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H.C.R. 2 Enrolled






Sponsor: Gregory H. Hughes

                  A concurrent resolution of the Legislature and the Governor recognizing audio
                  enhancement technology as an important tool that can increase the quality of education
                  in the state of Utah.
                  Be it resolved by the Legislature of the state of Utah, the Governor concurring therein:
                      WHEREAS, the ability of students to learn centers on how effectively their brains
                  receive the incoming signal or information from the teacher;
                      WHEREAS, for spoken instruction to be worthwhile, students must actually hear and
                  listen to words;
                      WHEREAS, because children's brains are in the process of developing, they listen
                  differently from adults and require a quieter environment and louder signal in order to learn;
                      WHEREAS, children's auditory neurological network is not fully developed until the
                  age of 15;
                      WHEREAS, poor acoustics can interfere with the student's development of spoken
                  language, reading and writing skills, and academic performance;
                      WHEREAS, children do not have the years of listening and life experience that adults
                  have acquired and have difficulty performing the automatic auditory-cognitive closure of
                  missed information in the way that adults do;
                      WHEREAS, if students cannot focus on the spoken word of the teacher, students not
                  only lose the desire to learn but also the ability;
                      WHEREAS, audio enhancement has been shown to dramatically improve student
                  achievement and student test scores;
                      WHEREAS, audio enhancement in the classroom gives "front row advantage" to each
                  student in the classroom and creates an emotionally secure, heightened learning environment;
                      WHEREAS, audio enhancement in the classroom provides a way to strengthen auditory

                  signals through clearer sound and volume;
                      WHEREAS, wireless microphones allow a teacher's voice to be disseminated throughout
                  the classroom while allowing a teacher to freely move about the classroom;
                      WHEREAS, use of sound enhancement greatly reduces teacher absenteeism, teacher
                  vocal strain, and teaching fatigue;
                      WHEREAS, students can reach more of their potential sensory development and achieve
                  higher academic standings;
                      WHEREAS, scientific evidence from other states attests to the success of audio
                  enhancement in improving student academic achievement and test scores;
                      WHEREAS, studies show that audio enhancement improves word discrimination skills
                  and the ability to focus on the teacher's spoken word with improved comprehension regardless of
                  the distance between the teacher and the students;
                      WHEREAS, studies also demonstrate academic performance improvements in grade
                  school students who had academic delays, improved performance on word identification tasks,
                  and significant improvement in spelling performance;
                      WHEREAS, an "at-risk" school study at Pioneer Elementary School in the Granite
                  School District, conducted prior to implementing audio enhancement into its classrooms,
                  reported three years of declines in SAT scores in reading, math, language, and total test battery;
                      WHEREAS, the audio enhancement equipment was installed in the school without
                  changing teacher assignments and curriculum instruction;
                      WHEREAS, 2001, the first year with the new equipment, showed 10 to 15% gains over
                  the previous year as measured by SAT scores;
                      WHEREAS, 2002 showed the same significant gains;
                      WHEREAS, the school had a large English as Second Language student population, and
                  the greatest student gains came from these students with an average gain of 16%, as measured by
                  Utah's Criterion Reference Tests;
                      WHEREAS, Dr. Paul McCarty, principal of Pioneer Elementary School, has made
                  resourceful use of audio enhancement at the school and Barry Newbold, superintendent of Jordan

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                  School District, has directed that all future school buildings in the district be built to
                  accommodate audio enhancement technology; and
                      WHEREAS, audio enhancement can be a key factor in efforts to increase the quality of
                  education throughout the state of Utah:
                      NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Legislature of the state of Utah, the
                  Governor concurring therein, recognizes audio enhancement technology as a research-proven
                  method and an important tool that can increase student academic achievement and student test
                  scores, as well as increasing the quality of education in the state of Utah.
                      BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be sent to Dr. Paul McCarty.

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