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S.B. 49

This document includes House Floor Amendments incorporated into the bill on Thu, Feb 13, 2003 at 12:07 PM by kholt. -->              1     





Sponsor: Parley G. Hellewell

             6      This act modifies the Public Safety Code by amending the driver license and
             7      identification card provisions. This act requires an applicant for a driver license or
             8      identification card to both have and provide a Utah residence address. This act clarifies
             9      that a person under 16 may operate a motor vehicle if operating under a permit issued by
             10      the Driver License Division. This act allows identification card applicants to check a box
             11      on the application to donate to blindness prevention, organ donation, and public
             12      transportation assistance for seniors or people with disabilities. This act extends the
             13      expiration to ten years for identification cards. This act removes a provision that makes
             14      all identification cards expire when the person turns 21 years of age and allows
             15      alternative wording or other means on identification cards and driver licenses to indicate
             16      the person is a minor. This act makes technical changes.
             17      This act affects sections of Utah Code Annotated 1953 as follows:
             18      AMENDS:
             19          41-8-1, as last amended by Chapter 162, Laws of Utah 1987
             20          53-3-204, as last amended by Chapter 54, Laws of Utah 2001
             21          53-3-205, as last amended by Chapter 219, Laws of Utah 2002
             22          53-3-207, as last amended by Chapter 117, Laws of Utah 2001
             23          53-3-214.5, as enacted by Chapter 45, Laws of Utah 2000
             24          53-3-214.7, as enacted by Chapter 55, Laws of Utah 2002
             25          53-3-214.8, as enacted by Chapter 268, Laws of Utah 2002
             26          53-3-804, as last amended by Chapter 219, Laws of Utah 2002
             27          53-3-806, as renumbered and amended by Chapter 234, Laws of Utah 1993

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         53-3-807, as last amended by Chapter 85, Laws of Utah 2001
             29      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             30          Section 1. Section 41-8-1 is amended to read:
             31           41-8-1. Operation of vehicle by persons under 16 prohibited -- Exceptions for
             32      off-highway vehicles, and off-highway implements of husbandry.
             33          (1) [No] A person under 16 years of age, whether resident or nonresident of this state,
             34      may not operate a motor vehicle upon any highway of this state.
             35          (2) This section does not apply to[: (a) persons] a person operating:
             36          (a) a motor vehicle under a permit issued under Section 53-3-210 or 53A-13-208 ;
             37          (b) an off-highway [vehicles] vehicle registered under Section 41-22-3 either:
             38          (i) on a highway designated as open for off-highway vehicle use; or
             39          (ii) in the manner prescribed by Section 41-22-10.3 ; or
             40          [(b) persons operating]
             41          (c) an off-highway [implements] implement of husbandry in the manner prescribed by
             42      Subsections 41-22-5.5 (3) through (5).
             43          Section 2. Section 53-3-204 is amended to read:
             44           53-3-204. Persons who may not be licensed.
             45          (1) (a) The division may not license a person who:
             46          (i) is younger than 16 years of age;
             47          (ii) has not completed a course in driver training approved by the commissioner; or
             48          (iii) if the person is a minor, has not completed the driving requirement under Section
             49      53-3-211 .
             50          (b) Subsection (1)(a) does not apply to a person:
             51          (i) who has been licensed before July 1, 1967; [or]
             52          (ii) who is 16 years of age or older making application for a license who has been
             53      licensed in another state or country; or
             54          (iii) who is applying for a permit under Section 53-3-210 or 53A-13-208 .
             55          (2) The division may not issue a license certificate to a person:
             56          (a) whose license has been suspended, denied, cancelled, or disqualified during the
             57      period of suspension, denial, cancellation, or disqualification;
             58          (b) whose privilege has been revoked, except as provided in Section 53-3-225 ;

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         (c) who has previously been adjudged mentally incompetent and who has not at the
             60      time of application been restored to competency as provided by law;
             61          (d) who is required by this chapter to take an examination unless the person
             62      successfully passes the examination; or
             63          (e) whose driving privileges have been denied or suspended under:
             64          (i) Section 78-3a-506 by an order of the juvenile court; or
             65          (ii) Section 53-3-231 .
             66          (3) The division may grant a class D or M license to a person whose commercial
             67      license is disqualified under Part 4 of this chapter if the person is not otherwise sanctioned
             68      under this chapter.
             69          Section 3. Section 53-3-205 is amended to read:
             70           53-3-205. Application for license or endorsement -- Fee required -- Tests --
             71      Expiration dates of licenses and endorsements -- Information required -- Previous
             72      licenses surrendered -- Driving record transferred from other states -- Reinstatement --
             73      Fee required -- License agreement.
             74          (1) An application for any original license, provisional license, or endorsement shall
             75      be:
             76          (a) made upon a form furnished by the division; and
             77          (b) accompanied by a nonrefundable fee set under Section 53-3-105 .
             78          (2) An application and fee for an original class D license entitle the applicant to:
             79          (a) not more than three attempts to pass both the knowledge and skills tests for a class
             80      D license within six months of the date of the application;
             81          (b) a learner permit if needed after the knowledge test is passed; and
             82          (c) an original class D license and license certificate after all tests are passed.
             83          (3) An application and fee for an original class M license entitle the applicant to:
             84          (a) not more than three attempts to pass both the knowledge and skills tests for a class
             85      M license within six months of the date of the application;
             86          (b) a learner permit if needed after the knowledge test is passed; and
             87          (c) an original class M license and license certificate after all tests are passed.
             88          (4) An application and fee for a motorcycle or taxicab endorsement entitle the
             89      applicant to:

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         (a) not more than three attempts to pass both the knowledge and skills tests within six
             91      months of the date of the application;
             92          (b) a motorcycle learner permit if needed after the motorcycle knowledge test is
             93      passed; and
             94          (c) a motorcycle or taxicab endorsement when all tests are passed.
             95          (5) An application and fees for a commercial class A, B, or C license entitle the
             96      applicant to:
             97          (a) not more than two attempts to pass a knowledge test and not more than two
             98      attempts to pass a skills test within six months of the date of the application;
             99          (b) a commercial driver instruction permit if needed after the knowledge test is passed;
             100      and
             101          (c) an original commercial class A, B, or C license and license certificate when all
             102      applicable tests are passed.
             103          (6) An application and fee for a CDL endorsement entitle the applicant to:
             104          (a) not more than two attempts to pass a knowledge test and not more than two
             105      attempts to pass a skills test within six months of the date of the application; and
             106          (b) a CDL endorsement when all tests are passed.
             107          (7) If a CDL applicant does not pass a knowledge test, skills test, or an endorsement
             108      test within the number of attempts provided in Subsection (5) or (6), each test may be taken
             109      two additional times within the six months for the fee provided in Section 53-3-105 .
             110          (8) (a) An original license expires on the birth date of the applicant in the fifth year
             111      following the year the license certificate was issued.
             112          (b) A renewal or an extension to a license expires on the birth date of the licensee in
             113      the fifth year following the expiration date of the license certificate renewed or extended.
             114          (c) A duplicate license expires on the same date as the last license certificate issued.
             115          (d) An endorsement to a license expires on the same date as the license certificate
             116      regardless of the date the endorsement was granted.
             117          (e) A license and any endorsement to the license held by a person ordered to active
             118      duty and stationed outside Utah in any of the armed forces of the United States, which expires
             119      during the time period the person is stationed outside of the state, is valid until 90 days after the
             120      person has been discharged or has left the service, unless the license is suspended, disqualified,

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     denied, or has been cancelled or revoked by the division, or the licensee updates the
             122      information or photograph on the license certificate.
             123          (9) (a) In addition to the information required by Title 63, Chapter 46b, Administrative
             124      Procedures Act, for requests for agency action, each [application] applicant shall have a Utah
             125      residence address and each applicant shall:
             126          (i) [state the] provide the applicant's:
             127          (A) full legal name;
             128          (B) birth date;
             129          (C) [sex] gender;
             130          (D) between July 1, 2002 and July 1, 2007, race in accordance with the categories
             131      established by the United States Census Bureau;
             132          (E) Social Security number or temporary identification number (ITIN) issued by the
             133      Internal Revenue Service for a person who does not qualify for a Social Security number; and
             134          (F) Utah residence address of the applicant;
             135          (ii) [briefly describe] provide a description of the applicant;
             136          (iii) state whether the applicant has previously been licensed to drive a motor vehicle
             137      and, if so, when and by what state or country;
             138          (iv) state whether the applicant has ever had any license suspended, cancelled, revoked,
             139      disqualified, or denied in the last six years, or whether the applicant has ever had any license
             140      application refused, and if so, the date of and reason for the suspension, cancellation,
             141      revocation, disqualification, denial, or refusal;
             142          (v) state whether the applicant intends to make an anatomical gift under Title 26,
             143      Chapter 28, Uniform Anatomical Gift Act, in compliance with Subsection (16);
             144          (vi) provide all other information the division requires; and
             145          (vii) [be signed] sign the application which signature may include an electronic
             146      [signatures] signature as defined in Section 46-4-102 .
             147          (b) [An] The division shall maintain on its computerized records an applicant's:
             148          (i) Social Security number; or
             149          (ii) temporary identification number (ITIN) [shall be maintained on the computerized
             150      records of the division].
             151          (c) An applicant may not be denied a license for refusing to provide race information

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     required under Subsection (9)(a)(i)(D).
             153          (10) The division shall require proof of every applicant's name, birthdate, and
             154      birthplace by at least one of the following means:
             155          (a) current license certificate;
             156          (b) birth certificate;
             157          (c) Selective Service registration; or
             158          (d) other proof, including church records, family Bible notations, school records, or
             159      other evidence considered acceptable by the division.
             160          (11) When an applicant receives a license in another class, all previous license
             161      certificates shall be surrendered and canceled. However, a disqualified commercial license may
             162      not be canceled unless it expires before the new license certificate is issued.
             163          (12) (a) When an application is received from a person previously licensed in another
             164      state to drive a motor vehicle, the division shall request a copy of the driver's record from the
             165      other state.
             166          (b) When received, the driver's record becomes part of the driver's record in this state
             167      with the same effect as though entered originally on the driver's record in this state.
             168          (13) An application for reinstatement of a license after the suspension, cancellation,
             169      disqualification, denial, or revocation of a previous license shall be accompanied by the
             170      additional fee or fees specified in Section 53-3-105 .
             171          (14) A person who has an appointment with the division for testing and fails to keep
             172      the appointment or to cancel at least 48 hours in advance of the appointment shall pay the fee
             173      under Section 53-3-105 .
             174          (15) A person who applies for an original license or renewal of a license agrees that the
             175      person's license is subject to any suspension or revocation authorized under this title or Title
             176      41, Motor Vehicles.
             177          (16) (a) The indication of intent under Subsection (9)(a)(v) shall be authenticated by
             178      the licensee in accordance with division rule.
             179          (b) (i) Notwithstanding Title 63, Chapter 2, Government Records Access and
             180      Management Act, the division may, upon request, release to an organ procurement
             181      organization, as defined in Section 26-28-2 , the names and addresses of all persons who under
             182      Subsection (9)(a)(v) indicate that they intend to make an anatomical gift.

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         (ii) An organ procurement organization may use released information only to:
             184          (A) obtain additional information for an anatomical gift registry; and
             185          (B) inform licensees of anatomical gift options, procedures, and benefits.
             186          (17) The division and its employees are not liable, as a result of false or inaccurate
             187      information provided under Subsection (9)(a)(v), for direct or indirect:
             188          (a) loss;
             189          (b) detriment; or
             190          (c) injury.
             191          Section 4. Section 53-3-207 is amended to read:
             192           53-3-207. License certificates issued to drivers by class of motor vehicle --
             193      Contents -- Release of anatomical gift information -- Temporary licenses -- Minors'
             194      licenses and permits -- Violation.
             195          (1) (a) The division shall issue to every person privileged to drive a motor vehicle, a
             196      license certificate indicating the type or class of motor vehicle the licensee may drive.
             197          (b) A person may not drive a class of motor vehicle unless licensed in that class.
             198          (2) (a) Every license certificate shall bear:
             199          (i) the distinguishing number assigned to the licensee by the division;
             200          (ii) the name, birth date, and Utah residence address of the licensee;
             201          (iii) a brief description of the licensee for the purpose of identification;
             202          (iv) any restrictions imposed on the license under Section 53-3-208 ;
             203          (v) a photograph of the licensee;
             204          (vi) a photograph or other facsimile of the licensee's signature; and
             205          (vii) an indication whether the licensee intends to make an anatomical gift under Title
             206      26, Chapter 28, Uniform Anatomical Gift Act, unless the license is extended under Subsection
             207      53-3-214 (3).
             208          (b) A new license certificate issued by the division may bear the licensee's Social
             209      Security number [of the licensee] only at the request of the licensee.
             210          (c) (i) The license certificate shall be of an impervious material, resistant to wear,
             211      damage, and alteration.
             212          (ii) The size, form, and color of the license certificate shall be as prescribed by the
             213      commissioner.

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         (iii) The commissioner may also prescribe the issuance of a special type of limited
             215      license certificate under Subsection 53-3-220 (4) and may authorize the issuance of a renewed
             216      or duplicate license certificate without a picture if the applicant is not then living in the state.
             217          (3) (a) (i) The division upon determining after an examination that an applicant is
             218      mentally and physically qualified to be granted a license may issue to an applicant a receipt for
             219      the fee.
             220          (ii) The receipt serves as a temporary license certificate allowing him to drive a motor
             221      vehicle while the division is completing its investigation to determine whether he is entitled to
             222      be licensed.
             223          (b) The receipt shall be in his immediate possession while driving a motor vehicle, and
             224      it is invalid when the applicant's license certificate has been issued or when, for good cause, the
             225      privilege has been refused.
             226          (c) The division shall indicate on the receipt a date after which it is not valid as a
             227      license certificate.
             228          (4) The division shall distinguish learner permits, temporary permits, and license
             229      certificates issued to any person younger than 21 years of age by use of [the] plainly printed
             230      [word "minor" or "under 21"] information or the use of a [special] color or other means not
             231      used for other license certificates.
             232          (5) The division shall issue temporary license certificates of the same nature, except as
             233      to duration, as the license certificates that they temporarily replace, as are necessary to
             234      implement applicable provisions of Section 53-3-223 .
             235          (6) A person who violates Subsection (1)(b) is guilty of a class C misdemeanor.
             236          Section 5. Section 53-3-214.5 is amended to read:
             237           53-3-214.5. License checkoff for blindness prevention.
             238          (1) A person who applies for a license or [license] identification card or a renewal of a
             239      license or identification card may designate a voluntary contribution for blindness prevention
             240      of $1.
             241          (2) This contribution shall be:
             242          (a) collected by the division;
             243          (b) treated as a voluntary contribution to Prevent Blindness Utah to provide blindness
             244      prevention education, screening, and treatment and not as a license fee; and

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         (c) transferred to Prevent Blindness Utah at least monthly, less actual administrative
             246      costs associated with collecting and transferring the contributions.
             247          Section 6. Section 53-3-214.7 is amended to read:
             248           53-3-214.7. License checkoff for promoting and supporting organ donation.
             249          (1) A person who applies for a license or [license] identification card or a renewal of a
             250      license or identification card may designate a voluntary contribution of $2 for the purpose of
             251      promoting and supporting organ donation.
             252          (2) This contribution shall be:
             253          (a) collected by the division;
             254          (b) treated as a voluntary contribution to the Organ Donation Contribution Fund
             255      created in Section 26-18b-101 and not as a license fee; and
             256          (c) transferred to the Organ Donation Contribution Fund created in Section 26-18b-101
             257      at least monthly, less actual administrative costs associated with collecting and transferring the
             258      contributions.
             259          Section 7. Section 53-3-214.8 is amended to read:
             260           53-3-214.8. License checkoff for public transportation for seniors or people with
             261      disabilities.
             262          (1) A person who applies for a license or [license] identification card or a renewal of a
             263      license or identification card may designate a voluntary contribution of $1 for public
             264      transportation assistance for seniors or people with disabilities.
             265          (2) This contribution shall be:
             266          (a) collected by the division;
             267          (b) treated as a voluntary contribution to the "Out and About" Homebound
             268      Transportation Assistance Fund created in Section 62A-3-110 to provide public transportation
             269      assistance for seniors or people with disabilities and not as a license fee; and
             270          (c) transferred to the "Out and About" Homebound Transportation Assistance Fund
             271      created in Section 62A-3-110 at least monthly, less actual administrative costs associated with
             272      collecting and transferring the contributions.
             273          Section 8. Section 53-3-804 is amended to read:
             274           53-3-804. Application for identification card -- Required information -- Release
             275      of anatomical gift information.

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House Floor Amendments 2-13-2003 kh/mgt
         (1) To apply for an identification card, the applicant shall have a Utah residence
             277      address and appear in person at any license examining station.
             278          (2) The applicant shall provide the following information to the division:
             279          (a) true and full legal name and Utah residence address;
             280          (b) date of birth as set forth in a certified copy of the applicant's birth certificate, or
             281      other satisfactory evidence of birth, which shall be attached to the application;
             282          (c) (i) Social Security number; or
             283          (ii) temporary identification number (ITIN) issued by the Internal Revenue Service for
             284      a person who does not qualify for a Social Security number;
             285          (d) place of birth;
             286          (e) height and weight;
             287          (f) color of eyes and hair;
             288          (g) between July 1, 2002 and July 1, 2007, race in accordance with the categories
             289      established by the United States Census Bureau;
             290          (h) signature;
             291          (i) photograph; and
             292          (j) an indication whether the applicant intends to make an anatomical gift under Title
             293      26, Chapter 28, Uniform Anatomical Gift Act.
             294          (3) The requirements of Section 53-3-234 [shall also] apply to this section for each
             295      person, age 16 and older, applying for an identification card. Refusal to consent to the release
             296      of information shall result in the denial of the identification card.
             297          (4) An applicant may not be denied an identification card for refusing to provide race
             298      information required under Subsection (2)(g).
             299          Section 9. Section 53-3-806 is amended to read:
             300           53-3-806. Minor's card distinguishable.
             301          The identification card issued to a [minor] person younger than 21 years of age shall be
             302      distinguished by the use of [the] plainly printed [word "minor"] information or by the use of a
             303      color or other means not used for the identification card issued to h [ adults ] A PERSON 21 YEARS
             303a      OF AGE OR OLDER h .
             304          Section 10. Section 53-3-807 is amended to read:
             305           53-3-807. Expiration -- Address and name change -- Extension for disabled.
             306          (1) The identification card expires on the birth date of the applicant in the [fifth] tenth

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     year following the issuance of the identification card, except as provided under [Subsections
             308      (2) and (7)] Subsection (6).
             309          [(2) (a) An identification card issued to a minor expires on his 21st birthday if that date
             310      occurs before the expiration date of the identification card under Subsection (1).]
             311          [(b) A minor's identification card shall be renewed as an adult card on the minor's 21st
             312      birthday and expires five years after the identification card is renewed.]
             313          [(3)] (2) If a person has applied for and received an identification card and
             314      subsequently moves from the address shown on the application or on the card, the person shall
             315      within ten days notify the division in a manner specified by the division of his new address.
             316          [(4)] (3) If a person has applied for and received an identification card and
             317      subsequently changes his name under Title 42, Chapter 1, Change of Name, he:
             318          (a) shall surrender the card to the division; and
             319          (b) may apply for a new card in his new name by:
             320          (i) furnishing proper documentation to the division as provided in Section 53-3-804 ;
             321      and
             322          (ii) paying the fee required under Section 53-3-105 .
             323          [(5)] (4) A person older than 21 years of age with a disability, as defined under the
             324      Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, Pub. L. 101-336, may extend the expiration date on
             325      an identification card for [five] ten years if the person with a disability or an agent of the person
             326      with a disability:
             327          (a) requests that the division send the application form to obtain the extension or
             328      requests an application form in person at the division's offices;
             329          (b) completes the application;
             330          (c) certifies that the extension is for a person 21 years of age or older with a disability;
             331      and
             332          (d) returns the application to the division together with the identification card fee
             333      required under Section 53-3-105 .
             334          [(6)] (5) (a) An identification card may only be extended once.
             335          (b) After an extension an application for an identification card must be applied for in
             336      person at the division's offices.
             337          [(7)] (6) An identification card issued to a person 65 years of age or older does not

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     expire, but continues in effect until the death of that person.

Legislative Review Note
    as of 1-8-03 11:01 AM

A limited legal review of this legislation raises no obvious constitutional or statutory concerns.

Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel

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