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S.B. 40
House Floor Amendments 2-13-2003 kh/jlf
Senate Committee Amendments 1-28-2003 rd/jlf
This document includes House Floor Amendments incorporated into the bill on Thu, Feb 13, 2003 at 3:01 PM by kholt. --> 1
This document includes House Floor Amendments incorporated into the bill on Thu, Feb 13, 2003 at 3:01 PM by kholt. --> 1
5 This act modifies the Personnel Management Act by eliminating the requirement that
6 salary surveys for peace officers, correctional officers, and public safety dispatch
7 personnel include a survey of benefits. This act also eliminates the requirement that the
8 director consider internal comparisons and other factors when determining
9 compensation. This act takes effect S [
10 This act affects sections of Utah Code Annotated 1953 as follows:
12 67-19-12.3, as last amended by Chapters 244 and 282, Laws of Utah 1998
13 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
14 Section 1. Section 67-19-12.3 is amended to read:
15 67-19-12.3. Peace officer, correctional officer, and public safety dispatch
16 personnel pay plans.
17 [
18 officers, correctional officers, and public safety dispatchers, the pay plans for law enforcement
19 officers, as defined under Section 53-13-103 , correctional officers, as defined under Section
20 53-13-104 , and public safety dispatchers, as defined under Section 53-6-102 , employed by the
21 state shall comply with Section 67-19-12 , except that[
22 salary ranges for [
23 these positions shall be based on a survey of h [
24 respectively:
25 (1) the three largest political subdivision law enforcement agencies[
26 (2) the three largest political subdivision entities employing correctional officers[
27 Utah; and
Senate Committee Amendments 1-28-2003 rd/jlf
(3) the three largest political subdivision entities employing public safety dispatchers[28
33 Section 2. Effective date.
34 This act takes effect on S [
Legislative Review Note
as of 12-17-02 11:12 AM
A limited legal review of this legislation raises no obvious constitutional or statutory concerns.