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H.J.R. 10






Sponsor: David Clark

             6      This joint resolution of the Legislature recognizes the Utah Cultural Center Foundation
             7      for its commitment to build the Museum of Utah Art and History and urges Utah's
             8      business, religious, and philanthropic leaders, state agencies, museums, archives,
             9      libraries, and educational institutions to work with the Foundation to bring Utah's story
             10      to the citizens of the state and to visitors from around the nation and the world.
             11      Be it resolved by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             12          WHEREAS, currently there is not a museum in Utah whose mission is to tell a
             13      comprehensive story of all the peoples of Utah, nor is there a museum devoted exclusively to
             14      the works of Utah artists;
             15          WHEREAS, the Utah Cultural Center Foundation is committed to build and operate the
             16      Museum of Utah Art and History in downtown Salt Lake City;
             17          WHEREAS, the Museum will function as a state museum where the state's historical,
             18      documentary, and artistic treasures will be exhibited for the education, enjoyment, and
             19      entertainment of Utah children and adults and visitors to our state;
             20          WHEREAS, the Museum will use these treasures to tell stories of Utahns of all
             21      backgrounds, from prehistoric people to those who live today;
             22          WHEREAS, the Museum will tell stories of the businesspeople, scientists, inventors
             23      and engineers, church and social leaders, as well as common, everyday people including
             24      miners, farmers, ranchers, and workers;
             25          WHEREAS, the Museum will also interpret through its exhibits the experience of the
             26      Salt Lake 2002 Olympic Winter Games, emphasizing the extraordinary voluntary efforts, the
             27      astounding athletic and cultural events, successful security measures, and the enduring good

             28      feelings engendered throughout the community, the nation, and the world;
             29          WHEREAS, the Museum will be a lively and entertaining place featuring interactive
             30      exhibits, live entertainers and interpreters, and regular programs;
             31          WHEREAS, the construction of the Museum of Utah Art and History could provide
             32      additional opportunities for collections held by Utah educational institutions, museums,
             33      archives, libraries, and state agencies to be displayed for the benefit of the citizens of the state
             34      and its visitors; and
             35          WHEREAS, the Utah Cultural Center Foundation relies on private funds to build the
             36      Museum:
             37          NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Legislature of the state of Utah
             38      recognizes the Utah Cultural Center Foundation for its commitment to fill a gap in Utah's
             39      cultural landscape and urges Utah's business, religious, and philanthropic leaders to support the
             40      Foundation in its efforts to bring Utah's story to the citizens of the state and to visitors from
             41      around the nation and the world.
             42          BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Legislature of the state of Utah urges Utah state
             43      agencies to cooperate with the Foundation and the Museum by making collections available for
             44      exhibit in the Museum.
             45          BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Legislature urges Utah's museums, archives,
             46      and libraries to cooperate with the Foundation and the Museum by making their collections
             47      available for exhibit in the Museum and by working together on programs that will be mutually
             48      beneficial.
             49          BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Legislature urges Utah educational institutions
             50      to cooperate with the Foundation and the Museum to help make the Museum an important
             51      educational resource.
             52          BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be sent to the Utah
             53      Cultural Center Foundation, the Utah Arts Council, to Utah's institutions of higher education,
             54      and to each of Utah's Chambers of Commerce.

Legislative Review Note
    as of 1-17-03 11:04 AM

A limited legal review of this legislation raises no obvious constitutional or statutory concerns.

Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel

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