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S.B. 109






Sponsor: Peter C. Knudson

             6      This act modifies provisions relating to higher education by providing that 2-1/2% of
             7      tuition waivers at state institutions of higher education be set aside for members of the
             8      Utah National Guard.
             9      This act affects sections of Utah Code Annotated 1953 as follows:
             10      AMENDS:
             11          53B-8-101, as last amended by Chapter 288, Laws of Utah 2001
             12      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             13          Section 1. Section 53B-8-101 is amended to read:
             14           53B-8-101. Waiver of tuition.
             15          (1) (a) The president of each institution may waive all or part of the tuition in behalf of
             16      meritorious or impecunious resident students to an amount not exceeding 10% of the total
             17      amount of tuition which, in the absence of the waivers, would have been collected from all
             18      Utah resident students at the institution.
             19          (b) Two and a half percent of the 10% designated in Subsection (1)(a) shall be set aside
             20      for members of the Utah National Guard.
             21          (2) (a) Each academic year the president of each of the following institutions may
             22      waive all or part of the resident portion of the tuition in behalf of the additional number of
             23      meritorious nonresident students set forth below who are not current recipients of the waiver:
             24                                      Number of Nonresident
             25           Institution                        Students
             26          the University of Utah                     190
             27          Utah State University                         165

             28          Weber State University                     135
             29          Southern Utah University                     68
             30          Snow College                             18
             31          Dixie State College of Utah                     30
             32          the College of Eastern Utah                     18
             33          Utah Valley State College                     114
             34          Salt Lake Community College                 43
             35          (b) (i) The president may continue to waive the resident portion of the tuition during
             36      the entire time the affected meritorious nonresident student remains an undergraduate student
             37      in good standing at the institution.
             38          (ii) The resident portion of the tuition for each nonresident student is equal to the
             39      tuition for resident students at the institution.
             40          (c) The president may waive the nonresident portion of tuition for a meritorious
             41      nonresident student receiving a waiver under Subsection (2)(a) after completion of the student's
             42      first year of full-time study at the institution.
             43          (d) (i) In addition to the waivers authorized by Subsections (2)(a) and (c), the president
             44      may waive all or part of the nonresident portion of tuition for a meritorious nonresident student
             45      during the student's first year of full-time study at the institution.
             46          (ii) The number of these nonresident waivers for each institution is limited to the
             47      percentage of nonresident students at each institution times the nonresident student number
             48      allowed under Subsection (2)(a).
             49          (3) Upon recommendation of the board, the president may grant additional full or
             50      partial tuition waivers to encourage students to enroll for instruction in occupations critical to
             51      the state for which trained personnel are in short supply.
             52          (4) The president may waive all or part of the difference between resident and
             53      nonresident tuition in the case of meritorious graduate students and nonresident summer school
             54      students.
             55          (5) The board shall submit annual budget appropriation requests for each institution
             56      which include requests for funds sufficient in amount to equal the estimated loss of dedicated
             57      credits that would be realized if all of the tuition waivers authorized by Subsection (2) were
             58      granted.

Legislative Review Note
    as of 10-18-02 11:43 AM

A limited legal review of this legislation raises no obvious constitutional or statutory concerns.

Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel

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