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H.J.R. 20 Enrolled





Sponsor: Greg J. Curtis

                  This joint resolution of the Legislature directs the Legislative Management Committee to
                  assign items of study to the appropriate interim committee. The resolution requests a
                  report to the Legislature prior to the 2004 Annual General Session.
                  Be it resolved by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
                      WHEREAS, the Legislative Management Committee is created by law as a permanent
                  committee to receive and assign matters for the interim study of the Legislature; and
                      WHEREAS, the 55th Legislature has determined that certain legislative issues require
                  additional investigation and study:
                      NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Legislative Management
                  Committee assign to the appropriate interim committee the duty to study and make
                  recommendations for legislative action they consider necessary to the 55th Legislature prior to
                  the 2004 Annual General Session, from the following items of study.
                      BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Legislative Management Committee, in
                  making study assignments from this list and in approving study requests for individual
                  committees, give consideration to the available time of legislators and the budget and capacity
                  of staff to respond adequately to the number and complexity of the assignments given.
                      1. Appropriations and Tax Limitation - to study and make recommendations to the
                  Legislature about the State Appropriations and Tax Limitation Act. (1st Sub H.B. 71)
                      2. Appropriations Process - to study whether to create a Joint Budget Committee to
                  replace the Executive Appropriations Committee. (H.J.R. 18)
                      3. Zero-based Budgeting - to study the use of zero-based budgeting, to be phased in
                  over a period of years.
                      4. Acupuncturist Payments - to study issues related to acupuncturist insurance
                      5. Body Shops - to study issues related to insurer-owned body shops.

                      6. Contracting Issues - to study prelien notices, commencement notices, lien laws, the
                  lien recovery fund, and the difference between residential and commercial contracting.
                      7. Credit-related Instruments - to study the elimination of the use of credit reports in
                  connection with motor vehicle or homeowners insurance. (H.B. 216)
                      8. Financial Disclosure - to study whether to require commercial pest control businesses
                  to disclose financial responsibility information. (H.B. 259)
                      9. Impact of Switch from Profit to Nonprofit - to study the impact of allowing for profit
                  companies to become nonprofit and the resulting competitive disadvantage some companies
                      10. Internet Lending and Loan - to study and review Internet payday lending and loan
                      11. Liability Insurance - to study whether to increase liability insurance.
                      12. Miner Health and Safety - to study whether to enact the Miner Working Conditions
                  Act to provide for meal periods and breaks. (S.B. 212)
                      13. Mobile Home Park Residency - to study amendments to the Mobile Home Park
                  Residency Statutes.
                      14. Mobile Home Right of First Refusal - to study whether to amend the Mobile Home
                  Park Residency Act to establish a resident association's right of first refusal regarding the sale of
                  mobile home parks.
                      15. Notary Journal - to study and address fraud by notaries public, including requiring
                  notaries to maintain a journal of all notarial acts.
                      16. Residential Code Adoption - to study whether to allow the Uniform Building Code
                  Commission to adopt the International Residential Code in addition to the International Building
                      17. Surrender Period Requirements - to study the annuity contract surrender period
                  requirements of the Insurance Department.
                      18. Uniform Commercial Code - to study amendments to Uniform Commercial Code
                  Articles 3 and 4, which govern negotiable instruments and bank deposits and collections.

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                      19. Uniform Securities Act - to study whether the 2002 Uniform Securities Act should
                  be adopted in place of the existing act.
                      20. Use of Credit Rating - to study the practice among some insurance companies of
                  basing discount offers on a customer's credit rating.
                      21. Utah Antidiscrimination Act - to study the application of the Utah
                  Antidiscrimination Act to employers with 14 or fewer employees. (S.B. 39)
                      22. Utah Construction Contracts Prompt Payment - to study whether to require the
                  owner to promptly dispute a billing or estimate with which the owner does not agree, to limit the
                  amount that an owner can withhold from a progress payment, and to require prompt payment by
                  the owner upon completion of the work. (H.B. 147)
                      23. Acquiring Teachers and Administrators - to study the recruitment, retention, and
                  training of administrators and teachers in education, incentives and alternative methods, and
                  assisting with future needs.
                      24. Applied Technology Certifications - to study methods of verifying that certification
                  standards are consistent with industry practice. (H.B. 232)
                      25. Capital Outlay Act Amendments - to study whether to change the formula for the
                  distribution of monies under the capital outlay foundation program and whether to require school
                  districts receiving monies under the capital outlay foundation program to comply with rules
                  adopted by the State Board of Education on school construction and renovation.
                      26. Charter School Oversight - to study options regarding oversight, the need for help in
                  developing manuals to assist in the application process, start-up, meeting ongoing requirements,
                  and enhancing and assisting charter schools.
                      27. Conserving School Building Resources - to study the creation of a resource
                  conservation program for public education.
                      28. Defining Public Education - to study the creation of a definition of "public
                      29. Dyslexia - to study how the state is dealing with dyslexia in public schools.
                      30. Early Childhood Special Education - to study the certifying of rural teachers for a

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                  collaborative early childhood special education program that can help children in preschool.
                      31. Education Waivers - to study the use of waivers for public education, including adult
                  education programs.
                      32. Employers Education Coalition Report - to study the effects of the Employers
                  Education Coalition Report as they relate to "No Child Left Behind" legislation.
                      33. Fee Waiver Reimbursement - to study the reimbursement of fee waivers at some
                  public schools. (H.B. 69)
                      34. Funding for School Districts - to study local funding options for school districts.
                      35. Impact of School Site Selection - to study how to mitigate the fiscal impacts of a
                  school site selection or construction of a school building on affected city, county, or state
                  government entities.
                      36. Local Input on School Construction - to study whether political subdivisions should
                  have increased input in school construction decisions.
                      37. Local School Board Elections - to study whether local school board elections should
                  be moved to odd-numbered years.
                      38. Mandates on Schools - to study issues related to mandates imposed on public
                      39. Merit Bonus - to study issues related to a teacher merit bonus program.
                      40. Minimum School Program - to study minimum and other funding programs and their
                  impact on performance, accountability, etc.
                      41. No Child Left Behind Requirements - to study the feasibility of rejecting federal
                  funds in return for being exempt from compliance with "No Child Left Behind" requirements,
                  what a rejection of funds would exempt the state from doing, and what it would cost.
                      42. Recommendations for Higher Education - to study whether the Legislature should
                  implement Employers Education Coalition recommendations regarding higher education.
                      43. Restrictions on Student Transport - to study distance restrictions on the
                  transportation of students for the purpose of alleviating overcrowding or underutilization of
                  school buildings.

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                      44. Scholarships for Out-of-state Students - to study a New Mexico law providing that
                  colleges and universities may give scholarships to out-of-state residents at an in-state rate and
                  how it could be implemented in Utah.
                      45. School and Institutional Trust Land Principal - to study whether up to 5% of the
                  principal of the School and Institutional Trust Lands Fund may be accessible to fund the same
                  education purposes and expenses otherwise applicable to interest and dividends from the fund.
                  (H.C.R. 5)
                      46. School Closures and Busing - to study issues related to school closures and busing.
                      47. School Design - to study whether the Legislature should require common designs for
                  school buildings.
                      48. School Pesticide Policies - to study whether public school pesticide policies are
                  adequate to safeguard the health and safety of school children.
                      49. Teacher Shortage - to study the shortage of special education teachers, especially at
                  the preschool level.
                      50. Waivers and Core Curriculum - to study whether the Legislature should tie federal
                  waivers to core curriculum only.
                      51. Approval of State Policy - to study legislative approval of executive branch policies
                  and agreements which in effect determine state policy.
                      52. Boards and Commissions Assessment - to study boards and commissions and
                  consider possible elimination or consolidation.
                      53. Capital Facilities Funding - to study the process for capital facilities funding projects
                  with cash as bond.
                      54. Civil Antitrust Exemption - to study whether activities of all political subdivisions
                  and the state should not be prohibited, to the extent the activities are authorized or directed by
                  state law. (H.B. 236)
                      55. Classifying Government Records - to study whether confidential communication
                  between constituents and public officials on political issues or anonymous unsigned
                  communications to public officials should be public records.

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                      56. Construction Bidding Process - to study value-based contractor selection, whether
                  the process saves or costs the state money, and whether the same companies are getting the bids.
                      57. Construction Contract Claim Rules - to study whether to require the Division of
                  Facilities Construction and Management to make rules establishing certain processes for
                  resolving construction contract claims against the state. (H.B. 115)
                      58. Daylight Savings - to study whether Utah should continue to implement the annual
                  daylight savings time.
                      59. Division of Facilities Construction and Management Insurance Policies - to study the
                  division's liability, insurance premiums, claims, and recovery history.
                      60. Election and Voter Information Enhancements - to study the feasibility of providing
                  individual precinct ballot information to voters.
                      61. Election Law - to study potential amendments to state election laws.
                      62. Election Reform - to study how to bring Utah into compliance with the Help
                  America Vote Act and other state election issues as requested by the election office.
                      63. Employees in Military Service - to study the compensation paid to individuals who
                  are state employees and also serving in the Reserves or the National Guard.
                      64. Fiscal Process for Initiatives - to study whether a fiscal analysis should be adopted
                  prior to the time that a petition is circulated regarding a municipal, county, or state initiative.
                      65. Government Records Access and Management Act - to study changes to the
                  Government Records Access and Management Act (GRAMA).
                      66. Governmental Immunity - to study governmental immunity in light of the Laney v.
                  Fairview City opinion.
                      67. Procurement Code Health Care Amendments - to study whether to require certain
                  businesses to provide qualified health insurance coverage to employees as a condition for
                  contracting with the state under certain circumstances. (S.B. 101)
                      68. Scope of Employee Leave Benefits - to study expanding the pool of employees
                  eligible for leave of absence benefits when injured in the line of duty to include employees of
                  political subdivisions.

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                      69. Sick Leave Retirement Benefits - to study Utah Code Annotated Section 67-19-14
                  regarding unused sick leave for health benefits.
                      70. State Employment Restrictions - to study prohibiting certain state employees from
                  negotiating for current or future employment with certain regulated entities. (H.B. 292)
                      71. State Purchase and Sale of Property - to study the legislative review and approval of
                  the purchase and sale of real property by state agencies.
                      72. Availability of Mental Health Services - to study the availability of mental health
                  services throughout the state and the opportunities to leverage government resources with private
                  resources to increase the availability of those services.
                      73. Child Care Licensing Regulation - to study child care licensing procedures and
                  classifications, specifically the categories of "unsubstantiated" and "without merit," the appeals
                  process for providers with the Department of Health, and the equality of licensing regulation
                  between home and center-based providers.
                      74. Child Testimony Standards - to study evidentiary standards for testimony in child
                  welfare proceedings.
                      75. Committed with Other Primary Diagnosis - to study the circumstances regarding
                  people who are committed involuntarily who have a primary diagnosis other than "mental
                      76. Impact of Aging on Funding - to study aging and the impact it has on spending for
                  state services.
                      77. Impact of Liability of Facilities - to study the impact that the rising cost of liability
                  insurance is having on long-term health care facilities.
                      78. Job Coaching for Disabled - to study supported employment and job coaching for
                  individuals with significant disabilities.
                      79. Medical Insurance - to study insurance coverage for unique medical services. (1st
                  Sub H.B. 113)
                      80. Nursing Strategies - to study ways to address the nursing shortage, including
                  additional instructors and classes.

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                      81. Personal Injury Protection - to study whether to increase the personal injury
                  protection coverage for necessary medical expenses from $3,000 to $8,000 per person. (S.B.
                      82. Pharmacy Technicians - to study the scope of practice for pharmacy technicians
                  under the Pharmacy Practice Act.
                      83. Pharmacy Technicians Licensure Amendments - to study allowing pharmacy
                  technicians to mix chemotherapy drugs under the supervision of physicians treating cancer
                  patients in their own offices.
                      84. Regulation of Cremation - to study whether legislation should be passed regulating
                      85. Regulations of Restraints and Seclusion - to study the use, practice, or application of
                  chemical, physical, and mechanical restraints and seclusion. (H.B. 214)
                      86. Attorney's Fees Assessed in a Civil Action - to study the feasibility of enhancing
                  Rule 68, Utah Rules of Civil Procedure, governing attorney's fees assessed in a civil action, and
                  making the rule reciprocal.
                      87. Child Testimony - to study the Uniform Child Witness Testimony by Alternative
                  Methods Act.
                      88. Display of Flag - to study the right to display the flag of the United States of
                  America at a private residence.
                      89. Divorce, Custody, and Visitation - to study balance in divorce, custody, and
                  visitation issues.
                      90. Domestic Relations - to study whether the Legislature should require a collaborative
                  process for domestic relations activity.
                      91. Domestic Violence Protection Orders - to study the Uniform Interstate Enforcement
                  of Domestic Violence Protection Orders Act, which implements the obligation of full faith and
                  credit for domestic violence protection orders.
                      92. Drug Offense Sentencing - to study a drug offense sentencing continuum.
                      93. Insurance Penalties - to study whether to provide penalties for the exploitation of a

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                  vulnerable adult by an insurer.
                      94. Judge Certification - to study certification and retention processes for judges.
                      95. Judgement Enforcement - to study ways to improve the collection process following
                  a court judgement.
                      96. Lien Penalty - to study the placement of a substantial penalty on individuals or
                  entities who have a lien placed on someone other than the individual noted in the judgments or
                      97. Marriage Preparation - to study issues related to marriage preparation classes.
                      98. Nonjudicial Foreclosure - to study a Uniform Nonjudicial Foreclosure Act.
                      99. Parent-time Schedules - to study the standardization of pick-up and drop-off times in
                  parent-time schedule.
                      100. Parental Discipline - to study parental rights related to reasonable discipline.
                      101. Process Service by Private Investigators - to study whether to allow private
                  investigators to serve all forms of process issued by a court except writs of execution, bench
                  warrants, and any criminal process.
                      102. Recodification of Statutes of Limitations - to study improving the state's cross
                  referencing system or streamlining the Statutes of Limitations in the Utah Code for ease of use.
                      103. Tort Actions - to study whether to provide for the affirmative defense of
                  assumption of risk in tort actions. (S.B. 44)
                      104. Tort on Initiatives - to study tort on initiatives to allow delayed implementation for
                      105. Tort Responsibility - to study the Uniform Apportionment of Tort Responsibility
                      106. Uniform Arbitration Act - to study what changes, if any, should be made to the
                  Uniform Arbitration Act adopted by the Legislature in 2002.
                      107. Uniform Parentage Act - to study the 2002 Uniform Parentage Act to determine
                  whether it should be adopted in place of the existing act.
                      108. Whistleblower Laws - to study whistleblower laws from Utah and other states to

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                  determine if modifications to Utah's statutes are in the best interests of the state.
                      109. Access to Juvenile Records - to study and determine whether a school has the right
                  to access protected juvenile records.
                      110. Adult Probation and Parole - to study the dispersion of probationers and parolees in
                      111. Cause of Action for Emergency Response Costs - to study whether to give public
                  emergency response agencies a civil cause of action for expenses of an emergency response
                  against an offender whose criminal conduct caused the incident. (H.B. 62)
                      112. Concealed Weapons - to study reciprocal concealed weapons permit legislation.
                  (S.B. 103)
                      113. Correctional Halfway Houses - to study the impact of crimes in communities with
                  halfway houses and group homes sponsored by the Department of Corrections.
                      114. Drug Treatment - to study the drug treatment program used in the Texas state
                  prison system.
                      115. Education in Prison Reform - to study the benefits of prison education in
                  rehabilitating inmates and reducing recidivism and its cost savings to the state.
                      116. Firefighter Illnesses - to study occupational diseases contracted by firefighters in
                  the line of duty.
                      117. Juvenile Compact - to study whether the Legislature should pass an Interstate
                  Juvenile Compact.
                      118. Juvenile Interrogation Requirements - to study whether to require law enforcement
                  officers to record interrogations of juveniles who are questioned without a parent or guardian
                      119. Materials Harmful to Minors - to study the exposure of minors to violence and the
                  subsequent effects of that exposure on minors.
                      120. Meth Lab Disclosure - to study meth lab cleanup and the disclosure of
                  methamphetamine production under certain circumstances.
                      121. Privatization of Correctional Centers - to study whether the state should privatize

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                  community correctional centers.
                      122. Sale of Crime Memorabilia - to study requiring that profits from the sale of crime
                  memorabilia be deposited into the Crime Victim Reparation Fund. (1st Sub H.B. 263)
                      123. Theft Prevention - to study issues related to auto theft prevention authority.
                      124. Victim Reparation Process - to study the victims restitution and victim reparations
                  laws and funds to determine if the process is working and if adequate amounts are being returned
                  to the victims.
                      125. Air Quality and Vehicle Emissions - to study the need for a task force on Air
                  Quality and Motor Vehicle Emission Standards. (H.B. 322)
                      126. Bonding of Livestock Dealers - to study the bonding of livestock dealers in relation
                  to the Federal Packers and Stockyards Act.
                      127. Chronic Wasting Disease - to study the Division of Wildlife Resources response to
                  the finding of Chronic Wasting Disease in Utah.
                      128. Compliance Cost of Fire Program - to study United States Forest Service and
                  Bureau of Land Management billing to the Utah State Division of Lands and Forestry Fire
                  program and the costs to Utah citizens from federal and state fire programs.
                      129. Dam Safety - to study the funding and prioritization of dam safety projects,
                  sunsetting the dam safety program, and related issues.
                      130. Disaster Oversight - to study issues related to disaster cleanup and oversight.
                      131. Environmental Cleanup Payment Criteria - to study the criteria used by the
                  Division of Environmental Response and Remediation to determine payment for the cleanup of
                  leaking underground storage tank sites by private companies.
                      132. Impact of Drought on Wildlife Plans - to study and evaluate wildlife management
                  plans in light of current drought conditions.
                      133. Impact of Wells - to study whether to require an impact study prior to drilling a
                  water well.
                      134. Livestock and Animal Regulation - to study the responsibility of landowners to
                  fence out livestock, the responsibility of livestock owners to fence in their animals, and whether

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                  the state or individual counties should regulate in this area.
                      135. Milk Marketing - to study issues related to milk marketing.
                      136. Nuclear Shipment Safety - to study high level nuclear waste shipment safety in
                  Utah and the need for state regulation to ensure shipment safety. (H.B. 143)
                      137. Oil Fee Increase - to study whether to increase the recycling fee on lubricating oil.
                      138. Privatizing Underground Storage Tank Fund - to study what other states have done
                  in privatizing Underground Storage Tank Funds and to recommend whether or not to privatize.
                      139. Public Water Systems - to study safety requirements for public water systems.
                  (S.B. 156)
                      140. Recycling - to study the recycling of bottles and containers. (H.B. 368)
                      141. Water Drilling - to study issues related to the drilling of water wells.
                      142. Water Rights Acquisition - to study the federal acquisition of water rights in the
                      143. Water Rights and Instream Flows - to study whether to amend Utah Code
                  Annotated Section 73-3-3 and any related statutes governing the use of water rights to maintain
                  instream flows.
                      144. Water Rights and Water Development - to study ways to make water development
                  easier and less costly and to remove or simplify restrictions that make water development and the
                  establishment of water rights difficult.
                      145. Water Shares - to study issues related to the transfer of water shares.
                      146. Wild and Scenic River Designation - to study the effect of wild and scenic river
                  designations on states rights, including water rights.
                      147. Wolf Management Plan - to study and monitor the Division of Wildlife Resources
                  Wolf Management Plan.
                      148. Wolves - to study issues related to wolves.
                      149. Olympic Review and Followup - to study the need to clean up statutory provisions
                  related to the Olympics that are no longer needed, review the final report of the state Olympic
                  officer, and study what needs to be done to ensure that entities that own and operate Olympic

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                  facilities built by the state follow operational requirements and meet contracted obligations.
                      150. Board of Examiners - to study the creation of county and city boards of examiners.
                  (2nd Sub S.B. 56)
                      151. Board of Trustee Salaries - to study how to allow boards of trustees of special
                  service districts to establish board of trustee salaries.
                      152. Condemnation of Water Rights - to study whether counties should have power to
                  condemn water rights for their own water delivery systems.
                      153. County Attorneys - to study whether county civil attorneys should be elected or
                      154. Critical Regional Facilities Decision Making - to study major regional facilities
                  needed for multiple jurisdictions, how those facilities are sited, and the best process for involving
                  all parties and making the best decisions.
                      155. Government Records Related to County Recorders - to study Government Records
                  Access and Management Act amendments related to county recorders. (S.B. 237)
                      156. Municipal Water Rights - to study whether a city should be able to sell water and
                  compete with districts who also sell water. (S.J.R. 5)
                      157. Notice of Annexation - to study providing meaningful notice to all property owners
                  of a pending annexation.
                      158. Prosecution Costs for Small Counties - to study the creation of a pool for
                  prosecuting capital crimes similar to the pool for capital defense costs.
                      159. Recall or Removal - to study the recall or removal of county officials, including
                  criteria and circumstances regarding the recall or removal and the process for carrying out the
                      160. Special Service District for a School - to study whether a special service district
                  should be allowed if a neighborhood wants to form one to build a school.
                      161. Taxing Entity Participation in RDA Projects - to study whether to allow all taxing
                  entities to choose whether to participate in an RDA project that uses a tax increment from taxes
                  generated by that taxing entity.

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                      162. Wendover Annexation - to study the annexation of Wendover, Utah to Nevada.
                      163. Zoning Authority of Municipalities - to study whether to limit a municipality's
                  rights to impose conditions on zoning and development other than for health, safety, and welfare.
                      164. Computer Information Transactions - to study the Uniform Computer Information
                  Transactions Act, which governs the commercial licensing of computer information and network
                  access contracts.
                      165. Coordination of Utility Services - to study the coordination of water, sewer, and
                  other utility services between political subdivisions when the property to be served is in one
                  political subdivision but it is more reasonable, because of geography and other factors, that
                  another political subdivision provide the services.
                      166. Disposition of State Intellectual Property - to study policies and procedures for
                  selling or otherwise disposing of state-owned intellectual property including computer programs
                  and software systems.
                      167. Phone Company Billing - to study issues related to the billing practices of phone
                      168. Public Hearing on the Public Service Commission - to study the need for a public
                  hearing on whether the Public Service Commission should be restructured, including whether the
                  commissioners should be elected.
                      169. Update Rate Committee - to study the revising and updating of Utah Code
                  provisions relating to the Information Technology Rate Committee in the Department of
                  Administrative Services.
                      170. Surcharge on Violations for Retirement - to study whether to impose a $20 peace
                  officer retirement surcharge on moving traffic violations and to place the surcharge monies in the
                  public safety retirement trust fund. (S.B. 210, S.B. 81)
                      171. Alternative Fuel Tax - to study the collection of fuel taxes for alternate fuel
                  vehicles. (H.B. 20)
                      172. Disputed Property Taxes in Escrow - to study whether to provide procedures for
                  counties to hold disputed amounts of property taxes paid by centrally assessed taxpayers in

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                      173. Homestead Exemption Increase - to study whether the current level of homestead
                  exemption of $20,000 should be raised or lowered, including data from other states.
                      174. Impact of Exemptions Report - to study whether to require the State Tax
                  Commission to prepare a biennial report on the impact on state revenues of income tax
                  exemptions. (H.B. 340)
                      175. Local Truth in Taxation Notice - to study truth in taxation notice and public notice
                  requirements for counties when property tax increases are proposed.
                      176. Sales Tax Vendor Discount - to study the discount on sales tax collections given to
                  retailers who collect the tax. (H.B. 151)
                      177. Sales Taxes to Attract Businesses - to study whether to restrict the ability of
                  municipalities to use sales tax revenues to provide incentives to draw or retain retail businesses.
                      178. Tax Credits for Donations - to study nonrefundable tax credits for donations to
                  school district foundations.
                      179. Tax Reform - to study whether to make changes in state taxable income brackets, to
                  repeal a subtraction for federal income tax made in calculating state individual income tax
                  liability, and to permit claims for a nonrefundable earned income tax credit equal to a certain
                  percentage of the federal earned income tax credit. (1st Sub. H.B. 183)
                      180. Unemployment Tax - to study the unemployment tax on self-employed individuals.
                      181. Commuter Rail - to study stations, tracks, stops, and the construction of lines in
                      182. Driver License Requirements - to study the qualifications and residency
                  requirements for a Utah drivers license.
                      183. HOV Lane Pass - to study whether to create an HOV pass program that would
                  allow an individual or a shuttle service to purchase a pass allowing them to drive in the HOV
                  lane regardless of the number of passengers.
                      184. License Plates - to study issues related to special group license plates. (H.B. 291)
                      185. Motor Vehicle Code Revisions - to study and resolve inconsistencies between the

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                  motor vehicle code and the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices.
                      186. Prohibiting Studded Snow Tires - to study the possibility of banning studded snow
                  tires on Utah highways as a means of improving safety and reducing highway wear.
                      187. Street-legal All-Terrain Vehicles - to study requirements for operating street-legal
                  all-terrain vehicles on highways with a speed limit of 45 miles per hour or less. (H.B. 138)
                      188. Vehicle Safety Inspection - to study the merits or need for a vehicle safety
                  inspection program.
                      189. Disability Standards - to study permanent total disability standards under the
                  Workers Compensation Act.
                      190. Economic Stimulus Package Related to Tourism - to study the duties of the Board
                  of Travel Development and the transfer of the distribution of certain motor vehicle rental tax
                  funds from the Transportation Corridor Preservation Revolving Loan Fund to the Tourism
                  Economic Stimulus Fund.
                      191. Housing Function Consolidation - to study the merging of the low-income housing
                  functions of the Utah Housing Corporation and those of the Division of Community
                      192. Insurance for the Unemployed - to study options to provide limited health insurance
                  benefits for the unemployed for up to six months.
                      193. Job Injuries - to study a job-related injury safety net.
                      194. Office of Child Care Processes (OCC) - to study the agency's processes for
                  administering, distributing, and accounting for child care grants and the regulation of OCC funds
                  and the office budget.
                      195. Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) - to study the adequacy and
                  effectiveness of Utah's TANF program in meeting legislative intent in Utah Code Annotated
                  Section 35A-3-301.
                      196. Travel and Tourism Funding and Board Structure - to study whether tourism
                  promotion should be funded by a dedicated credit and whether to change the Utah Travel Council
                  Advisory Board to a policy board with more representation from the travel industry.

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                      197. Unemployment Compensation - to study whether to provide health insurance
                  coverage, without cost, to the unemployed.
                      198. Unemployment Insurance - to study issues related to unemployment insurance
                      199. Waiver for Assisted Living - to study whether to use the Home and
                  Community-based waiver to provide assisted living for senior citizens in public housing.
                      200. Workers Compensation Insurance Coverage - to study the subrogation of Workers
                  Compensation Insurance against underinsured and uninsured auto insurance in cases where the
                  employer provides both the workers compensation coverage as well as the underinsurance and
                  uninsurance auto coverage.
                      201. Identification Badges - to study whether to require identification badges for the
                  press, state agency representatives, and lobbyists.
                      202. Session Break - to study whether to have a one-week, nonpaid break in the middle
                  of the annual legislative session.
                      203. Sales Tax Exemptions.
                      204. E-mail as a Public Record - further define how e-mail is treated under GRAMA.
                      205. Appropriations Process Reform - to study placing an upper limit on the
                  appropriations target budget. (H.J.R. 1 and H.B. 350)
                      206. Pharmaceutical Sales.
                      207. Statewide E-911 Emergency Services.
                      208. Legislative Constituent Services. (H.B. 363)
                      209. Pollwatcher Amendments.
                      210. Improve the efforts of the state to protect its citizens from the transportation and
                  storage of high level nuclear waste.
                      211. The ability of the PSC to track wireless service complaints.
                      212. Study of Asset Forfeiture. (S.B. 31)
                      213. Tourism. (S.B. 243)
                      214. Governmental Immunity.

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                      215. Survey of Statewide Nursing Shortage.

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