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H.B. 32






Sponsor: Joseph G. Murray

             6      This act modifies the Motor Vehicle Code by allowing a wavier or refund for the $200
             7      DUI administrative impound fee if written evidence is presented to the State Tax
             8      Commission that the Driver License Division did not suspend or revoke the person's
             9      driver license or that the vehicle was stolen. This act increases the administrative
             10      impound fee to $230 and increases current distributions to the Motor Vehicle Division,
             11      the Department of Public Safety, and the General Fund proportionately.
             12      This act affects sections of Utah Code Annotated 1953 as follows:
             13      AMENDS:
             14          41-6-102.5, as last amended by Chapter 200, Laws of Utah 2002
             15      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             16          Section 1. Section 41-6-102.5 is amended to read:
             17           41-6-102.5. Removal and impoundment of vehicles -- Reporting and notification
             18      requirements -- Administrative impound fee -- Refunds -- Possessory lien -- Rulemaking.
             19          (1) If a vehicle, vessel, or outboard motor is removed or impounded as provided under
             20      Sections 41-1a-1101 , 41-6-44.30 , 41-6-102 , 41-6-116.10 , or 73-18-20.1 by an order of a peace
             21      officer or by an order of a person acting on behalf of a law enforcement agency or highway
             22      authority as defined in Section 72-1-102 , the removal or impoundment of the vehicle, vessel, or
             23      outboard motor shall be at the expense of the owner, to a state impound yard, or if none, to a
             24      garage, docking area, or other place of safety.
             25          (2) The peace officer may move a vehicle, vessel, or outboard motor or cause it to be
             26      removed by a tow truck motor carrier that meets standards established:
             27          (a) under Title 72, Chapter 9, Motor Carrier Safety Act; and

             28          (b) by the department under Subsection (9).
             29          (3) (a) Immediately after the removal of the vehicle, vessel, or outboard motor, a report
             30      of the removal shall be sent to the Motor Vehicle Division by:
             31          (i) the peace officer or agency by whom the peace officer is employed; and
             32          (ii) the tow truck operator or the tow truck motor carrier by whom the tow truck
             33      operator is employed.
             34          (b) The report shall be in a form specified by the Motor Vehicle Division and shall
             35      include:
             36          (i) the operator's name, if known;
             37          (ii) a description of the vehicle, vessel, or outboard motor;
             38          (iii) the vehicle identification number or vessel or outboard motor identification
             39      number;
             40          (iv) the license number or other identification number issued by a state agency;
             41          (v) the date, time, and place of impoundment;
             42          (vi) the reason for removal or impoundment;
             43          (vii) the name of the tow truck motor carrier who removed the vehicle, vessel, or
             44      outboard motor; and
             45          (viii) the place where the vehicle, vessel, or outboard motor is stored.
             46          (c) Until the tow truck operator or tow truck motor carrier reports the removal as
             47      required under this Subsection (3), a tow truck motor carrier or impound yard may not:
             48          (i) collect any fee associated with the removal; and
             49          (ii) begin charging storage fees.
             50          (4) (a) Upon receipt of the report, the Motor Vehicle Division shall give notice to the
             51      registered owner of the vehicle, vessel, or outboard motor and any lien holder in the manner
             52      prescribed by Section 41-1a-114 .
             53          (b) The notice shall:
             54          (i) state the date, time, and place of removal, the name, if applicable, of the person
             55      operating the vehicle, vessel, or outboard motor at the time of removal, the reason for removal,
             56      and the place where the vehicle, vessel, or outboard motor is stored;
             57          (ii) state that the registered owner is responsible for payment of towing, impound, and
             58      storage fees charged against the vehicle, vessel, or outboard motor; and

             59          (iii) inform the registered owner of the vehicle, vessel, or outboard motor of the
             60      conditions that must be satisfied before the vehicle, vessel, or outboard motor is released.
             61          (c) If the vehicle, vessel, or outboard motor is not registered in this state, the Motor
             62      Vehicle Division shall make a reasonable effort to notify the registered owner and any lien
             63      holder of the removal and the place where the vehicle, vessel, or outboard motor is stored.
             64          (d) The Motor Vehicle Division shall forward a copy of the notice to the place where
             65      the vehicle, vessel, or outboard motor is stored.
             66          (5) (a) The vehicle, vessel, or outboard motor shall be released after the registered
             67      owner, lien holder, or the owner's agent:
             68          (i) makes a claim for release of the vehicle, vessel, or outboard motor at any office of
             69      the State Tax Commission;
             70          (ii) presents identification sufficient to prove ownership of the impounded vehicle,
             71      vessel, or outboard motor;
             72          (iii) completes the registration, if needed, and pays the appropriate fees;
             73          (iv) if the impoundment was made under Section 41-6-44.30 , pays an administrative
             74      impound fee of [$200;] $230; and
             75          (v) pays all towing and storage fees to the place where the vehicle, vessel, or outboard
             76      motor is stored.
             77          (b) (i) [Twenty-five] Twenty-nine dollars of the administrative impound [fees] fee
             78      assessed under Subsection (5)(a)(iv) [are] shall be dedicated credits to the Motor Vehicle
             79      Division;
             80          (ii) [$84] $97 of the administrative impound [fees] fee assessed under Subsection
             81      (5)(a)(iv) shall be deposited in the Department of Public Safety Restricted Account created in
             82      Section 53-3-106 ; and
             83          (iii) the remainder of the administrative impound [fees] fee assessed under Subsection
             84      (5)(a)(iv) shall be deposited in the General Fund.
             85          (c) The administrative impound fee assessed under Subsection (5)(a)(iv) shall be
             86      waived or refunded by the State Tax Commission if the registered owner, lien holder, or
             87      owner's agent presents written evidence to the State Tax Commission that:
             88          (i) the Driver License Division determined that the arrested person's driver license
             89      should not be suspended or revoked under Section 53-3-223 or Section 41-6-44.10 as shown by

             90      a letter or other report from the Driver License Division presented within 30 days of the final
             91      notification from the Driver License Division; or
             92          (ii) the vehicle was stolen at the time of the impoundment as shown by a copy of the
             93      stolen vehicle report presented within 30 days of the impoundment.
             94          (6) An impounded vehicle, vessel, or outboard motor not claimed by the registered
             95      owner or the owner's agent within the time prescribed by Section 41-1a-1103 shall be sold in
             96      accordance with that section and the proceeds, if any, shall be disposed of as provided in
             97      Section 41-1a-1104 . The date of impoundment is considered the date of seizure for computing
             98      the time period provided in Section 41-1a-1103 .
             99          (7) The registered owner who pays all fees and charges incurred in the impoundment of
             100      the owner's vehicle, vessel, or outboard motor, has a cause of action for all the fees and
             101      charges, together with damages, court costs, and attorney fees, against the operator of the
             102      vehicle, vessel, or outboard motor whose actions caused the removal or impoundment.
             103          (8) Towing, impound fees, and storage fees are a possessory lien on the vehicle, vessel,
             104      or outboard motor.
             105          (9) The department shall make rules in accordance with Title 63, Chapter 46a, Utah
             106      Administrative Rulemaking Act, setting the performance standards for towing companies to be
             107      used by the department.
             108          (10) (a) The Motor Vehicle Division may specify that a report required under
             109      Subsection (3) be submitted in electronic form utilizing a database for submission, storage, and
             110      retrieval of the information.
             111          (b) Unless otherwise provided by statute, the Motor Vehicle Division or the
             112      administrator of the database may adopt a schedule of fees assessed for utilizing the database.
             113      The fees shall be reasonable and fair and shall reflect the cost of administering the database.

Legislative Review Note
    as of 11-26-02 2:38 PM

A limited legal review of this legislation raises no obvious constitutional or statutory concerns.

Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel

Interim Committee Note

    as of 12-12-02 4:06 PM

The Transportation Interim Committee recommended this bill.

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