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H.B. 233





Sponsor: Michael R. Styler

             5      This act modifies the State System of Public Education Code by allowing school districts
             6      to use up to 15% of the proceeds of its capital outlay levy for operation and maintenance
             7      expenses.
             8      This act affects sections of Utah Code Annotated 1953 as follows:
             9      AMENDS:
             10          53A-16-107, as last amended by Chapter 332, Laws of Utah 1999
             11      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             12          Section 1. Section 53A-16-107 is amended to read:
             13           53A-16-107. Capital outlay levy -- Authority to use 15% of proceeds for operation
             14      and maintenance expenses.
             15          (1) [(a)] A local school board may levy a tax not to exceed .0024 per dollar of taxable
             16      value for [debt service and] capital outlay, except as provided in Sections 53A-16-110 and
             17      53A-17a-145 .
             18          [(b)] (2) Each local school board may utilize up to 15% of the proceeds [of a maximum
             19      of .0002 per dollar of taxable value] of its annual capital outlay levy for [the maintenance of
             20      school plants in its school district] operation and maintenance expenses.
             21          [(2) A board that uses the option provided under Subsection (1)(b) must do the
             22      following:]
             23          [(a) maintain the same level of expenditure for maintenance in the current year as it did
             24      in the preceding year, plus the annual average percentage increase applied to the maintenance
             25      and operation budget for the current year; and]
             26          [(b) identify the expenditure of capital outlay funds for maintenance by a district
             27      project number to ensure that the funds were expended in the manner intended.]

             28          [(3) The State Board of Education shall establish by rule the expenditure classification
             29      for maintenance under this program using a standard classification system.]

Legislative Review Note
    as of 1-27-03 2:00 PM

A limited legal review of this legislation raises no obvious constitutional or statutory concerns.

Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel

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