:
(i) the Davis School District; and
(ii) the Morgan School District; and
(b) includes the facilities, equipment, and personnel of the Davis Applied Technology
(4) the Salt Lake/Tooele Applied Technology College which:
(a) serves the geographic area encompassing:
(i) the Salt Lake City School District;
(ii) the Granite School District;
(iii) the Jordan School District;
(iv) the Murray School District; and
(v) the Tooele School District; and
(b) includes the facilities, equipment, and personnel of the Wasatch Front South Applied
Technology Center;
(5) the Mountainlands Applied Technology College which:
(a) serves the geographic area encompassing:
(i) the Alpine School District;
(ii) the Nebo School District;
(iii) the Provo School District;
(iv) the South Summit School District;
(v) the North Summit School District;
(vi) the Wasatch School District; and
(vii) the Park City School District; and
(b) includes the facilities, equipment, and personnel of the Mountainlands Applied
Technology Center Service Region;
(6) the Uintah Basin Applied Technology College which:
(a) serves the geographic area encompassing:
(i) the Daggett School District;
(ii) the Duchesne School District; and
(iii) the Uintah School District; and
(b) includes the existing facilities, equipment, and personnel of the Uintah Basin Applied
Technology Center;
(a) serves the geographic area encompassing:
(i) the Beaver School District;
(ii) the Garfield School District;
(iii) the Iron School District; and
(iv) the Kane School District; and
(b) includes the facilities, equipment, and personnel of the Southwest Applied
Technology Education Center Service Region;
encompassing the Washington School District; and
(a) serves the geographic area encompassing:
(i) the Carbon School District;
(ii) the Emery School District;
(iii) the Grand School District; and
(iv) the San Juan School District; and
(b) includes the facilities, equipment, and personnel of the Southeast Applied
Technology Center Service Region.
Section 6. Section 53B-2a-108 is amended to read:
53B-2a-108. Applied technology college regional boards -- Membership --
Beginning September 1, 2001, each regional applied technology college shall have a
regional board appointed as follows:
(1) the Bridgerland Applied Technology College Regional Board shall be composed of
the following 13 members:
(a) one elected local school board member appointed by the board of education for the
Box Elder School District;
(b) one elected local school board member appointed by the board of education for the
Cache School District;
(c) one elected local school board member appointed by the board of education for the
Logan School District;
(d) one elected local school board member appointed by the board of education for the
Rich School District;
(e) one member of the Utah State University board of trustees;
(f) one member of the State Board of Regents designated by the chair of the State Board
of Regents to serve a one-year term; and
(g) seven representatives of business or industry within the region appointed jointly by
the members appointed under Subsections (1)(a) through (f);
(2) the Ogden-Weber Applied Technology College Regional Board shall be composed of
the following 11 members:
(a) one elected local school board member appointed by the board of education for the
Ogden City School District;
(b) one elected local school board member appointed by the board of education for the
Weber School District;
(c) one elected local school board member jointly appointed by the boards of education
for the Ogden City School District and the Weber School District;
(d) one member of the Weber State University board of trustees;
(e) one member of the State Board of Regents designated by the chair of the State Board
of Regents to serve a one-year term; and
(f) six representatives of business or industry within the region appointed jointly by the
members appointed under Subsections (2)(a) through (e);
(3) the Davis Applied Technology College Regional Board shall be composed of the
following 11 members:
(a) one elected local school board member appointed by the board of education for the
Davis School District;
(b) one elected local school board member appointed by the board of education for the
Morgan School District;
(c) one elected local school board member jointly appointed by the boards of education
for the Davis School District and the Morgan School District;
(d) one member of the Weber State University board of trustees;
(e) one member of the State Board of Regents designated by the chair of the State Board
of Regents to serve a one-year term; and
(f) six representatives of business or industry within the region appointed jointly by the
members appointed under Subsections (3)(a) through (e);
(4) the Salt Lake/Tooele Applied Technology College Regional Board shall be composed
of the following 15 members:
(a) one elected local school board member appointed by the board of education for the
Salt Lake City School District;
(b) one elected local school board member appointed by the board of education for the
Granite School District;
(c) one elected local school board member appointed by the board of education for the
Jordan School District;
(d) one elected local school board member appointed by the board of education for the
Murray School District;
(e) one elected local school board member appointed by the board of education for the
Tooele School District;
(f) one member of the Salt Lake Community College board of trustees;
(g) one member of the State Board of Regents designated by the chair of the State Board
of Regents to serve a one-year term; and
(h) eight representatives of business or industry within the region appointed jointly by the
members appointed under Subsections (4)(a) through (g);
(5) the Mountainlands Applied Technology College Regional Board shall be composed
of the following 19 members:
(a) one elected local school board member appointed by the board of education for the
Alpine School District;
(b) one elected local school board member appointed by the board of education for the
Nebo School District;
(c) one elected local school board member appointed by the board of education for the
Provo School District;
(d) one elected local school board member appointed by the board of education for the
South Summit School District;
(e) one elected local school board member appointed by the board of education for the
North Summit School District;
(f) one elected local school board member appointed by the board of education for the
Wasatch School District;
(g) one elected local school board member appointed by the board of education for the
Park City School District;
(h) one member of the Utah Valley State College board of trustees;
(i) one member of the State Board of Regents designated by the chair of the State Board
of Regents to serve a one-year term; and
(j) ten representatives of business or industry within the region appointed jointly by the
members appointed under Subsections (5)(a) through (i);
(6) the Uintah Basin Applied Technology College Regional Board shall be composed of
the following 11 members:
(a) one elected local school board member appointed by the board of education for the
Daggett School District;
(b) one elected local school board member appointed by the board of education for the
Duchesne School District;
(c) one elected local school board member appointed by the board of education for the
Uintah School District;
(d) one member of the Utah State University board of trustees;
(e) one member of the State Board of Regents designated by the chair of the State Board
of Regents to serve a one-year term; and
(f) six representatives of business or industry within the region appointed jointly by the
members appointed under Subsections (6)(a) through (d);
of the following 13 members:
(a) one elected local school board member appointed by the board of education for the
Beaver School District;
(b) one elected local school board member appointed by the board of education for the
Garfield School District;
(c) one elected local school board member appointed by the board of education for the
Iron School District;
(d) one elected local school board member appointed by the board of education for the
Kane School District;
(e) one member of the Southern Utah University board of trustees;
(f) one member of the State Board of Regents designated by the chair of the State Board
of Regents to serve a one-year term; and
(g) seven representatives of business or industry within the region appointed jointly by
the members appointed under Subsections [
following 11 members:
(a) three elected local school board members appointed by the board of education for the
Washington School District;
(b) one member of the Dixie State College of Utah board of trustees;
(c) one member of the State Board of Regents designated by the chair of the State Board
of Regents to serve a one-year term; and
(d) six representatives of business or industry within the region appointed jointly by the
members appointed under Subsections [
of the following 13 members:
(a) one elected local school board member appointed by the board of education for the
Carbon School District;
(b) one elected local school board member appointed by the board of education for the
Emery School District;
(c) one elected local school board member appointed by the board of education for the
Grand School District;
(d) one elected local school board member appointed by the board of education for the
San Juan School District;
(e) one member of the College of Eastern Utah board of trustees;
(f) one member of the State Board of Regents designated by the chair of the State Board
of Regents to serve a one-year term; and
(g) seven representatives of business or industry within the region appointed jointly by
the members appointed under Subsections [
designated members from a list of names provided by local organizations or associations whose
members employ workers with applied technology education.
Section 7. Section 53B-2a-110 is amended to read:
53B-2a-110. Applied technology college regional board -- Powers and duties.
(1) Each applied technology college regional board shall:
(a) prepare and submit a budget request for its annual operations to the Utah College of
Applied Technology Board of Trustees;
(b) after consulting with the higher education institutions and local school districts within
its region, prepare a comprehensive strategic plan for delivering applied technology education
within its region;
(c) consult with business, industry, the Department of Workforce Services, and the
Governor's Office of Planning and Budget on an ongoing basis to determine what workers and
skills are needed for employment in Utah businesses and industries;
(d) develop programs based upon the information gathered in accordance with
Subsection (1)(c), including expedited program approval and termination procedures to meet
market needs;
(e) adopt an annual budget and fund balances;
(f) develop policies for the operation of applied technology education facilities under its
(g) establish human resources and compensation policies for all employees;
(h) establish credentials for employees and define employee duties;
(i) conduct annual program evaluations;
(j) appoint program advisory committees and other advisory groups to provide counsel,
support, and recommendations for updating and improving the effectiveness of training programs
and services;
(k) approve regulations, both regular and emergency, to be issued and executed by the
regional president;
(l) coordinate with local school boards and districts to protect the applied technology
education needs of secondary students; and
(m) develop policies and procedures for the admission, classification, instruction, and
examination of students.
education provided by a local school district or provided by a higher education institution
independently of a regional applied technology college.
recommendation to the regional board, the board shall acknowledge the recommendation with a
printed response that explains the board action regarding the recommendation and the reasons for
the action.
Section 8. Section 53B-16-205 is amended to read:
53B-16-205. Establishment of Snow College Richfield campus -- Supervision and
administration -- Transition -- Institutional mission.
(1) There is established a branch campus of Snow College in Richfield, Utah, hereafter
referred to as the Snow College [
(2) Snow College shall administer the branch campus under the general control and
supervision of the State Board of Regents as an integrated part of Snow College's mission,
programs, and curriculum.
(3) [
Snow College which can be transferred to other institutions within the higher education system,
together with lower division courses [
degrees in science, arts, [
enrollment program in cooperation with Snow College [
Campus, for open-entry, open-exit competency-based applied technology education programs [
adults and at no tuition cost to secondary students, that emphasize short-term job training or
retraining for immediate placement in the job market[
(i) the Juab School District;
(ii) the Millard School District;
(iii) the Tintic School District;
(iv) the North Sanpete School District;
(v) the South Sanpete School District;
(vi) the Wayne School District;
(vii) the Piute School District; and
(viii) the Sevier School District.
(4) Snow College may not exercise any jurisdiction over applied technology education
provided by a local school district independently of Snow College.
(5) Snow College shall report to the Utah College of Applied Technology by September
30 of each year on the status of and maintenance of the effort for applied technology education
in the region served by Snow College, including access to open-entry, open-exit
competency-based applied technology education programs at the tuition rate approved by the
Utah College of Applied Technology for adults and at no tuition cost to secondary students.
Section 9. Section 53B-16-206 is enacted to read:
53B-16-206. Snow College -- Applied technology advisory committee -- Membership
-- Duties.
(1) The Snow College Richfield campus shall have an applied technology advisory
committee composed of the following 19 members:
(a) one elected local school board member appointed by the board of education for the
Juab School District;
(b) one elected local school board member appointed by the board of education for the
Millard School District;
(c) one elected local school board member appointed by the board of education for the
Tintic School District;
(d) one elected local school board member appointed by the board of education for the
North Sanpete School District;
(e) one elected local school board member appointed by the board of education for the
South Sanpete School District;
(f) one elected local school board member appointed by the board of education for the
Wayne School District;
(g) one elected local school board member appointed by the board of education for the
Piute School District;
(h) one elected local school board member appointed by the board of education for the
Sevier School District;
(i) one member of the Snow College board of trustees appointed by the president of
Snow College; and
(j) ten representatives of business or industry within the region appointed by the
president of Snow College from nominations of the members appointed under Subsections (1)(a)
through (i).
(2) The applied technology advisory committee shall:
(a) after consulting with Snow College and local school districts within its region,
prepare a comprehensive strategic plan for delivering applied technology education within its
(b) make recommendations regarding what skills are needed for employment in Utah
businesses and industries;
(c) recommend programs based upon the information gathered in accordance with
Subsection (2)(b);
(d) review annual program evaluations;
(e) provide counsel, support, and recommendations for updating and improving the
effectiveness of applied technology education programs and services, including expedited
program approval and termination of procedures, consistent with Board of Regents' policy;
(f) monitor program advisory committees and other advisory groups to provide counsel,
support, and recommendations for updating and improving the effectiveness of training programs
and services; and
(g) coordinate with local school boards and districts to protect and enhance the applied
technology education needs of secondary students.
Section 10. Section 63B-9-103 is amended to read:
63B-9-103. Other capital facility authorizations and intent language.
(1) It is the intent of the Legislature that:
(a) Utah State University use institutional funds to plan, design, and construct a
renovation and expansion of the Edith Bowen School under the direction of the director of the
Division of Facilities Construction and Management unless supervisory authority has been
(b) no state funds be used for any portion of this project; and
(c) the university may request state funds for operations and maintenance to the extent
that the university is able to demonstrate to the Board of Regents that the facility meets approved
academic and training purposes under Board of Regents policy R710.
(2) It is the intent of the Legislature that:
(a) the University of Utah use institutional funds to plan, design, and construct a College
of Science Math Center under the direction of the director of the Division of Facilities
Construction and Management unless supervisory authority has been delegated;
(b) no state funds be used for any portion of this project; and
(c) the university may request state funds for operations and maintenance to the extent
that the university is able to demonstrate to the Board of Regents that the facility meets approved
academic and training purposes under Board of Regents policy R710.
(3) It is the intent of the Legislature that:
(a) the University of Utah use institutional funds to plan, design, and construct a
Burbidge Athletics and Academics Building under the direction of the director of the Division of
Facilities Construction and Management unless supervisory authority has been delegated;
(b) no state funds be used for any portion of this project; and
(c) the university may not request state funds for operations and maintenance.
(4) It is the intent of the Legislature that:
(a) the University of Utah use institutional funds to plan, design, and construct an
expansion to the bookstore under the direction of the director of the Division of Facilities
Construction and Management unless supervisory authority has been delegated;
(b) no state funds be used for any portion of this project; and
(c) the university may not request state funds for operations and maintenance.
(5) It is the intent of the Legislature that:
(a) the University of Utah use institutional funds to plan, design, and construct a Health
Sciences/Basic Sciences Building under the direction of the director of the Division of Facilities
Construction and Management unless supervisory authority has been delegated;
(b) no state funds be used for any portion of this project; and
(c) the university may request state funds for operations and maintenance to the extent
that the university is able to demonstrate to the Board of Regents that the facility meets approved
academic and training purposes under Board of Regents policy R710.
(6) It is the intent of the Legislature that:
(a) Weber State University use institutional funds to plan, design, and construct an
expansion to the stadium under the direction of the director of the Division of Facilities
Construction and Management unless supervisory authority has been delegated;
(b) no state funds be used for any portion of this project; and
(c) the university may not request state funds for operations and maintenance.
(7) It is the intent of the Legislature that:
(a) Utah Valley State College use institutional funds to plan, design, and construct a
baseball stadium under the direction of the director of the Division of Facilities Construction and
Management unless supervisory authority has been delegated;
(b) no state funds be used for any portion of this project; and
(c) the college may not request state funds for operations and maintenance.
(8) It is the intent of the Legislature that:
(a) Southern Utah University use institutional funds to plan, design, and construct a
weight training room under the direction of the director of the Division of Facilities Construction
and Management unless supervisory authority has been delegated;
(b) no state funds be used for any portion of this project; and
(c) the university may not request state funds for operations and maintenance.
(9) It is the intent of the Legislature that:
(a) Snow College may lease land at the Snow College [
private developer for the construction and operation of student housing;
(b) the oversight and inspection of the construction comply with Section 63A-5-206 ;
(c) no state funds be used for any portion of this project; and
(d) the college may not request state funds for operations and maintenance.
(10) It is the intent of the Legislature that:
(a) Salt Lake Community College may lease land at the Jordan campus to Jordan School
District for the construction and operation of an Applied Technology Education Center;
(b) the oversight and inspection of the construction comply with Section 63A-5-206 ;
(c) no state funds be used for any portion of this project; and
(d) the college may not request state funds for operations and maintenance.
(11) It is the intent of the Legislature that:
(a) the Department of Transportation exchange its maintenance station at Kimball
Junction for property located near Highway 40 in Summit County; and
(b) the Department of Transportation use federal funds, rent paid by the Salt Lake
Organizing Committee for the use of the maintenance station, and any net proceeds resulting
from the exchange of property to construct a replacement facility under the direction of the
director of the Division of Facilities Construction and Management unless supervisory authority
has been delegated.
(12) It is the intent of the Legislature that:
(a) the Department of Transportation sell surplus property in Utah County;
(b) the Department of Transportation use funds from that sale to remodel existing space
and add an addition to the Region 3 Complex; and
(c) the project cost not exceed the funds received through sale of property.
(13) It is the intent of the Legislature that the Department of Workforce Services use
proceeds from property sales to purchase additional property adjacent to its state-owned facility
in Logan.
(14) (a) It is the intent of the Legislature that, because only partial funding is provided for
the Heat Plant/Infrastructure Project at Utah State University, the balance necessary to complete
this project be addressed by future Legislatures, either through appropriations or through the
issuance of bonds.
(b) (i) In compliance with Section 63A-5-207 , the division may enter into contracts for
amounts not to exceed the anticipated full project funding but may not allow work to be
performed on those contracts in excess of the funding already authorized by the Legislature.
(ii) Those contracts shall contain a provision for termination of the contract for the
convenience of the state as required by Section 63-56-40 .
(c) It is also the intent of the Legislature that this authorization to the division does not
bind future Legislatures to fund the Heat Plant/Infrastructure Project at Utah State University.
Section 11. Effective date.
This act takes effect on July 1, 2003.
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