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First Substitute H.B. 22

Senator Curtis S. Bramble proposes the following substitute bill:




Sponsor: Wayne A. Harper

             5      This act modifies provisions relating to Property Tax Relief. The act amends the
             6      definition of household income and defines terms. The act amends provisions relating to
             7      eligibility to claim a homeowner's credit or renter's credit. This act makes technical
             8      changes. This act has retrospective operation to January 1, 2003.
             9      This act affects sections of Utah Code Annotated 1953 as follows:
             10      AMENDS:
             11          59-2-1202, as last amended by Chapter 221, Laws of Utah 2001
             12          59-2-1208, as last amended by Chapter 313, Laws of Utah 1997
             13          59-2-1209, as last amended by Chapter 309, Laws of Utah 1998
             14      REPEALS:
             15          59-2-1218, as renumbered and amended by Chapter 4, Laws of Utah 1987
             16      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             17          Section 1. Section 59-2-1202 is amended to read:
             18           59-2-1202. Definitions.
             19          As used in this part:
             20          (1) (a) "Claimant" means a homeowner or renter who:
             21          (i) has filed a claim under this part;
             22          (ii) is domiciled in this state for the entire calendar year for which a claim for relief is
             23      filed under this part; and
             24          (iii) has reached the age of 65 prior to the close of that calendar year.
             25          (b) A surviving spouse, who otherwise qualifies under this section, is an eligible

             26      claimant regardless of age.
             27          (c) If two or more individuals of a household are able to meet the qualifications for a
             28      claimant, they may determine among them as to who the claimant shall be, but if they are
             29      unable to agree, the matter shall be referred to the county legislative body for a determination
             30      of the claimant of an owned residence and to the commission for a determination of the
             31      claimant of a rented residence.
             32          (2) (a) "Gross rent" means rental actually paid in cash or its equivalent solely for the
             33      right of occupancy, at arm's-length, of a residence, exclusive of charges for any utilities,
             34      services, furniture, furnishings, or personal appliances furnished by the landlord as a part of the
             35      rental agreement.
             36          (b) If a claimant occupies two or more residences in the year and does not own the
             37      residence as of the lien date, "gross rent" means the total rent paid for the residences during the
             38      one-year period for which the renter files a claim under this part.
             39          (3) "Homeowner's credit" means a credit against a claimant's property tax liability.
             40          (4) "Household" means the association of persons who live in the same dwelling,
             41      sharing its furnishings, facilities, accommodations, and expenses.
             42          (5) "Household income" means all income received by all persons of a household in:
             43          (a) the calendar year [next] preceding the calendar year in which property taxes are
             44      due; or
             45          (b) [in the case of renters] for purposes of the renter's credit authorized by this part, the
             46      year [in] for which a claim is filed.
             47          (6) (a) (i) "Income" means the sum of:
             48          (A) federal adjusted gross income as defined in Section 62, Internal Revenue Code;
             49      and
             50          (B) all nontaxable income as defined in Subsection (6)(b).
             51          (ii) "Income" does not include:
             52          (A) aid, assistance, or contributions from a tax-exempt nongovernmental source;
             53          (B) surplus foods;
             54          (C) relief in kind supplied by a public or private agency; or
             55          (D) relief provided under this part, Section 59-2-1108 , or Section 59-2-1109 .
             56          (b) For purposes of Subsection (6)(a)(i), "nontaxable income" means amounts excluded

             57      from adjusted gross income under the Internal Revenue Code, including:
             58          (i) capital gains;
             59          (ii) loss carry forwards claimed during the taxable year in which a claimant files for
             60      relief under this part, Section 59-2-1108 , or Section 59-2-1109 ;
             61          (iii) depreciation claimed pursuant to the Internal Revenue Code by a claimant on the
             62      residence for which the claimant files for relief under this part, Section 59-2-1108 , or Section
             63      59-2-1109 ;
             64          (iv) support money received;
             65          (v) nontaxable strike benefits;
             66          (vi) cash public assistance or relief;
             67          (vii) the gross amount of a pension or annuity, including benefits under the Railroad
             68      Retirement Act of 1974, 45 U.S.C. Sec. 231, and veterans disability pensions;
             69          (viii) payments received under the Social Security Act;
             70          (ix) state unemployment insurance amounts;
             71          (x) nontaxable interest received from any source;
             72          (xi) workers' compensation;
             73          (xii) the gross amount of "loss of time" insurance; and
             74          (xiii) voluntary contributions to a tax-deferred retirement plan.
             75          (7) (a) "Property taxes accrued" means property taxes, exclusive of special
             76      assessments, delinquent interest, and charges for service, levied on a claimant's residence in
             77      this state.
             78          (b) For a mobile home, "property taxes accrued" includes taxes imposed on both the
             79      land upon which the home is situated and on the structure of the home itself, whether classified
             80      as real property or personal property taxes.
             81          (c) (i) Beginning on January 1, 1999, for a claimant who owns a residence, "property
             82      taxes accrued" are the property taxes described in Subsection (7)(a) levied for the calendar year
             83      on 35% of the fair market value of the residence as reflected on the assessment roll.
             84          (ii) The amount described in Subsection (7)(c)(i) constitutes:
             85          (A) a tax abatement for the poor in accordance with Utah Constitution Article XIII,
             86      Section 2; and
             87          (B) the residential exemption provided for in Section 59-2-103 .

             88          (d) (i) For purposes of this Subsection (7) property taxes accrued are levied on the lien
             89      date.
             90          (ii) If a claimant owns a residence on the lien date, property taxes accrued mean taxes
             91      levied on the lien date, even if that claimant does not own a residence for the entire year.
             92          (e) When a household owns and occupies two or more different residences in this state
             93      in the same calendar year, property taxes accrued shall relate only to the residence occupied on
             94      the lien date by the household as its principal place of residence.
             95          (f) (i) If a residence is an integral part of a large unit such as a farm or a multipurpose
             96      or multidwelling building, property taxes accrued shall be the same percentage of the total
             97      property taxes accrued as the value of the residence is of the total value.
             98          (ii) For purposes of this Subsection (7)(f), "unit" refers to the parcel of property
             99      covered by a single tax statement of which the residence is a part.
             100          (8) (a) As used in this section, "rental assistance payment" means any payment that:
             101          (i) is made by a:
             102          (A) governmental entity; or
             103          (B) (I) charitable organization; or
             104          (II) religious organization; and
             105          (ii) is specifically designated for the payment of rent of a claimant:
             106          (A) for the calendar year for which the claimant seeks a renter's credit under this part;
             107      and
             108          (B) regardless of whether the payment is made to the:
             109          (I) claimant; or
             110          (II) landlord; and
             111          (b) in accordance with Title 63, Chapter 46a, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, the
             112      commission may make rules defining the terms:
             113          (i) governmental entity;
             114          (ii) charitable organization; or
             115          (iii) religious organization.
             116          [(8)] (9) (a) "Residence" means the dwelling, whether owned or rented, and so much of
             117      the land surrounding it, not exceeding one acre, as is reasonably necessary for use of the
             118      dwelling as a home, and may consist of a part of a multidwelling or multipurpose building and

             119      a part of the land upon which it is built and includes a mobile home or houseboat.
             120          (b) "Residence" does not include personal property such as furniture, furnishings, or
             121      appliances.
             122          (c) For purposes of this Subsection [(8)] (9), "owned" includes a vendee in possession
             123      under a land contract or one or more joint tenants or tenants in common.
             124          Section 2. Section 59-2-1208 is amended to read:
             125           59-2-1208. Amount of homeowner's credit -- Cost-of-living adjustment --
             126      Limitation -- General Fund as source of credit.
             127          (1) (a) [For taxable] Subject to Subsection (2), for calendar years beginning on or after
             128      January 1, 1998, a claimant [is entitled to] may claim a homeowner's credit that does not
             129      exceed the following amounts:
             130              If household income is            Homeowner's credit
             131               $0 -- $7,358                     $577
             132               $7,359 -- $9,812                     $504
             133               $9,813 -- $12,264                     $432
             134              $12,265 -- $14,717                     $324
             135              $14,718 -- $17,171                     $252
             136              $17,172 -- $19,479                     $144
             137              $19,480 -- $21,644                       $71
             138          (b) (i) For [taxable] calendar years beginning on or after January 1, 1999, the
             139      commission shall increase or decrease the household income eligibility amounts and the credits
             140      under Subsection (1)(a) [in] by a percentage equal to the percentage difference between the
             141      consumer price index for the preceding calendar year and the consumer price index for
             142      calendar year 1997.
             143          (ii) For purposes of Subsection (1)(b)(i), the commission shall calculate the consumer
             144      price index as provided in Sections [(1)(f)(4)] 1(f)(4) and [(1)(f)(5)] 1(f)(5), Internal Revenue
             145      Code.
             146          (2) An individual who is claimed as a personal exemption on another individual's
             147      [return] individual income tax return during any portion of a calendar year for which the
             148      individual seeks to claim a homeowner's credit under this section may not receive [a] the
             149      homeowner's credit.

             150          (3) The homeowner's credit allowed by this section, and provided for in Section
             151      59-2-1204 , shall be derived from the General Fund and appropriate transfers made to effectuate
             152      this credit.
             153          Section 3. Section 59-2-1209 is amended to read:
             154           59-2-1209. Amount of renter's credit -- Cost-of-living adjustment -- Limitation --
             155      General Fund as source of credit -- Maximum credit -- Renter's credit may be claimed
             156      only for rent that does not constitute a rental assistance payment.
             157          (1) (a) [For any taxable year] Subject to Subsections (2) and (3), for any calendar year a
             158      claimant [is entitled to] may claim a renter's credit for the previous calendar year that does not
             159      exceed the following amounts:
             160          If household income is        Percentage of rent
             161                  allowed as a credit
             162           $0 -- $7,358     9.5%
             163          $7,359 -- $9,812     8.5%
             164           $9,813 -- $12,264     7.0%
             165          $12,265 -- $14,717     5.5%
             166          $14,718 -- $17,171     4.0%
             167          $17,172 -- $19,479     3.0%
             168          $19,480 -- $21,644     2.5%
             169          (b) (i) For [taxable] calendar years beginning on or after January 1, 1999, the
             170      commission shall increase or decrease the household income eligibility amounts under
             171      Subsection (1)(a) [in] by a percentage equal to the percentage difference between the consumer
             172      price index for the preceding calendar year and the consumer price index for calendar year
             173      1997.
             174          (ii) For purposes of Subsection (1)(b)(i), the commission shall calculate the consumer
             175      price index as provided in Sections [(1)(f)(4)] 1(f)(4) and [(1)(f)(5)] 1(f)(5), Internal Revenue
             176      Code.
             177          (2) A claimant may claim a renter's credit under this part only for rent that does not
             178      constitute a rental assistance payment.
             179          [(2)] (3) An individual who is claimed as a personal exemption on another individual's
             180      [return] individual income tax return during any portion of a calendar year for which the

             181      individual seeks to claim a renter's credit under this section may not receive a renter's credit.
             182          [(3)] (4) The renter's credit allowed by this section, and provided for in Section
             183      59-2-1204 , shall be derived from the General Fund and appropriate transfers made to effectuate
             184      this credit.
             185          [(4)] (5) For [taxable] calendar years beginning on or after January 1, 1998, a credit
             186      under this section may not exceed the maximum amount allowed as a homeowner's credit for
             187      each income bracket under Subsection 59-2-1208 (1)(a).
             188          Section 4. Repealer.
             189          This act repeals:
             190          Section 59-2-1218, Recipients of public funds for payment of rent ineligible for
             191      refund.
             192          Section 5. Retrospective operation.
             193          This act has retrospective operation to January 1, 2003.

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